Chapter 730 - 730 The Opening of the Yin Gate

Chapter 730: The Opening of the Yin Gate

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

When the deafening sound of hooves came from outside the city wall, many people in the vanguard team revealed terrified expressions.

The city gate slowly opened. Chou Ming shouted from the city wall, “The vanguard, go!”

Even though they were afraid, this team still charged forward. After leaving the city gate, Liu Sanniang saw the cavalry. At a glance, they looked like a large group of black ants. They were wearing black armor from head to toe.

The horses under them were also wrapped in black armor.

The cavalry on the horses waved their double-headed scimitars and rushed towards the city gate.

When they passed by the deep pit that had been set up in advance, some of the armored soldiers fell off their horses, but they quickly got back up to their horses.

“Kill them all—”

The sound of the war drums shook the sky, and it was majestic.

In the vanguard team, someone shouted, “For our parents, wives, and children, charge! Let’s fight them to the death!”

Facing the cavalry, there was no doubt that they had no chance of winning. However, when they thought of their wives, children, and parents at home, everyone rushed over to face the enemy head on. n0𝐯𝐞𝓵𝓊𝔰𝑩.𝓒0𝑀

The eyes of the cavalry soldiers were exposed. They would only die if a spear stuck into their eyes. Otherwise, no matter how badly they were injured, they wouldn’t fall. They would not feel any pain. This was the most terrifying thing about the cavalry.

The 81 people at the back began to chant incantations to set up the formation according to the instruction.

A golden light lit up and shone on everyone. This golden light seemed to be the natural enemy of the cavalry. These cavalry soldiers who did not know pain all emitted white smoke.

“Elder Zhou’s array formation is working. Everyone, seize the chance to kill them all.”

This scene gave everyone hope.

However, it was not only the Jin Dynasty’s cavalry that was emitting white smoke, but also the people who were setting up the formation.

She flew up and chanted. As she chanted, a huge black hole began to appear around her. From the hole, a roar that sounded like a ghost came.

In a daze, Liu Sanniang seemed to have seen a black figure standing high in the clouds. Liu Sanniang heard him say in a deep voice, “The chosen one, are you willing to sacrifice your life to end the war? You’re too weak. If you want to save the world, you have to die.”

Liu Sanniang looked down. The scene of the battleground was almost hellish. She had also thought about sacrificing herself. If there was time, she could think of another way, but there was no time now.

Not only did she have to subdue these Yin soldiers, but she also had to seal the Yin Gate again.

Countless wisps of black smoke were sucked into the Yin Gate. The sharp cries of pain were deafening. The armor on the armored soldiers turned into black cloth at a speed visible to the naked eye. Without the Yin power, they fell one after another, as if they were dying.

Liu Sanniang could feel that the gate behind her was also sucking her in, wanting to pull her into that endless hell.

Liu Sanniang felt that her clothes were soaked in sweat. She looked down at Chu Yan, who was covered in blood. He was looking up at her. His eyes were golden and vertical, as if he was trying his best to suppress something.

It was as if in the next second, the storm in Chu Yan’s eyes would burst out. Liu Sanniang smiled at him. She reached into her stomach and took out something before throwing it into the Yin Gate.

With that, the Yin Gate instantly closed. Liu Sanniang fell from the sky.

Chu Yan reached out and caught her.

The people who were still alive were in disbelief. Just like that, these undying armored soldiers were gone. Their eyes were wide open as they looked in Liu Sanniang’s direction.

Hu Yu and Liu Yuanyuan returned to Liu Sanniang’s side and blew spiritual energy at her.

Liu Sanniang’s face was very pale. She smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. This is what I’m destined to do.”

Liu Yuanyuan frowned and clenched her fists.

Hu Yu did not suppress her emotions. She hugged Liu Sanniang and cried.

“How can you be fine? I saw it with my own eyes. You threw your liver into that gate. Boohoo…”

Hu Yu firmly believed that Liu Sanniang would become a god sooner or later. At that time, she would definitely not die. But now, Liu Sanniang was still in a mortal body.

She hugged Liu Sanniang and saw with her Yin Yang Eyes that there was no liver in Liu Sanniang’s body..

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