The Great Ruler

Chapter 1041 - Grade Eight Beast Spirit

Chapter 1041: Grade Eight Beast Spirit

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mu Chen and the others landed upon a huge gray and black tree. Before them lay a vast forest, filled with trees of alternating gray and white, which had no branches or leaves.

When seen from a distance, the bare tree trunks were like sharp spears and a chilling aura emanated from them. The group’s attention was immediately drawn to the center of the forest, where the death-gas permeated and nearly a thousand gray shadows wandered around like ghosts.

The dark light in the middle of Mu Chen’s forehead emerged, then penetrated through the thick death-gas. Then, the sight of the deep forest quickly became clear in his eyes, allowing him to see a black shadow that was sitting under a big tree.

The shadow was wearing black armor, the surface of which had death-gas intertwining with it, its fluctuations causing even Mu Chen’s expression to turn grave. The spirit of the black beast was much stronger than the Grade Seven Beast Spirits that they had encountered before. Thus, it was clearly a Grade Eight Beast Spirit.

With the aid of his Exterminating Eye, Mu Chen inspected this Grade Eight Beast Spirit. He was suddenly surprised to find that the armor on the spirit’s body seemed to be somewhat broken. On its surface, there were deep scars, revealing gray-white bones.

“What?” Nine Nether asked in a whisper.

“This Grade Eight Beast Spirit seem to have suffered from some injuries,” Mu Chen, who was also a little confused, said. The Exterminating Eye had detected that there were no other teams nearby, so, where did the wounds come from?

Nine Nether, Ink Blade, Han Shan and the others were also somewhat surprised. One of them then said, “The heavens seem to be helping us, as a wounded Grade Eight Beast Spirit is better than one in its normal state!”

Mu Chen smiled too. Then, his eyes turned to look at the forest, his eyes twinkling.

Nine Nether glanced at Mu Chen and said, “This region still has a lot of Beast Spirits within it, as well as some Grade Seven Beast Spirits. It would be very troublesome if they were triggered and rush out at us.”

Han Shan and the others also turned to look at Mu Chen, awaiting his response. Mu Chen pondered for a moment, then looked around the area and said, “The ordinary Beast Spirits have very weak perceptions, so I can just trap them with the Spiritual Arrays. As for the Grade Seven Beast Spirits, their perceptions are much sharper, so they need to be eliminated completely.”

“But there are at least 30 Grade Seven Beast Spirits here….Do you think that we can really handle them?” Ink Ring blinked her big eyes.

“That might not have been possible in the past. But now that we have Quasi-Divine Artifacts, we have a fighting chance!” Mu Chen smiled.

Nine Nether, Ink Blade, and Ink Ring had all obtained the Quasi-Divine Artifacts, so with their combined forces, it would be hard for any ordinary Seventh Grade Sovereigns to compete with them. Hence, although there were many of these Grade Seven Beast Spirits present, it was nothing they couldn’t handle.

“Don’t worry! Just leave these Grade Seven Beast Spirits to us, while you focus on setting up the Spiritual Arrays.” Nine Nether instructed, then nodded gently.

Mu Chen nodded in agreement, then and immediately swept down from the top of the tree and found an open area. With his hands clasped together, he changed the seal imprints.

At that moment, the remnants of the shadows flew and a steady stream of spiritual seals, which were flickering with spiritual light, appeared. Then, with a flick of Mu Chen’s fingers, they integrated seamlessly with the space.

As the spiritual seals integrated into the space, they also caused the spiritual energy in the region to turn turbulent. Faintly, one could see Spiritual Energy light beams spreading throughout the air.

Mu Chen’s seals changed and lasted nearly ten minutes before they disappeared completely from his fingertips. He looked up at the space, a hint of satisfaction at the corners of his mouth.

This time, he had arranged a Spiritual Array called the Illusory Demonic Array, which was not of a high rank, but had a similar effect to that of an Illusory Array. So, if a man were to be trapped in it, even a Sixth Grade Sovereign could quickly figure a way to escape it.

As the Beast Spirits here had power, but no intelligence or perception, the Spiritual Array’s binding effect on them would be incomparably powerful. Furthermore, Mu Chen had specially strengthened the scope and power of this Spiritual Array, so as long as there was no sudden change in circumstances, it would be enough to trap the Beast Spirits here.

After the Spiritual Array was set up successfully, Mu Chen signaled at the head of the tree not far away. He then swept out, moving directly into the forest.


Nine Nether entered the forest, deliberately not concealing her aura. So, as she appeared, the loitering Beast Spirits in the forest immediately sensed her and roared. They then charged at Nine Nether swiftly, like phantoms.

Nine Nether did not stop, but triggered her speed to the extreme, circling around the periphery of the forest. As there were many Grade Seven Beast Spirits inside the forest, she did not dare take a single step into it.


In a matter of two or three minutes, when Nine Nether had once again swept out of the forest, the mighty herd of Beast Spirits followed behind her. Their number was so massive, the entire group tingled in fear.

Nine Nether headed straight towards the direction where Mu Chen had set up the Spiritual Array, finally leading the large number of Beast Spirits into the vast range of the Spiritual Array.

The moment the numerous Beast Spirits entered the Spiritual Array, Mu Chen’s seals changed, as he had immediately triggered the Spiritual Array.


