The Great Thief

Chapter 1059 - Disguise

Chapter 1059: Disguise

Translator: Halcyon Translations  Editor: Halcyon Translations

The next day, when Lu Li came back online, everyone else had already logged on.

They were now on the Hillsbrad Hills in the distant past, when Saar was a slave in Durnholde castle and adventurers had never been seen before in Azeroth.

In order to help them blend in, Remulos gave them a transformation potion before leaving.

After downing the potions, they all transformed into humans.

At this time, the Hillsbrad Hills were dominated by humans and it was very inconvenient for foreign races to travel through it, particularly rare races like Remnant Dream, who was a Draenei.

Lu Li had not only become a human being, but had turned into a bald man like Unforgettable Maple.

Lu Li wasn’t that ugly, but the transformation had made him quite unsightly. This was in addition to the baldness which truly made this transformation a sad affair.

In fact, it was just the two of them that had received bad transformations.

Water Fairy looked at Lu Li’s bald head and wanted to laugh but couldn’t bring herself to. She didn’t actually think he was that ugly; it was just a funny sight to see.

Lu Li re-equipped his items and pulled his hood over his head to cover everything above his eyes.

Unforgettable Maple was speechless. His headgear couldn’t properly cover his head and his cloak didn’t have a hood that he could use to cover his head either.

The description of the quest was just a single body of text:

“Time and space, past and future. These are never in the hands of mortals. There is only one master who controls time – the Bronze Dragon Nozdormu – along with her time and space guardians. She maintains the march of time and repairs the places that it has gone off track.

But now the ancient dragon guardian has been awakened by a great threat. Dark evil spies have snuck into the path of time, trying to change the trajectories of past, present and future. As such, the Bronze Dragon Legion is rescuing heroes to prevent the destruction of key historical events.

The balance between time and space is in jeopardy. Once history is lost… that means there will no longer be a future.”

Lu Li’s goal was to protect the Saar chieftain and ensure that he would grow up safely and find his own path to become the leader of the Horde and the Alliance in resisting the Burning Legion.

In any case, even though the Alliance and the Horde were enemies, this was a matter of internal conflict within Azeroth.

When everyone was fighting for survival, they had a common ground. It was for Azeroth!

The purpose of the Burning Legion was to destroy the order established by the Titans. Sargeras wanted destroy the world, kill all life in Azeroth and return the planet to its hollow state.

“Why is the map gray? I have explored the Hillsbrad Hills before,” Azure Sea Breeze asked.

“This is the real Hillsbrad Hills, exactly as it was many years ago. We were here yesterday when we went into the void and we will need to come back here to return. Everyone mark this place,” Lu Li said as he took out his map and carefully made a home mark.

“The map isn’t showing up properly. What do we do?” Unforgettable Maple asked.

Lu Li and Water Fairy looked at each other before saying, “We can explore the area based on memory, but we will need a disguise. Otherwise, Blackmoore’s soldiers will treat us as spies. It’s best if we don’t get into any trouble before reaching our goal.”

Both of them were players affiliated to Ravenholdt Manor, which was located towards the south of this area, so they were quite familiar with this place.

“How can we disguise ourselves?” Unforgettable Maple felt like all the years he had spent playing games was a waste, as he was asking such simple questions.

“Find a person, and copy their identity. It is best to be a civilian. I remember there were several ruins near the Hillsbrad farm. There might be people living there at this time. These are small gathering places, so it shouldn’t be too difficult,” Lu Li answered as he pointed at a location on the map with his finger, but there was just a black space there.

The group didn’t waste any more time. They found the direction of that location and slowly followed Lu Li and Water Fairy towards their goal.

Lu Li and Water Fairy led the way in Stealth. Hachi Chan was at the back of the group in Stealth as well, so that she would notice if anyone tried to sneak up on the group from behind.

Water Fairy first discovered a village, but her decision to enter it was immediately vetoed by Lu Li.

There were dozens of families in that village and even a small sentry tower. Even if they were a party, it would be difficult for them to deal with these people before a rescue signal was fired. Once they were discovered by the sentry tower, the news would soon be passed back to Durnholde Castle.

“Best to find a small farm,” Lu Li emphasized.

After some exploration they discovered that the current Hillsbrad Hills were actually quite flat.

In terms of Dawn’s background, this was the Alliance’s most prosperous period. The leaders during this time included Lothar, Uther, Windrunner and even Arthas. The Lordaeron Alliance had recently destroyed the Dark Portal in Azeroth, cutting off the Orc’s reinforcements.

However, the Orc Ner’Zhul and other powerful Mages of the Horde would later use powerful artifacts in Draenor to reopen that path between Draenor and Azeroth.

Fortunately, the Alliance would quickly respond to the new threat. The five heroes stood like great mountains and rivers at the gates of Stormwind City – Turalyon, Windrunner, Khadgar, Kurdran and Trollbane took a force across the portal into Draenor to launch a counterattack on the Orcs, slaughtering them.

The Orcs that were defeated in Azeroth were either killed or thrown into shelters, prisons or the arena…

The region was still in a state of unity, and they were constantly on the lookout for more enemies from beyond the land. As such, the soldiers of Hillsbrad Hills weren’t really patrolling the land all the time.

“Let’s keep looking for it, and we’ll tell them when we find something. Everyone, be careful. If you accidentally run into an NPC, just make up a fake name and do not attack. If they ask about you, just say you are a traveler from faraway lands.”

Lu Li decided to take a bit of a risk. Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to complete the quest by the end of the day.

After spending another half another, they had discovered the ideal target.

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