The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 420: Ling Xin's Return

Chapter 420: Ling Xin’s Return

“… The Death Realm?” Yu An Yan’s eyes widened. “Is that similar to the Void Realm where we all cultivated in…?”

“So that is how you aged so quickly… no matter, ” Ling Xin replied. “But unlike the Void Realm… the Death Realm contains civilization in it. The ‘Grey Scourge’ you encountered… was not just any scourge. It was the domain of someone powerful from there, able to wipe out entire forests of life.”

“W-Wha… is everyone there this powerful?” Feng Mian asked.

“No. Whoever caused that was a talent amongst talents, but even the most basic population in the Death Realm could easily beat you all.”

“…!” The girls all widened their eyes, shocked at this.

“… They are that powerful?” Obsidia muttered, raising an eyebrow in skepticism.

“Yes, but not in the way you would expect,” Ling Xin sighed. “Though there is no time to explain all of this to you now. I just wanted you to know where Xuan Kai went… since you deserve to know. As for me… I will be heading to the Death Realm to look for him.”

“I am coming with you,” Mei Gui said, standing up. “I will see Master again.”

“No, you are not,” Ling Xin cut in coldly, then glanced at the other girls. “And neither are the rest of you.”

“You told us all this, then refuse to let us come along?” Lan Xiao Su taunted. “I’m sorry, but with all due respect… that seems kind of cruel.”

“I have told you that because you are close to him. Be grateful,” Ling Xin replied, standing up as well and resting one hand on her hips. “But other than that… this does not concern you any longer.”

“And it concerns you?” Lin Luo challenged, narrowing her eyes. “Who even are you? Xuan Kai has never even mentioned you before. Some one-sided love? How pitiful.”

“Calling me pitiful? I love him, and he is very dear to me — at least I am able to admit my love openly. What about you, Ascended Seraphim?”

“I don’t like him at all,” Lin Luo replied without even batting an eye. “I am merely stuck here with him due to the…”

“The curse? Hm, yes. He put the same one on me, did you know? But that same curse was broken when he fell into the cliff. He released it for us — and that’s how I was able to know something went wrong. He’s not the type of person to let go of an important chess piece like myself that easily. So despite the curse being broken already… you are still here. If you truly do not like him at all, then leave. You are not needed here.”

“Tsk…!” Lin Luo gritted her teeth, but didn’t make a move to leave. Ling Xin, seeing this, gave a faint snort and began heading for the door.

“In any case… you all cannot come. I would bring you if I could, but the Death energy in the Death Realm is powerful enough to kill you instantly. I am able to withstand it since I am far stronger than you all, but the moment you step foot into that place, you will get your life taken away immediately. So… if you truly care about Xuan Kai, then stay right where you are and don’t try anything dangerous.”

“…” The girls all fell silent after hearing this, realizing there was nothing they could do to argue.

It was true; Ling Xin was far stronger than them all, being a Holy Emperor. Even Obsidia’s dragon form in its full glory did not stand a chance against her. But even so…

“… Just think about how Xuan Kai would feel if he knew you all killed yourselves while searching for him.”

Leaving these harsh words behind, Ling Xin stepped out of the room, eyed Ming Hao and Long Lu who had been crouching there, eavesdropping, then left. The Sound Barrier, obviously, had prevented them from hearing anything. Ming Hao attempted to crack through it, but his magic was no match to that of a Holy Emperor.

I said that I could survive in the Death Realm because I was a lot stronger than them, but… Ling Xin thought as she walked. The truth is… it’s because I was originally from there in the first place. No matter how strong someone from the Living Realm is, they will perish instantly in the Death Realm. Mana does not stand a chance against True Essence.

As it was nighttime, Ling Xin vanished into the shadows and returned to her own chamber in the IMF Headquarters quickly. Once she got there, she picked up the phone and ran a single number.

“… Shadow Empress. What do you need from me?” The male voice on the other end asked.

“Senior, I need to leave for a period of time. Could you cover my responsibilities in the Council?”

“… I will not ask you where you intend to go. But why me?”

“You know I am not on good terms with the other Human Council Member. Therefore… you are the only one I can ask.”

“… I see. How long will you be gone?”

“That’s… hard to say. As short as 3 days to as long as…” Ling Xin trailed off.

“This must be important, if you are willing to abandon your duties as a Council Member to do it.”

“… It is. But if things become too tedious for you, senior, don’t worry about covering for me. I will gladly resign from my position, if that is what it takes to save him.”

“Him? So this is a matter regarding love? I must say, Shadow Empress… this is unlike you. You are a very flirtatious woman, but you have never truly fallen in love with someone.”

“I suppose he is my first, then… and only.”

“… I understand. I will help cover your duties to the best of my abilities. Best of luck.”

“Thank you, senior.”

Ling Xin hung up the phone and sat down in her chair to get some rest, then stood back up again. There was no time to rest; what was she thinking?!

Taking a deep breath, she broke the chains she had set on herself, holding the dormant power within her body captive. In an instant, she felt empowered once more, her domain of death instantly expanding from her body. However, she quickly controlled it and harnessed its power, though it was a bit difficult at first.

It has been 4 years since this power was last active. 4 years since she last used it. It made sense for her to struggle a bit, but after several seconds, she managed to contain the power. This, was the talent of an IMF Council of Arcanity member.

Lifting her arm and holding it in front of her body, she carefully drew an elliptical-shape with her fingers. The white borders of the shape spasmed a little, then a swirling black vortex suddenly appeared within its edges, forming a portal.

Clenching her fists, Ling Xin made up her mind and stepped through the gate.

The gate that led directly to the Death Realm.

Xuan Kai… you idiot. Always getting yourself into dangerous situations like this… do you have any idea how many injuries I received since that time you put that curse on me, thanks to how careless you are with getting hurt?

If you hadn’t unlocked those shackles on my soul… I would’ve died without even realizing it.

Fufu… this time, after I get you back, I’m never leaving your side again.

Even if you don’t put the curse on me… even if you try to push me away… I’m sticking with you, no matter what.

You asked for it. Can’t blame me for this.

So… that’s why… please… please… still be alive.


– Tian Lin’s Quarters –

(Tian Lin’s Perspective)

I placed down the phone, having finished the conversation with the Shadow Empress.

“For heaven’s sake… this is one difficult favor you’ve requested from me.”

No, I wasn’t talking about the Shadow Empress telling me to cover for her duties. I was talking about the reason why I had to accommodate her like this in the first place.

Not long ago, the Seventeenth Founder of the Library of Infinite Beginnings was established. The leader of us all, Sylvoir, had made us all give him any favor of his choosing from each of us. And the favor he had requested from me, was…

… Indeed, to give the Shadow Empress whatever help she needed.

I was a man of my word, of honor. I accepted his favor, and now I would fulfill it. But I must say…

… I have not heard from that boy in a long time. The last time I met him, I recall telling him there was a place to go the Library of Infinite Beginnings in Fragment as well, but I have not seen him there since. His university should be on break right now, and yet…

I sighed deeply, glancing out the window of the enormous tower in the sky known as the IMF Headquarters. My mind wandered to what the Shadow Empress had to do… and just which lucky boy managed to catch her attention.

Unbeknownst to myself… the boy who made me accept his favor and the boy who the Shadow Empress sought after now… were the same person.

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