At that moment, the bright spiritual light bloomed out from the empty space and the Spiritual Energy light beams interweaved to form spiritual symbols. Finally, it morphed into a larger array, completely enshrouding its prey.

After this occurred, Mu Chen and Nine Nether immediately left the scope of the Spiritual Array. They now stood above the massive tree, looking at the region, only to see that a large number of Beast Spirits were scampering around like headless flies.

“Not bad.” Upon seeing this scene, Nine Nether also could not help but praise their success thus far.

It appeared that the many means of the Spiritual Array Master were mysterious and formidable indeed! Although the combat prowess of ordinary spiritual energy practitioners was strong, it was difficult for them to trap such a large number of Beast Spirits so effortlessly.

“I have added something to this Spiritual Array that interferes with the Beast Spirits’ perceptions of life. So, they should be stuck here until their spiritual energy is completely exhausted,” Mu Chen smiled and said.

Nine Nether nodded, then looked straight into the forest. After handling these Beast Spirits, they would have to deal with the Grade Seven Beast Spirits on their own.

“I’ll leave it to y’all then.” Mu Chen smiled at Nine Nether, then went straight to another part of the forest, as he needed to prepare himself to deal with the Grade Eight Beast Spirits.

Nine Nether looked at Mu Chen’s retreating figure, then turned to nod at Ink Blade and Han Shan. The group then charged directly into the forest, gradually approaching the area where the Grade Seven Beast Spirits were located.

In those particular depths of the forest, the gray and black shadows wandered about, exuding powerful death-gas all around them. When compared to the Beast Spirits before them, they were obviously several times stronger!


The second they set foot in the depths of the area, their life aura was felt by the Grade Seven Beast Spirits. At once, roars reverberated in the air and sounds of something whistling through the sky rang out. Death-gas swept also swept forth, while nearly 10 Grade Seven Beast Spirits appeared, encircling Nine Nether and the others.

Looking at this number of Grade Seven Beast Spirits, Han Shan and the others’ expressions could not help but twist in fear. If it had been before and they had met with so many of them, they would have chosen to retreat immediately.


These beast spirits did not have any care for their lives, so they immediately charged forward violently. As they did so, death-gas swept through their air, then turned into a grey torrent and directly enshrouding Nine Nether and the others.

When 10 Grade Seven Beast Spirits attacked at the same time, the sheer magnitude of death-gas torrent that resulted could cause even a Seventh Grade Sovereign at his peak to flee from it.

However, Nine Nether took a step out, and with clenched fists, the Dark Divine Ruler flashed out. Then, a black light emerged, as if a darkness was devouring the heavens and the earth.

When the black light descended, the mighty stream of death-gas was suddenly weakened. At the same time, a clear ring of a bell was heard.

Then, the heavens and the earth suddenly became blazing hot, as billowing red flames surged down from the sky, burning the torrent of death-gas that enshrouded them. Behind them, Ink Ring grinned, as she rang the scarlet red bell in her hands. Crimson flames, which even a Seventh Grade Sovereign could not withstand, then swept out from the bell.

The joint attacks of the 10 Grade Seven Beast Spirits were easily resolved thanks to Nine Nether’s and Ink Ring’s counterattacks. Seeing this battle outcome, even Nine Nether’s and Ink Ring’s faces held a great deal of surprise.

If it was before, even if they had done their best, it would not have been possible to resist such a terrifying attack. But now, they had done it easily!

“It is truly a Quasi-Divine Artifact indeed.” Nine Nether could not help but comment with a sigh. It was no wonder that even the most powerful Sovereigns would desire the Sacred Artifacts, as their power was truly immense and mysterious!


When the torrent of death-gas was burned, the golden spear suddenly charged with the most ancient and simplest light. As the light flickered, the spear penetrated through the indestructible skull of a Grade Seven Beast Spirit and shattered it.


As the black iron rod descended from the sky, the silhouette of the rod fell, tearing a huge and incomparable crack on the earth. At the same time, the hard body of a Grade Seven Beast Spirit shattered under its blow.

Ink Blade and Han Shan’s sudden moves had also achieved amazing results. The four looked at each other, extremely motivated. Now that they thoroughly understood the immense power of the Quasi-Divine Artifacts in their hands, they no longer feared anything. Charging out like ferocious tigers, they immediately clashed brutally with the remaining Grade Seven Beast Spirits.

Then, the magnificent spiritual energy erupted, as the remaining three powerful members of the Demonic Rhino Clan could only stare. They were completely stunned as they looked at the four, who were unleashing their divine powers. The Grade Seven Beast Spirits, who originally had the upper hand, were now easily defeated.

In just a few minutes, ten Grade Seven Beast Spirits had been annihilated. With such an exhilarating beginning, Nine Nether and the others rushed immediately to the rest of the forest to deal with the remaining Grade Seven Beast Spirits as quickly as possible. As they gradually dealt with the remaining Grade Seven Beast Spirits in the forest, Mu Chen’s arrangement was gradually completed.

Clap clap.

Mu Chen stood on a tree trunk and clapped his hands gently. His eyes looked towards the depths of the forest, where the ghastly death-gas swept through. There, a faint shadow loomed, emanating a strong sense of oppression.

Mu Chen glanced at the shadow, his eyes narrowing slightly as he smiled.

Next, it’s your turn…

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