The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 444: The Ice Elves' Queen

Chapter 444: The Ice Elves’ Queen

The guard led us to a frozen metal gate that led towards the castle, covered in beautiful snow and ice. Once there, he stopped and turned around to us.

“Wait here. I will inform the queen of your presence. If she is not busy, she will see you.”

I nodded firmly and watched as the guard opened the gates and slipped inside, locking it behind him. I contemplated sneaking in my own way, as gates like this meant little in front of Space Magic, but the queen probably wouldn’t take that very nicely.

“Lorelei, just to confirm, he’s still in your range, correct?”

Lorelei, in her fox form, nodded.  “Even in her current state, Lorelei can still have an influence range about the size of a city, though only a few people can be controlled at once.”

“Good to hear,” I murmured, nodding in satisfaction. “Will you be able to influence the Queen as well? That would be awesome.”

“That depends on her power level, master. If she is too strong, Lorelei can only see but not influence her soul.”

“Psst,” Ling Xin whispered in my ear. “You’re talking out loud. People are staring.”


Clearing my throat, I pretended nothing ever happened and patiently awaited the return of the soldier.


Several minutes later, the guard returned, a more rigid expression on his face. He probably got scolded by the Queen for allowing an outsider to enter the village. By the looks of it, we were about to get kicked out. Too bad.

“The Queen… she said she would see you. Follow me.”

“… Huh?”

“Is there a problem?” The guard asked, raising an eyebrow. “Is that not what you came here to do?”

“N-No, you’re right,” I said, quickly shaking my head. “I was just… slightly surprised she would actually see us, that’s all.”

“Well, she did scold me for allowing humans into the village, but at the same time, she wanted to see you for some reason. I don’t really get it myself, but then again, no one really understands the Queen’s decisions. All they know how to do is believe in her, wholly and completely.”

Oho… I have a good idea why she still wants to see us. This Queen… she’s crafty. Quite observant, too. Not bad, not bad at all. If her actual power matches up to her intelligence… Lorelei most likely won’t be able to control her.

“Now, follow me,” the guard said, turning around and heading into the gates once more, this time leaving it open behind him so that we could follow. Once we did, he shut and locked them to prevent anyone else from entering, and then took the lead to direct us to the castle.

This may be a little more difficult than I hoped, but… whatever. I like a challenge.


Soon, we were led inside the ice castle by the guard. The interior was no less grand than the exterior, and drew the gazes of both Ling Xin and Axilia. Even Lorelei’s eyes sparkled, reflected by the crystalline innards of the structure. It was like they were in an ice cavern, crafted with extreme delicacy and expertise.

The only colors in this palace were different shades of blue, giving it a somewhat monotone feel. However, that went perfectly in line with the icy biome that surrounded it. After all, it would hardly make sense for a castle of rainbows and unicorns to be in a snowy mountain range like this.

Our footsteps echoed against the crystalline, translucent walls, providing a strange tranquil yet unsettling feeling in our stomachs. I wasn’t exactly  scared  to meet this Ice Elves’ Queen, per se, but I never have been much of a social person. Now that I was being presented in front of royalty, I didn’t know how to act to avoid seeming disrespectful or rude.

Of course, I had met other royalty before, like Axilia, the King, and the Prince of the Death Realm, but those guys were my enemies anyway so I really didn’t care if I was rude towards them. This Queen, however, I wanted to maintain a peaceful relationship with if possible. I had done enough fighting for a while. I only seek peace for the time being.

Soon, the guard led us to a tall, grand pair of doors with a beautiful snowflake design in the center. He signaled for us to stop, then gently knocked on the door.

“Your Majesty, I have brought them here.”

The doors opened, revealing a beautiful chamber of blue crystals and ice inside. A few meters away, a gorgeous ice elf sat atop her throne of ice, eyes as blue as the sky and pale skin as white as snow.

“Enter,” she said, voice cold enough to bring chills to our skin.

The guard bowed and motioned for us to go in. It was clear from his gestures that he wasn’t going to follow. I met his gaze, then nodded and entered. Ling Xin and Axilia followed me. The guard shut the door behind us, not locking it, but it was intimidating nonetheless.

