The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2227 - Abyss Mithril (3)

Chapter 2227: Abyss Mithril (3) 

Except Gege Lu’s group, none of the guys in the auction house was an alchemist; they would not pay such

a high price for a piece of abyss mithril.

“Bottom price?” Shen Yanxiao was also interested in this abyss mithril. If she could build a little metal rod

with abyss mithril, then her problems during this period could be solved easily. As long as she could

stabilize the activity between metals, she could complete the creation of superior sacred tools.

“High Clouds Auction has special rules. Because the goods here are extremely rare, so in addition to the

starting price, the dwarf who entrusts the auction with their product will also give their own desired price,

if below this price, High Clouds Auction has the right not to sell them. But eighty million gold coins… tsk

tsk, I’ve never made so much money in my life.” Pipi Ka explained to Shen Yanxiao and wiped away the

drool on his mouth.

What a pity that he was a poor alchemist, being able to raise eight thousand gold coins was already pretty

good for him.

As for eighty million… He really dared not think about it.

Shen Yanxiao raised an eyebrow. If it were on the Radiance Continent, let alone eighty million, even if it was eight hundred million, she would also get her hands on it.

But right now, she was not in her own battleground, asking her to pay eighty million gold coins in one


It was a bit dicult.

Should she steal it then?

Shen Yanxiao quickly rejected the idea. She would be discussing an alliance with the Dwarf King in a few

days. If she were to steal from this auction now — what if she were found out?

But then, where could she get so much money in a short time?

Shen Yanxiao stroked her chin and suddenly an idea rose in her mind.

“Pipi Ka, come with me. I have something to ask you.” Shen Yanxiao immediately stood up and gave Pipi

Ka no time to think at all as she dragged him out.

Pipi Ka, who was dragged out by Momo Xiao, was a little dumbfounded. How could this little girl, who

looked delicate and weak, be so strong?!

Shen Yanxiao found an empty corner and stopped there.

“Pipi Ka, do you know how the High Clouds Auction works? Where can I nd the person in charge here?”

Shen Yanxiao touched the storage ring on her nger, her mood surging a little.

“Just go backstage. If you want to entrust them with something, just go there with your product. Why are

you suddenly asking this anyway? Momo Xiao, don’t tell me you want to auction things here?” Pipi Ka

looked at Little Xiao in horror. With the strength of their Puko’s Alchemist Guild, only Lulu, the ve-star

humanoid machine of President Gege Lu, was eligible for auction here. Although Little Xiao had made

some money before, even that money couldn’t make her things eligible for auction in the High Clouds

Auction House; it wasn’t even enough for the entrance fee alone.

“Backstage? I see. You can go back rst. I have something to do.” Shen Yanxiao nodded her head.

“Wait a moment, are you really going to auction things here? Momo Xiao… You… You are not the king’s

illegitimate daughter, are you?” Pipi Ka watched Shen Yanxiao in fright. He couldn’t think of any ordinary

alchemist who could have something to entrust the High Clouds Auction House with.

Poverty-stricken fellows like them could only come in here under the name of President Gege Lu.

“Why are you asking so many questions? You go back rst, if the president asks, tell him I felt bored and

went out for a walk.” Shen Yanxiao didn’t mean to explain more to Pipi Ka.

Before Pipi Ka could continue to ask, Shen Yanxiao had already gone from the corner towards the backstage.

Filled with question marks, Pipi Ka watched Shen Yanxiao’s departure in silence.

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