Chap ter   89 - Choosing Him NovelUsb

Chapter 89: Choosing Him

She was not afraid of the vengeful souls, but she was afraid of Chu Yan.

At first, Liu Sanniang thought that she was afraid because Chu Yan would be a very powerful general in the future.

But then she realized it wasn’t.

Liu Sanniang took a deep breath and looked at Chu Yan. He was smiling and looked gentle. She mustered her courage and asked. “Will you hurt me?”

Chu Yan chuckled. “I won’t.”

For the rest of his life, he would never hurt her again.

lLiu Sanniang looked at Chu Yan, as if she wanted to confirm if he was sincere. Liu Sanniang wanted to see if he was lying from his facial expression.

Chu Yan’s expression was firm. Every word he said was serious.

Madam Wei cleared her throat. “Chu Yan, you have to keep your word. In the future, protect Sanniang and love her forever.”

Chu Yan replied sincerely. “I will.”

Madam Wei said to her daughter, “Sanniang, if you have no objections, I’ll make the decision.”

In Madam Wei’s opinion, Chu Yan was already the best candidate to be her son-in-law. At that time, in such a dangerous situation, he even risked his life to enter the village to save her daughter.

Chu Yan really liked Liu Sanniang. As parents, Mr. Liu and Madam Wei were on the same page and did not want their daughter to miss out on such a good husband.

Liu Sanniang blushed. “Mom, you can make the decision.”

Liu Sanniang returned to her room with a red face.

Suddenly, she was looking forward to this marriage, but she was also inexplicably afraid.

Liu Sanniang took out the embroidery, hoping to calm herself down.


She had already made one for Liu Ju’er. Now, she was going to make one for her eldest brother.

Mr. Liu kept chatting happily in the dining room. Because today was special, Madam Wei did not stop him from drinking. Mr. Liu consumed quite a bit and was drunk.

Liu Dalang and Liu Erlang’s faces were red from drinking as well, but Chu Yan was still sober. After saying goodbye, he went back.

In the afternoon, because they were drunk, Mr. Liu, Liu Dalang, and Liu Erlang did not go out.

Madam Wei knocked on the door and entered Liu Sanniang’s room. She sat beside her daughter and did not speak. Her gaze landed on Liu Sanniang’s embroidery and she reached out to gently stroke her hair.

“Sanniang, do you really hate Chu Yan that much?”

Madam Wei sighed, feeling complicated.

Liu Sanniang shook her head. “No, I’m just a little afraid.”

Madam Wei smiled and was relieved. “I’ve been worried sick these past few days. It was Chu Yan who came to our house and said that he could save you, but he wanted us to agree to him marrying you. Father and Mother didn’t want to agree, but we were worried about you.”

“He said that he would protect you for the rest of your life. He would go wherever you went. He wouldn’t let you walk the dangerous path alone.”

Madam Wei’s eyes turned red. No one could move their hearts more than Chu Yan.

Madam Wei doted on her daughter, and so did Mr. Liu. They did not ask for money. Their only request was that Liu Sanniang could be well and have someone whom she could rely on and fall back to in times of trouble.

Liu Sanniang did not speak. Madam Wei said softly, “Tell me, did he save you this time?”

Liu Sanniang nodded. It was Chu Yan who lent her strength at the most critical moment.

Madam Wei smiled. “Then, I’m relieved.”

Madam Wei looked at Liu Sanniang. Liu Sanniang was afraid of Chu Yan probably because Chu Yan was too tall. When he did not smile, he looked a little intimidating. However, there were not many good men like him. If Liu Sanniang was unwilling to marry him, she would force her into the bridal sedan chair.

Liu Sanniang couldn’t help but hear her mother’s thoughts.

She was speechless.

Since she couldn’t avoid it, she would give it a try. At least Chu Yan was different from the others. It would be better if he could be gentler with her. After all, she liked gentle men.

Madam Wei left in relief. Liu Sanniang picked up the needle and thread and started embroidering.

When Chu Yan returned home, he was stopped by Madam Li.

“You’re back. Come and sit down. We can start eating.”

Madam Li smiled and asked Chu Yan how he had been doing. She didn’t mind Chu Yan giving her a cold face.

Chu Yan glanced at Madam Li and saw a few unfamiliar faces coming out of the house.

Matchmaker Zhao smiled. “Chu Yan, you’re back. Come and take a look. This is Jiang Xiaohua. She is a very hard-working girl.”

Matchmaker Zhao pulled a thin woman out from behind her. The woman’s skin was dark and she was carefully sizing up Chu Yan. When she saw Chu Yan’s gaze, she was shocked and immediately hid behind Matchmaker Zhao. She pulled the matchmaker’s sleeve and begged.

Madam Li smiled. “Chu Yan, you’re not young anymore. I’ll make the decision on your marriage for you.”

Chu Yan’s eyes were cold. “I don’t need you to interfere in my matters.”

Madam Li was a little frightened by his cold gaze, but she still forced a smile. “Why are you so stubborn? If you can’t find a wife, people might think I’m not doing a good job as a mother. I’m doing this for your own good.”

Chu Yan looked at Madam Li. “Have you been to Jiangping Temple?”

Madam Li’s pupils constricted and her body trembled slightly. She immediately panicked and stuttered. “Chu, Chu…”

Madam Li wanted to ask Chu Yan as to how he knew, but when she saw Chu Yan leave without looking back, she could not say a word.

She seemed to have lost her soul. How did Chu Yan know? Even Mr. Chu didn’t know about it.

When Chu Yan mentioned Jiangping temple, she was instantly scared to death.

“Madam Li, what’s wrong? Are you alright?”

Matchmaker Zhao walked to Madam Li’s side and looked at her with interest. Chu Yan had only mentioned the name of a small temple. Was there any need to be so scared?

Madam Li’s face was a little pale. She tried her best to maintain her composure. “I’m sorry, it seems like my stepson doesn’t want me to interfere in his matters. Let’s forget about it.”

Matchmaker Zhao looked at Jiang Xiaohua, who also seemed to ve afraid, and thought for a moment. “Alright, forget it.”

In any case, even if Chu Yan agreed, Jiang Xiaohua probably wouldn’t want to marry such a terrifying man. What was more, at a glance, one could tell the two of them weren’t compatible.

Matchmaker Zhao cleared her throat. “Sister Li, though it didn’t work, I spent a lot of time on it.”


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