The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 169: Weapon of Chaos

Chapter 169: Weapon of Chaos

“Do I have one as well?” I asked, eager to hear Mei Gui’s answer.

She nodded. “Yes, Master should have one as well. However, I am uncertain what type of weapon it will be.”

“Okay…how do I uh…summon it or whatever?” 

“All you have to do is visualize your weapon of choice, Master,” Mei Gui replied. “Then, draw on the power of Chaos within your body…”

I did as told, and closed my eyes.  Weapon of choice, huh…well, there’s really only one weapon I can somewhat use…

As I began picturing my weapon of choice within my mind, I called upon the swirling energy within my Dantian. I haven’t done this in a while since I did that little ‘ritual’ which helped me cast spells without having to activate my mana first, but I still remember how to do it very well.

“Keep the visualization of the weapon strong, Master,” Mei Gui instructed, and I did as told once more.

Furrowing my brows, I concentrated even harder on my weapon of choice, and then, suddenly-

“Woah…” Feng Mian mused.

I opened my eyes, and looked up. Levitating in mid air above my head were two long, slim katanas, one crossed over the other in an X-shape. Their handles were black with red lines, and the blades were a shiny silver. Much like Mei Gui’s spear, there was an eerie bright red jewel embedded on the twin weapons. However, mine were slightly different.

Instead of having a whole circular shaped jewel, the two katanas each had one half of the whole. Right above the hilt of the katanas, each of them had a semicircle-shaped red jewel. They both glowed ominously, and emitted a bright scarlet light.

I reached my hands out and slowly grabbed the katanas, one in each hand. The moment I did, the jewels dimmed down slightly, and I waved my two new weapons around eagerly.

“Master, it seems you have succeeded,” Mei Gui said with a bow.

I frowned. “Yeah, it seems I did, but…in my mind, I only visualized one katana, not two…”

I’m certain I only thought of one single katana, since that was the weapon I used during my attack on the Xuan family…but then why were there two now?

Mei Gui fell into thought, resting her chin on her hand. “…I am not sure of why this happened, either. Perhaps when I get more of my memories back, I will be able to know.”

“Hm…and the power of these katanas shouldn’t be any less than your spear, right?” I asked, inspecting my two new weapons closely.

Mei Gui nodded. “Master and I are interconnected. Naturally, our weapons’ strengths are the same.”

I cleared my throat. “A-Ahem…the way you worded that could be better, but…anyway, how do I dematerialize this thing?”

Mei Gui opened her mouth to tell me how, but was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a man in his sixties.

“WAAAIT!” he cried, skidding to a stop before me, and panting heavily. “Good lord, I finally found the aisle you were in…”

I furrowed my brows. “Mr. Ma…? The owner of this store?”

“Yes! That’s me alright!” he exclaimed, standing back up straight, having recovered from his sprint already.

“U-Uh…okay…do you need something from me?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes, I do! That light from earlier brought me here, but…oh for the love of metal, what a masterpiece I have witnessed…”

F-For the love of metal…? Okay…that’s a first.

“S-Sorry, what are you talking about?” I asked, not sure what else to say.

Mr. Ma then suddenly sank onto his knees, to my surprise.

“Hey, what are you-” I began, attempting to get him to rise up. But he cut me off.

“These two katanas you wield…I have never seen anything like it before. The detail, quality, everything about it! It’s all so…perfect.”

As he sat there on his knees, gazing at my katanas from every angle, I couldn’t help but cringe a little.

This is…a bit awkward…and more importantly, disgusting. I really don’t like the look in his eyes. Looks like a virgin just saw a model in bikinis or something…hold up, is he getting a nosebleed?!

Indeed, he was. Red liquid drooped out of his nose and onto the floor below, causing me to take a step back out of instinct.

“U-Uh, are you alright?” I asked slowly.

The man quickly snapped out of his trance and wiped his nose on his sleeve. “A-Ah, yes, sorry, I got-“

But before he could even finish his sentence, his nose began gushing out blood again, and he quickly covered it up with his sleeve before running off to – I assume – get some paper towels. After a few seconds, he came back, with a new robe and two napkins stuffed in his nostrils.

