The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2305 - Little Zhizhi (5)

Chapter 2305: Little Zhizhi (5)

Being dragged by a King Kong Barbie through the road, Tang Nazhi’s whole person was disheveled by the


He knew that dwarves were born with supernatural strength, but as a formidable swordsman, he could

actually be dragged by this creature without resistance…

What kind of monster was this?! He could not believe she was so strong!

“That’s enough! If you don’t let me go right now, I’ll be impolite to you!” After several unsuccessful

attempts to break free of the whip, Tang Nazhi could not help but burst away.

He boasted about being a very polite young man. He had never been rude to any dwarves, but in the face

of this one, he felt that his self-cultivation was about to be broken!

Could you give him a normal dwarf?! He promised to cooperate!

“Oh, hehehe. Little Zhizhi is really naughty.” The King Kong Barbie giggled and succeeded in harvesting

goose bumps from Tang Nazhi.

Tang Nazhi trembled thrice. He really could not stand that “Oh, hehehe” laughter of this shemale. If this

were replaced by a beautiful girl, it would be called soft and cute, but with such a bandit’s face, it was

simply nauseating and not worth your life!

“I will be really rude to you!” Tang Nazhi could no longer endure and held the heavy sword on his back;

then, with a violent swing, he tried to push the other side back with his sword qi.

He could care less if he were on the streets of the capital city right now. All he knew was that he was about

to be driven mad by this monster!

Unexpectedly, the gure of the King Kong Barbie was so agile that she darted slightly into the air,

successfully dodging the sword qi of Tang Nazhi. Feeling the airow brought about by the strong sword qi,

she slightly narrowed her mischievous eyes and the corners of her mouth curved into a satised smile.

Tang Nazhi did not really want to hurt the other party, so he deliberately controlled the strength of the

sword; even so, it would be dicult for the average dwarf to deal with his attack.

But the monster in front of him, instead of being forced back, actually ew to his side, after which she

stretched out her fair little hand, and gently stroked his hand holding the sword.

“Tsk, tsk. Little Zhizhi is quite awesome. Seeing that attack just now, I’m afraid you’re about to break past

the level of Great Swordmaster and step into the realm of the Saint Swordmaster.”

Ow, ow, ow, ow!!! He was touched by this dead monster’s claw!

Tang Nazhi shivered all over that the heavy sword in his hand fell to the ground.

“You… You…” Tang Nazhi was going crazy. Apart from having suered losses at the hands of the Phantom

bastards, had he ever been tormented in the hands of any other person? How could he have met such a

monster today?

“Little Zhizhi, don’t be too excited. When you see my master, everything will be clear. For now…” The King

Kong Barbie’s gure ashed; she shook the whip in her hands, and directly ung Tang Nazhi into the air.

“Little Zhizhi, just come with me obediently.”

Tang Nazhi howled in grief as he kept on being dragged. Had it not been for his fear of really hurting the

other party, how could he allow himself to be suppressed like this by others?

Even if he really wanted to go all out, he didn’t want to hurt the other fellow.

No matter how ferocious-looking this King Kong Barbie was, no matter how disgusting, this was only an

innocent dwarf. Tang Nazhi was not insane enough to kill an innocent person.

Without no way out of the situation, Tang Nazhi could only accept his fate, praying that he could quickly

meet that damn Yuyu Lei or whoever, so he could leave early.

The King Kong Barbie with the pathetic Tang Nazhi soon arrived at the restaurant, and with the strange

picture the two made, they immediately attracted a group of curious dwarves

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