The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 391: The Long Family

Chapter 391: The Long Family

After a while of walking through Fragment, the group found themselves in the same ring of mansions they had been in before when visiting Xiang Peng’s house.

Given how large the ring was, there was a good distance of about 500 meters from the Long Family’s manor to the Xiang Family’s, which was good since I didn’t want to run into that old patriarch again.

“Here we are,” Long Lu announced, stopping before the front gates of the Long Family mansion. It was enormous and themed like an ancient Chinese temple, with curved roofs and painted wooden walls.

The outside was surrounded by a thick concrete wall, but there were also invisible magic barriers that reached world limit above the walls to prevent anyone from sneaking in from the air. Even though this was Fragment, danger still loomed at every corner in this harsh world where strength is justice.

After several seconds, the gates swung open of their own accord and an old man wearing a butler suit stepped out from behind them, bowing politely.

“Welcome home, second young master.”

Is this the butler we were warned about…?

“Are mother and father here?” Long Lu asked, careful not to greet him in any way.

“Yes, second young master. They are waiting for you inside, but…”

The butler glanced at the girls and I.

“… These are all your friends, I’m assuming?”

“Is there a problem?”

“No, not at all…” The butler quickly said, a warm smile on his face. “To think our second young master managed to become friends with the third young master of the Ming Family and first young lady of the Si Family… I’m sure the patriarch and matriarch would be impressed. Please, come in.”

Ming Hao and Si Ye, who had been fighting in the back as usual, stopped and quickly gathered themselves. They were in the presence of another one of the Eight Great Families; they must act accordingly as to not embarrass their own respective families.

The butler led us into the mansion. The inside was heavily Chinese-themed, just like the outside. We were taken to a large hall with a long red carpet in it and two thrones at the other end, where the patriarch and matriarch of the Long Family sat.

The butler motioned for us to go inside, and we did as told. He shut the door after we entered, leaving us alone with the leaders of the family.

Long Lu stepped forward and bowed his head. “Mother, father, I have returned.”

“Good. How is the university going for you so far?” The patriarch asked. He was a man with a large mustache and deep voice, wearing an emperor’s robes and crown.

“It is fine, father. My class is currently in the lead.”

“Hahaha! I knew my Lu’Er would come through!” He laughed boldly. “Great work, keep it up.”

“Yes, father.”

“Hm… but who are all these people you brought?” The matriarch asked in a soft, gentle tone, wearing an empress’s gown as expected. She was quite beautiful, but not nearly on the level of the girls around me. “So many girls… fufu~ Lu’Er, you are this popular with the ladies?”

“Ha! Of course he is!” The patriarch chuckled. “He takes after me, after all.”

“Um, actually, we…” Feng Mian began, wanting to say I was the one they liked, but I quickly covered her mouth. Speaking out of turn here was the last thing we wanted to do.

“You misunderstand, mother, father,” Long Lu said in our stead. “These people are fellow students of mine. Apart from the third young master of the Ming Family and first young lady of the Si Family, the rest are all in my class. I have became friends with them, so I offered to take them here for the holidays.”

“Ah… but the girls…?” The matriarch continued, eyebrow raised suggestively.

Long Lu sighed. “As a matter of fact… these girls all already have someone they like, and it is not me.”

“Hm? I know Hao Hao and Si Si are childhood friends and lovebirds, but the rest-“

“Uh, I’m afraid I have to interrupt there,” Ming Hao suddenly interjected. “Si Si and I are childhood friends, yes, but not lovebirds. Just wanted to make that known.”

“Ahaha… so cute, youngsters nowadays~” The matriarch giggled. “But if all these truly stunning beauties don’t like you, Lu’Er, then…”

Her gaze fell on me, who was in the center of all the girls. I quickly looked away, not wanting to meet her gaze, but it was too late. Their interest was focused on me now.

“Hoho…” The patriarch rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Who is this boy to have so many beauties surrounding him?”

“I’m just a nobody from a backwater city compared to Fragment,” I replied calmly. “These girls and I are just together due to various events and coincidences. Please think nothing of it.”

“Hm… is that so?” The patriarch smirked and suddenly stood up, unleashing a wave of magic energy all around him.

“Ngh-!” Long Lu, Ming Hao, and Si Ye all raised their arms in front of their faces to protect from the energy, but the girls and I weren’t affected at all. The patriarch noticed this and smiled wryly.

“Kid, you have some guts, lying to me, but I’ll forgive you since you are Lu’Er’s friend.”

“Lying…?” Long Lu questioned, glancing at me then back at his father. “What do you mean, father?”

The patriarch sat back down on his seat and laughed. “That attack I did just now… it was a mild test. Only Ancestral Mages and above are able to withstand the pressure I emit without budging an inch. Which means…”

“H-Hey! Xuan Kai, you’re an Ancestral Mage?!” Ming Hao cried in shock. “And all the girls too?!”

“Uh… no,” I replied briskly, still trying to worm my way out of this somehow. Remaining completely unaffected was a blunder — I should’ve made a move to act like I was blown away as well…

“Ha… so that’s how you want to play it, kid? Fine, I’ll comply,” the patriarch chuckled under his breath, then raised his voice so all of us could hear. “Relax, that was a joke. An Ancestral Mage at his age? Not happening.”

“O-Oh…” Ming Hao let out a sigh of relief as I sent the patriarch a look of gratitude, lowering my head slightly. He noticed this and smirked.

“Well — I won’t keep you here any longer,” the patriarch said. “You kids can go have fun. It is the holidays, after all.”

The matriarch nodded in agreement. “Indeed… but Lu’Er, try to get a girlfriend soon, okay?”

“G-Geh…” Long Lu groaned. “Y-Yes, mother.”

With that, they left the main hall, where the butler was waiting for them outside.

“Butler, my friends here would like to seek your assistance for something,” Long Lu said, getting to the main purpose of us coming here. “Do you mind?”

The butler shook his head. “No, not at all. Whatever the young master wishes.”

With that, we headed off for a different sector of the Long Family residency, while the patriarch and matriarch stared after us.

“… Dear, why did you help that boy cover up his lie?” The matriarch asked quietly, eyeing her husband in curiosity.

“Heh. He’s an interesting one. Him and those girls around him are all Ancestral Mages, and I sense an even higher order of power from some of them, the boy included. I’m not sure what that power is, but… it tells me becoming allies with this boy will prove to be helpful in the future.”

“Us, one of the Eight Great Families, forming an ally with one single boy…” The matriarch sighed. “To think we would have a day like this.”

“That single boy will go far,” the patriarch replied. “He may seem quiet and indifferent on the surface, but in reality, that is coldness and ruthlessness. But he is not a monster, either. I can see it in his eyes — there is warmth in them when he looks at those girls. He genuinely cares about them, and they will be the lock that prevents him from drowning in darkness.”

“So… doing that was to get him to owe us a favor?”

“Exactly. Lu’Er mentioned his class was in the lead earlier. But as much as I hate to say it, he does not have the strategical and tactical skills needed to beat the other class’s leaders, such as Ming Hao and Si Ye. In other words, there is a mastermind in Lu’Er’s class, telling him what to do.”

“And you think that mastermind is this boy?”

“I’m not certain yet, but perhaps. It is also possible this boy is nothing but a pawn to the mastermind as well, but I find that unlikely given his power.”

“Hm… shall I try and find out more about him, then?” The matriarch asked.

“… No. If he finds out we are trying to discover more about him, he will see us as enemies,” the patriarch replied after some hesitation. “We don’t need to know where his powers come from — only that it is on our side.”

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