… Well, for others. Me? Not so much.

“Greetings, queen of the ice elves,” I said calmly, staring the queen directly in the eye to show I wasn’t scared of her in the least. The Queen obviously saw my intentions, and narrowed her clear eyes slightly in response.

“If you think you can influence my mind like you did with the guard, think again. Enough with the innocent act, human. What are your true goals in coming here?”

“Ah, so you noticed,” I said, smiling wryly. “We didn’t mean to do that to him at first, but because he was being hostile towards us—much like you are doing right now—we were forced to resort to such methods.”

The queen, being the only person in the room apart from us, furrowed her brows slightly.

“… Is that a threat?”

I shook my head. “Not at all, Your Majesty. Did I hurt your guard in any way? No. Just like I said, I only have one intention in coming here—returning home to Human Territory.”

“… How did you end up here in the first place? We do not associate with humans. They do not come to our land under any circumstances.”

“That is… well, something I can’t disclose, unfortunately,” I replied after some hesitation. “Just know we don’t mean any harm.”

“I realize we sound suspicious,” Ling Xin added. “But maybe, if you take a look at this, you will change your mind…”

Saying this, a dark shroud suddenly enveloped her, and she transformed into her normal form—the Shadow Empress. A beautiful black mask donned the upper-half of her face in the shape of a butterfly, and a black gown followed suit to cover the rest of her body.

Instantly, the Ice Queen’s eyes widened.

“The Shadow Empress…? Impossible. What are you doing here with a mere boy? All the male Council Members are either old men or taller than he is.”

“He’s my future husband,” Ling Xin replied with a smile. “Is there a problem?”

“… Sorry, but I have trouble believing that. However… I can indeed sense you are the real Shadow Empress, given your energy signature and appearance. I trust you will not bring any harm to this village, but if you are seeking to return to Human Territory, that is simply impossible.”

“Why? As long as you tell me where this place is, I can set up a portal, then close it right after,” I said. “I have a Space Magic affinity, after all.”

“Even so, ever since the ancient times, my ancestors have set down a magic barrier around the Ice Elves’ queendom. It prevents anyone from using long-distance Space Magic inside, to prevent any outside invaders from suddenly attacking the empire. As such, if you wish to use Space Magic, you have to exit this ice domain first… but unfortunately, the Winter Storm is nearing. If you leave the village now, you will end up as nothing but food.”

“Winter Storm…? Is that a literal storm, or a name for something more… ominous?” I asked, curiosity piqued.

“… Every year, a terrible blizzard lasting 30 days will befall this icy biome. Monsters of old and beasts of legend will come lumbering out of their ancient homes, seeking prey and lusting for blood. If we stay in the village, we will be alright, but going outside is nothing but suicide. Even the best warriors of the queendom sent out to slay beasts during the Winter Storm… never returned.”

“How powerful are they, compared to a Holy Emperor?” Ling Xin asked, clearly referring to herself.

“… Far stronger. These are not the normal Magic Beasts you see in elsewhere. These are intelligent beasts, ranging from Rank 6 to 8, who know how to use the environment and climate to their advantage. Even if you have a Holy Emperor with you, you will eventually have your companions picked off one by one… until you become the last one remaining and succumb to death sooner or later.”

“Ominous,” I said. “But I’m afraid I can’t afford to wait 30 days. How long will it take, roughly, to exit this ice biome?”

“You… you are crazy,” the queen breathed, shaking her head.

“Perhaps. But answer the question, if you will?”

“… Under normal circumstances, 3 days. However, during the Winter Storm… you’ll be lucky if you manage to do it in a week. Not that I can say exactly how long, since no one has ever done it…”

“Good,” I said. “We’ll set off tomorrow. Your Majesty, you don’t mind if we stay at your village tonight to get some rest, do you?”

“… No, do as you wish. I also recommend buying some heavy armor from a store here, since those feeble flames won’t do you much good in the blizzard.”

“Thank you. Then, we’ll take our leave,” I said, turning around and preparing to exit.

The queen did not respond.

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