Chapter 761 - 761 Honey Trap

Chapter 761: Honey Trap

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Liu Cheng sat down indignantly. He could not understand how Liu Dalang survived. With such a serious injury, it was impossible for him to make it to the camp.

His eyes were filled with hatred. “Who saved him? It’s impossible for Liu Dalang to survive on his own.”

“Cheng, do you want to eat something?”

Yang Hua came in with a plate of food. When she saw that Liu Cheng was angry, she walked over and asked.

Yang Hua was wearing a military uniform and was dressed as a man. She looked short. As long as she did not speak, no one would be able to tell that she was a woman.

Liu Cheng looked at Yang Hua and said coldly, “I don’t want to eat anything. Don’t disturb me. I met Liu Dalang yesterday. He was barely alive. I stalled him for a long time, but at the end of the day, he’s still alive and his wound has healed.”

Yang Hua did not understand this. She walked behind Liu Cheng and massaged his back. “Cheng, don’t be angry. There will be another chance in the future.”

Liu Cheng was already a general. After wiping out the Jin soldiers, he would be rewarded handsomely.

If she followed Liu Cheng, she would be the wife of an official in the future. That would be glorious.

Yang Hua gently massaged Liu Cheng’s shoulders. The more she massaged him, the more he relaxed.

Liu Cheng had anger in his heart that he wanted to release through something else.

After sleeping with Yang Hua, he hugged her in his arms and suddenly had a plan. Liu Cheng said, “Hua, do you think Liu Dalang will be able to control himself if he has beauty by his side?”

He and Liu Dalang were sworn enemies. If he had the chance to kill Liu Dalang, he naturally had to seize the chance. The longer he kept him alive, the more uneasy he would feel. Only when Liu Dalang was dead could he be completely at ease.

Liu Dalang would definitely not like military prostitutes, but other than military prostitutes, it was impossible for there to be any women in the army. They were all men. If there was a woman beside Liu Dalang, he would slowly be tempted.

The military doctor was an old man called Elder Zhang. He was very willing to have someone to order around. Yang Hua was small, thin, and weak, making Elder Zhang sigh. It was not easy for such a man to find a wife.

However, it was good to train in the army. After the war ended, it would be much easier to find a wife.

After Elder Zhang grabbed the herbs for Liu Cheng, he sat to the side and took out his wine gourd to drink. He said, “Work hard with me. If you learn some medical skills, you won’t starve no matter where you go. Wherever doctors go, they’ll be welcomed.”

Many mountain villages did not have doctors at all.

Yang Hua nodded. “I’ll learn well.”

Yang Hua deliberately lowered her voice, making her sound like a young man.

Elder Zhang did not suspect anything. “As long as you have the intention to learn, I’ll teach you. You can learn faster on the battlefield than at the medical hall. You can’t treat many people at the medical hall, but on the battlefield, you have endless injured soldiers to treat.”

Yang Hua only felt that Elder Zhang was annoying. He was putting on airs. If not for her own motive, she would not have tolerated this old fart.

After the medicine was ready, Yang Hua said, “I’ll send it over. I can also help him apply the ointment.”

Elder Zhang nodded. “Alright, take the ointment with you. General Liu’s wound is recovering very quickly. Just some ointment will do.”

Yang Hua carried the medicine bowl and Elder Zhang’s first aid kit and followed him.

Liu Dalang was resting in the tent. His back was injured, so he naturally slept on his stomach these days.

Elder Zhang brought Yang Hua in. Yang Hua put down the medicine. Elder Zhang sat by the bed and removed the gauze for Liu Dalang. Looking at the wound that had already healed, Elder Zhang said, “General Liu, you have a strong body. The injury is almost healed.”

Liu Dalang asked, “When can 1 fully recover? I want to go to the battlefield and kill the Jin soldiers as soon as possible.”

Elder Zhang smiled. “At this rate of recovery, you’ll be full of energy in two days at most.”

After saying that, Elder Zhang reached out and patted Liu Dalang’s muscular arm..

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