“A-Ahem, apologies for that shameful display earlier. I was merely too engrossed in the weapons you wield,” he said calmly.

Goddamn…luckily, Mei Gui already dematerialized her spear before this guy arrived, or else things would be bordering sexual assault.

“No problem,” I said after a short pause.

“Now then…would you be willing to sell those two katanas to me?” Ma Mu asked. “I won’t ask how you got them or anything, and you can name any price you want. Even if I sell everything I have, I will pay you.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, but…they aren’t for sale.”

Like hell I’m going to sell you these Chaos-imbued weapons that I just got! Yeah, dream on! No price is worth these!

Ma Mu looked dejected for a moment, then sighed. “That is to be expected…after all, who would sell such a exquisite masterpiece? Those two katanas…they are priceless treasures. In all my years working as a weaponsmith, I have never seen a single weapon worthy of even being compared with those two.”

“Huh…are they really that good?” I wondered out loud.

“Yes! I have great confidence in my eyes as a weaponsmith with over 50 years of experience. And when I see a good weapon, I know it.”

Well…better to try these out myself than taking this guy’s word for it. But still…50 years of experience? Goddamn, how old is he? Or rather, how old was he when he first became a weaponsmith?

“Well, either way, like I said, I’m not selling them,” I said boldly.

Ma Mu sighed. “What a shame…well, if you ever change your mind, just let me know. I remember your face, boy. Come find me here anytime.”

Geez, that sounds creepy. Whatever though.

“R-Right,” I muttered in reply, and Ma Mu left us without any more trouble.

After seeing his figure disappear from sight, I let out a deep sigh. “I wasn’t careful enough, it seems…I didn’t expect it to generate such a powerful and attention-attracting light. Luckily, that guy didn’t ask where I got it from, or else that could’ve been pretty dangerous.”

Mei Gui nodded. “Yes, Master. Apologies, I did not know it would cause such a thing either.”

I shook my head. “It’s fine, Mei Gui. More importantly, how do I dematerialize this thing?”

And so, for the second time, Mei Gui opened her mouth, about to explain, but was once more cut off…this time, by a different person.

“W-Wait!” Feng Mian interrupted suddenly.

I turned to look at her. “What…?”

“C-Can I try using those katanas for a second?” she asked nervously.

I tilted my head. “Uh…I mean, sure, but…why?”

“I just want to see if other people can use it as well, or is it just limited to you,” she explained. “That would be some useful knowledge to have.”

I thought about it for a moment, then arrived at my answer. “Yeah, you’re right.”

I handed her both katanas. Her hands wrapped around mine, and I made eye contact with her.

“You ready?”

“Yeah,” she said with a firm nod.

After confirmation, I let go of the weapons and took a few steps back. However…the instant I did, both katanas instantly dematerialized. Both Feng MIan and my eyes widened at this, and we immediately turned to Mei Gui, searching for answers.

Mei Gui, noticing our stares, gave a short sigh. “The weapons, created with Chaos, can naturally only be used by those with the power of Chaos within them. In other words, I can use Master’s katanas as well, and Master can similarly use my spear. However, I am more familiar with this weapon type, and the same applies to Master.”

“I see,” I murmured. “Could Obsidia use them too?”

Mei Gui frowned. “I am not too certain about that. She was ‘touched’ by a wisp of Chaos…not the naturally chosen one like you are, Master.”

“Hm…so as soon as you let go of the weapons, they will disappear?” Feng Mian summarized.

Mei Gui shook her head. “No. Only when someone else comes into contact with them, will they demateralize. For example-“

She materialized her spear, then dropped to the floor with a loud clang. The spear remained on the floor, not going anywhere.

“-And now, if Feng Mian or anyone else apart from Master and I were to touch the spear, it would demateralize.”

Feng Mian, testing this out, moved closer and placed her hand gently on the spear. Instantly, the spear disappeared in a flash of light.

“From here, I can summon it again whenever I want, given that I have enough mana,” Mei Gui finished. Then, turning to me, she continued. “Master, all you have to do in order to materialize or dematerialize your weapons is to will it.”

Will it, huh? It’s that easy…?

Kuku…looks like I just got myself one more thing that will really come in handy for the future – the day when I exterminate the Midnight Syndicate.

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