The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 488 - : Opposition

Chapter 488: Opposition

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wizard Li’s battleships docked one by one. At this time, even a captain who was well-trained would not make any sound, yet this sound was inevitably noticed by the Hellfire tribe guarding the night on Scorpion Island.

Not long after, several hundreds of natives wrapped in dirty animal skin, armed with wooden spears and bone knives made from animal’s femur, barred their teeth and howled ‘hooo haa hoo haa…”. They leapt out from the dense jungle and froze for a while when they saw the countless amount of giant ships in the sea. Then, they continued to approach the shore.

Compared to the battleships, their body size was like an ant to a behemoth. Even so, despite the fear in their eyes, they did not shrink away. Some of the strong warriors even ran on the beach and threw the spears in their hands, at the foot of the Wizard Li warriors riding the giant millispiders who had already disembarked from the ship.

“This is like a war between a child with a straw stick and a professional army armed to the teeth. These idiots on Scorpion Island actually took the initiative to launch an attack. I really don’t know what’s on their minds…” The Wizard Li’s iron ships sailed the waves into the coast, crushing the wooden port and the fishing boats of the unknown tribe. Looking at the Scorpion Island natives who took the initiative to attack the Wizard Li warriors after seeing their port being shattered, Harman regained his ability to speak with a grave expression and blurted out.

“Mr. Harman, they’re not idiots but brave warriors! Brave warriors with faith instead,” Someril suddenly interrupted the CIA agent’s words and slowly stretched her arms in front of her chest. A soft milky white brilliance radiated from her body and rose into the air. “Only faith and courage can make a person face their death so calmly. Unfortunately, these warriors are worthy of respect but are destined to be our enemies…”

As the Atlantean was speaking, the radiance on her body was getting stronger. Using more than ten seconds, she transformed into a tiny sun-like light ball in midair.

Sensing the profound yet unpredictable power contained in the light ball suspended above his head, Zhang Lisheng covered his eyes with his hands, with a tiny sense of scruples in his heart. At this time, the light ball transformed yet again. Several dozens of bright tentacle-like threads extended from the surface and agilely and dazzlingly stabbed towards the Scorpion Island’s Hellfire tribesmen’s heads in the distance, burning a deadly charred wound on their heads.

The light ball stretched and shrank rhythmically like a heart. Each time it flashed, it would take away the lives of 40 to 50 Scorpion Island’s Hellfire warriors, but would not accidentally injure any Wizard Li tribesmen.

Seeing how Someril alone annihilated the foreign warriors resisting on the shore, the several thousands of Wizard Li warriors, who had already disembarked gripped their spears tightly, facing the jungle, preparing to throw them to kill their enemies. However, the reinforcements of the enemy that they were expecting did not show up at all.

According to the investigation of the dragon hawk warriors, the first Scorpion Island tribe that Wizard Li had chosen to fight against was not powerful but was not limited to only several hundreds of adult men. The darkness and serenity within the 300 to 400 meter radius in the jungle, that was as though nobody was there, made them feel perturbed instead.

Since the enemy never showed up for a long time, the Wizard Li warriors began to adjust their battle formations spontaneously and waited for the next order of their leaders.

“Watch out below…” All of a sudden, the warriors at the frontmost line noticed that the giant spiders below them started to shift their legs restlessly. Alertly, they looked at the ground and noticed that the sand on the ground suddenly swelled up high, with several hundreds of large prints gushing towards them rapidly from the jungle. They shouted at the top of their lungs and threw their javelins at the same time, planning to grab their long spears once more.

Unfortunately, the warning given was too late. Amidst the shouts of the Wizard Li warriors, the prints swelling from the ground already extended into the middle of the battle formation and suddenly exploded without warning. At once, poisonous springs gushed out from the ground.

Thick and mottled rust green poisonous fluid with an unfathomable stench splattered everywhere on the heavy armored warriors, slowly corroding the iron armor away, transforming into juice that glued onto the warriors’ flesh and blood.

This pain actually caused the strong-willed Wizard Li warriors, who were calm in the face of their death, to scream out loud. After the giant spiders below them were injured by the poisonous springs, they lost control and leaped and ran everywhere, causing the entire formation to fall apart into a mess.

“Kill! Kill! Kill! Tatanian tribesmen! Behead the enemies for the sake of the tribe…” When the tens of thousands of Hellfire warriors lurking in the dark on Scorpion Island saw that the battle formation of the invaders had become chaotic, they howled and ran out from the dense jungle maniacally one by one.

The shouts of the warriors wearing simple and crude leather armor were tragic and soul-stirring. It was apparent that they understood that it was just a matter of time that their tribe would be annihilated completely when they saw the vast battleships that stretched out as far as the eyes could see on the sea and the elite attires of their enemies. However, before the tribe called Tatania disappeared according to Hellfire tradition, they still chose to guard its glory using their lives.

“What respectable opponents…” Looking down at the strange yet effective battle tactics of the Scorpion Island warriors and their guardian spiritual monsters, Zhang Lisheng could feel their strong spirit of how they were going to fight till their very last breath despite being outnumbered. Standing on the deck, he could not help but mutter to himself.

