The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 279: Basilisk Dust

Chapter 279: Basilisk Dust

After escaping from the Ross Estate successfully, we headed for Old Man Leng’s shop. It was around 3 AM, so it was still open.

Undoubtedly, the Ross Estate would send people to track us down. Feng Mian’s appearance was unexpectedly seen by some guards, and the Yu sisters hadn’t been wearing any sort of mask to hide their face. Moreover, even though  was wearing a mask, my midnight black hair paired with bloody red eyes was quite a rare combo. They could probably find me either way.

That is, if I didn’t take my ring off. If I took off the ring imbued with Chaos energy on my left hand, my eyes would revert to a black color. That was pretty much useless though, since they could still just track down the girls. I decided to refrain from taking the Chaos ring off. Speaking of that thing, I was hoping I could, perhaps, find out more about it on the upper floors of the Library of Infinite Beginnings. 

In any case, we stored the glass cube containing the Basilisk Dust within my Space Locket for safekeeping. When we arrived at Old Man Leng’s shop, he greeted us with a grin.

“Welcome back. Ya completed yer mission, I presume?”

“Nice information network,” I chuckled.

“Well…I heard ya caused quite the ruckus, haha!”

Shrugging, I took out my Space Locket and brought out the glass cube once more. “Anyway. We got the Basilisk Dust. Thanks for the info you gave us. There’s more than enough for the antidote inside this cube, so if you want…say, a quarter, then you can take it.”

I normally would’ve told him to take half, but I then recalled Mrs. Fang’s nephew. Having an employee at the Library of Infinite Beginnings owe me something was good for the future, further down the line. I needed to create two antidotes. Since I already had two Hydra Fangs from the encounter in Huizhou, I was on a good course to do that.

“Nah, I’m good,” Old Man Leng replied, to my surprise. “I didn’t do much. Y’all pulled everything off on yer own. Keep it. It’s yer prize.”

“You sure?”

“Mhm. By the way, how are ya guys doin’ on the Library?”

“Well, we’ve reached the fourth floor, all of us,” Feng Mian said. “But…I’m afraid we’ll have to hold it off for a while.”

“Right…the ingredients for the 1 Year Curse antidote are not yet complete,” Yu An Yan added. “Qing Yue, what’s the next ingredient we gotta get?”

“Hm? Oh, uh…lemme see…” Qing Yue, who appeared to be a bit uncomfortable, pulled out her phone and checked the memo she had saved. “We already have the Hydra Fang and the Basilisk Dust now, so next is…oop, there’s only one more ingredient we need to get. And that is…the blood of someone close to the cursed.”

“So…my blood would work?” Lan Xiao Su asked hesitantly.

Qing Yue nodded. “Yep. It should, anyway.”

Lan Xiao Su let out a sigh of relief. “This is great! So…we have all the ingredients!”

“Yep. All that’s left is to actually make it into an antidote,” Xiang Peng smirked.

“Right…how do we do that?” I asked.

“I only know the ingredients. Nothing else,” Qing Yue replied, pursing her lips.

“Well…I just happen to know someone who’s an expert at craftin’ medicine and poison alike,” Old Man Leng interrupted, chuckling.

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Care to share?”

“Sure. Her alias is Melvia. As for her real name…I don’t even know that,” he said. “Just be careful though…”

“Hm? Why?”

“…Well, ya see, she charges…quite a lot, aha,” Old Man Leng averted his gaze. “Oh, but don’t worry – the work she does is totally worth it.”

“Uh…how much money does she need?” I asked. We just obtained a bunch of money from grinding Hunters’ Guild quests, after all. 

“Oh, nah, she doesn’t want money,” Old Man Leng laughed.

“Then what does she want?”

“She’ll most likely ask ya to complete a task for her, like gettin’ some dangerous ingredient or somethin’.”

“I…see. Is there anyone else we can find?”

“Nope. I don’t know what kind of antidote yer tryin’ to craft, but…if it needs Hydra Fangs and Basilisk Dust, chances are, it’s very difficult to make. I hate to say it, but…potion crafters on that woman’s level are rare.”

I sighed. There was no other way, it seems. “Fine. Where is this Melvia woman?”

A female voice suddenly interrupted, walking through the door. “Hm…? Quite the gathering of youngsters here, I see…Old Man Leng, I don’t see you for a couple of months, and you meet all of these young, beautiful ladies…? Hm, I wonder what your wife thinks of this, eh?”

“…Welp, there she is,” Old Man Leng said with a sigh, and all of us collectively turned to look at the newcomer. “Also, give it up. These girls are all in love with that kid there, heh.”

Caught by surprise, the girls blushed and looked away.

I sighed. “Greetings, Melvia.”