Just as he was muttering, the dark red threads, that extended from the light ball above his head that was Someril’s transformation, suddenly disappeared without a trace. Then, a gush of soft light emerged from the light ball and dispelled the darkness before spraying onto the ground.

That milky white light had shrouded the beach, but strangely, it did not shine on the Scorpion Island warriors, who had already started close body combat with the Wizard Li tribesmen. Instead, the few several thousands of Wizard Li warriors, who were poisoned and could only be slaughtered by the enemy, was shrouded by the brilliance.

After being illuminated by the brilliance, the melted puddles of armor that were stuck onto the Wizard Li warriors’ skin began to transform into green smoke within a few seconds and disappeared without warning. After that, the injuries on the warriors were miraculously healed in a speed visible to the naked eye, with their wilting spirits gradually lifting up as well. Other than the warriors whose head or internal organs were injured to the point of irreversible extent, all of them recovered their fighting abilities.

After the Atlantean sergeant major sowed the high lethality of her light and heat ability, she demonstrated her incredible healing ability. Concurrently, the three sergeants called Guteali, the siblings Kazanoerki and Kazanona, also began to glow in dazzling brilliance and joined the battle.

In just two to three minutes after the war broke out, the speed between the attack and defense transformation was so fast that Zhang Lisheng, who had conquered hundreds of thousands of kilometers of land and tens of millions of native believers, had never experienced it before.

“No wonder Trish would say that light and heat was a positive energy that could bring great benefit to a person who often comes in contact with her… Positive, negative, negative, positive…” Looking at how Someril rescued the injured Wizard Li warriors using light and heat while savoring the increasing gain of the wizard power that was almost boiling in his body from the negative emotions provided by the Scorpion Island warriors and the guardian spiritual monsters, Zhang Lisheng suddenly had a jolt of realization. He suddenly came to realize the antagonistic characters of the two types of energy. With a sudden narrowing of his eyes, he fell into a deep contemplation.

The fierce battle below the ship on the beach continued to go on. However, at this time, the victory had already begun to tilt towards Wizard Li tribe. As more and more tribal warriors disembarked onto the long coast, the defense of Scorpion Island warriors, who were unable to attend to everything, gradually fell apart, the guardian spiritual monsters gradually died one after another. In the end, their totem pole was inevitably pushed down.

When the first sunshine of the rising sun illuminated the sea, the shouts of victory of the Wizard Li tribesmen resonated for the first time on the island, snapping Zhang Lisheng back to reality.

He glanced from left to right and noticed that nobody had paid attention to himself. Secretly sighing in relief, he sighed and said, “This is a really cruel war but there’s no other choice. The Hellfire custom passed down for tens of thousands of years has always been like that. There would be no glory of victory if the warriors’ fresh blood doesn’t spill to become a flowing river.”

“You’re right, Dr. The Scorpion Island Hellfire people are indeed very brave that it’s absolutely terrifying. They obviously know that they’ll lose but they still vie to die. I first thought that they wouldn’t even yield even if all of them were killed!” Pocky had a strangely pale face as he said with his lips slightly trembling. It was apparent that this bloody battle had given a great mental disturbance to the FBI intelligence officer.

“No, no, Mr. Pocky. If the Hellfire people were as stubborn as you, they wouldn’t have been able to multiply throughout the Hellfire Archipelago and fight against the mainlanders who occupied the mainland for such a long time. There’s a game rule to the war of conquest between the Hellfire tribes. The offensive side will win when it manages to push down the totem pole and grabs the tribal book of history of the defensive side,” Zhang Lisheng explained.

“Wouldn’t that need a lot of accidental chance then?”

“Accidental chance?” The young man smiled and shook his head. “Oh Mr. Pocky. Shrimp World No. 2 is a world that is filled with supernatural powers and doesn’t have so many accidental opportunities. I believe Mr. Sweltman should know more about this.”

“The animal leather book of the Hellfire tribesmen has indeed recorded that each of the tribal totem pole is blessed by the gods. Only by killing at least 15% of the tribe population can one push it down,” The Atlantean anthropologist and philosopher answered in a low voice. “However, the records in the books are not as shocking as witnessing through your own eyes. Now that the war is over, let’s get off the boat. Everyone, the victory ceremony of the Wizard Li people is about to begin. That is a ‘spectacular’ ceremony!”

Among the Shrimp World No. 2 explorers remaining on the ship, only Zhang Lisheng alone understood the true meaning of the so-called ‘spectacular’ ceremony but he did not say anything. He followed behind Sweltman and walked down the ladder from the battleship. Treading on the bodies and blood pool of the Scorpion Island warriors and Wizard Li warriors, he entered the dark jungle and followed the cheers to walk towards the habitat of the Scorpion Island tribe.

Along the way, Allison, who was mentally tortured by the splattering of blood, organs, residual limbs and tragic war residues, suddenly seemed to have a bad premonition. She sped up and walked up towards Zhang Lisheng before asking, “Mr. Lisheng, what kind of victory celebration does the Wizard Li tribe have?”

“I’ve only seen it once when the tribe first expanded. Actually, it’s similar to a situation in a biological laboratory,” the young man replied with a shrug. “But it’s just that the dissecting experiment object would not be a macaque or a white rat and that the number of sacrifices will be more than you’ll expect.”

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