“Woah, so formal. You’re more mature than you seem,” she leaned in closer to me to inspect my face. She wore a long black robe with brown hair and eyes, and in all honesty, seemed like a witch.

“Melvia…” Old Man Leng warned.

“Yes, yes…what is it you need from me, dear boy?” she backed up and asked.

“I need an antidote made. We have all the ingredients already,” I explained. “Are you able to do it?”

“My, my…well of course I am able to do it. But the question is…are you able to pay the price?”

I narrowed my gaze. “Just be up-front. What do you need done?”

“Teehee! I like the way you think,” Melvia laughed heartily with a wink. “Very well, then. If you can get me…let’s see, what do I need…oh! That’s right! I need a Starflower!”

Old Man Leng’s eyes widened upon hearing this. “Oi, oi…Melvia…these guys are only 14.”

“Oh, I can see that. But…something tells they are far stronger than the average 14 year old…isn’t that right?” she looked into my eyes intently.

I was shocked.

Could she…perhaps, feel something different with me as well, just like the Founders of the Library?

However, I didn’t let it show on my face. I kept an indifferent expression, and replied.

“You’re overestimating me, but…whatever. How do I get this ‘Starflower’?”

“Oop, you’ll have to find that out on your own,” Melvia said, giggling. “Truth to be told, I don’t know either. Which is why I’m asking you to get it for me!”

I clenched my fists. This woman was really getting on my nerves. “Fine. But…we’re low on time for the antidote.”

“Ah…I get it. You want me to make the antidote first?” Melvia frowned and considered my proposal for a second, then made up her mind. “Sure. I’ll do it, just this once. This is different from my normal policy, but I like you.”

The other girls were stunned at how easily this woman just confessed, hoping they could be like her one day. As for me, I was more surprised at the fact that she actually accepted my condition.

“Thanks. But…aren’t you afraid we’ll cross you?”

“Mm~the fact that you asked me that just now makes me confident you won’t,” Melvia said innocently, but then her eyes took on a dangerous gleam. “But of course…if you do happen to attempt to trick me…I won’t show any mercy, y’know? Even if Old Man Leng tries to protect you, or anyone else.”

I could feel her killing intent. She wasn’t joking around. But I wasn’t fazed in the least.

I nodded. “Don’t worry…I’m not the type of person to do that. Now…best get to work on that antidote.”

Saying this, I handed her the cube container with the Basilisk Dust stored within, and also took out the two Hydra Fangs I had from my Space Locket.

“Ooh…Basilisk Dust and Hydra Fangs,” Melvia mused. “Quite the rare ingredients you got here. But this combination…the 1 Year Curse, perhaps?”

“As expected of an expert,” Feng Mian said with a sigh.

“But you do realize there is one final ingredient, I trust?” Melvia looked at us.

I turned to Lan Xiao Su, our eyes met, and we nodded to each other.

She stepped forward. “Do you…have a place I can store my blood?”

Melvia grinned. “Sure…an expert is always ready, for any situation.”

Saying this, she pulled out a glass vial from within her robe somehow. I assumed there was some sort of Space Locket hiddin in there. Then, twisting off the cap, she held it out in front of Lan Xiao Su.

“Roll up your sleeve,” she instructed, and Lan Xiao Su did as told. 

Melvia raised her other hand, and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Lan Xiao Su’s arm had a light cut on it.

“O-Ouch!” she cried in surprise, but she somehow managed to keep her arm even. Blood flowed out of the wound and into the vial below.

“And…all done,” Melvia said once the vial was completely filled up with Lan Xiao Su’s blood. “Someone use some Blessing Magic on her.”

Qing Yue, realizing this was her job, hurried over and cast some healing magic on Lan Xiao Su’s cut.

“Thanks…” she murmured.

“Alright. I’ll have the antidote ready by…say, tomorrow.”

I nodded in response. “Got it…we’ll meet up here same time tomorrow, then.”

“Sounds good~” Melvia said, before walking out of the shop.

“That woman…she’s strong,” I murmured after she left.

“Oh? What makes you say that?” Old Man Leng smirked.

I scoffed. “She cut Lan Xiao Su’s arm in a flash. I didn’t even see her hand move.”

“Observant. Yer right. She’s actually only a step away from becomin’ a Holy Emperor. Way stronger than me n’ my wife.”

I sighed. “That explains it…”

“So, might want to think twice before crossing her.”

“Don’t worry – I never planned on crossing her anyway. Now…from your reaction earlier, you know something about this ‘Starflower’ she wants. Can you tell me?”

Old Man Leng chuckled. “I said this just now, but I’ll say it again. Yer extremely observant, for a 14 year old. Anyway…yer right. I do know of it. But…it’s goin’ to be dangerous.”

I smirked. “I kinda figured that. But since when has that stopped me from doing what I want to do?”

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