The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 462: Back to the Summoning Realm

Chapter 462: Back to the Summoning Realm

“… Whew.”

I stared blankly at the dark ceiling above me, thoughts drifting towards a certain phoenix.

I lay on a massively wide bed, with the girls all fast-asleep beside me. I was completely exhausted, and so was my member. I couldn’t count how many times I came tonight if I tried, but it did feel good, that was for sure. Still, Lan Xiao Su, Lin Luo, and Zhao Xiuying had sat this one out. If my harem kept growing, my body might not be able to keep up. At this rate, I might have to set up a schedule as to who I spend time with on one day, and who the next… though that all seems like so much of a hassle.

At any rate, there were more important matters to be thinking about. For instance, a certain phoenix girl whom I had named Flaria.

When I entered the Death Realm, my contract with her had been forcibly broken. I figured that was most likely because the Summoning Realm does not share a direct connection with any other Realm except the Living, just like how Lorelei could not directly transfer to the Death Realm from her Soul Realm. Flaria, being but a mere infant Phoenix, definitely could not cross over between realms like Lorelei could, even if she was of the Golden Phoenix Bloodline. After all, if even the Queen of a race so powerful it once ruled an entire Realm could only barely make the jump, there was no way a mere child could.

“Master. Are you planning on going to the Summoning Realm?” Lorelei suddenly asked me in my head.

… Yeah. I need to find her. Flaria, I mean. She lost both her parents, and saw me as her new father. I don’t want her to experience the same pain again… the same pain I once suffered from too.

“… Very well. Take Lorelei with you.”

Huh…? But… why? Shouldn’t you remain here and feed on the other girls’ dreams? And besides—is it even possible to bring you…?

“It is,” she replied. “The dreams can wait. Lorelei will remain by master’s side and help you look for this… Flaria girl.”

Oh, right… you have sensing abilities… I see. Alright, then. Just make sure you’re not too tired from… what we did.

“Worry not, master. Lorelei still has plenty of stamina left.”

Right… but I don’t. It is what it is, though. No sense in delaying this any longer.

Closing my eyes, I called upon the only spell in the Summoning Element:

Evocatio Spatium.

Immediately, I felt the edges of my vision turn a blurry white, before filling up my sight completely. My ethereal body, carrying Lorelei, was sucked out of my real one, and together, we were sent to the Summoning Dimension/Realm, however you want to call it.


“… It’s been a while since I last came here.”

As my vision returned, I found myself inside the familiar black-and-green retro-game themed world that was called the Summoning Dimension by the Living Realm’s inhabitants. In reality, however, it too was a Realm of its own, called the Summoning Realm.

The sky was dark green, and everything was made out of pixels. The ground adopted a grid-like pattern, with glowing green lines cutting the opaque black floor into completely even squares. Other than the weird aesthetics, however, this place was more or less a normal world. Trees, water, and even a sun were all present, and many animals roamed about.

I also spotted several other people in this place, possibly looking for a contracted beast, but I didn’t bother with the, and instead chose to consult my partner in this mission.

So, Lorelei. Can you sense Flaria?”

Lorelei turned into her Soulfox form and climbed on top of my shoulder, then closed her eyes and let the rune-like symbol on her forehead shine a bright pink. Then, after a few seconds, the light faded away, and Lorelei opened her eyes once more.

“… A Phoenix of the Golden Bloodline, correct? How perfect,” she murmured inside my head. “She is on top of that mountain the distance, Master.”

What… really? Wow… I didn’t expect such a precise answer.

“After consuming your dreams, Lorelei’s abilities seem to have improved drastically,” Lorelei said. “It is most unusual, but not something to complain about. But in addition to that… Lorelei can sense Golden Phoenixes in particular very well.”

Oh? Why is that? I asked as I began walking towards the mountain in the distance. It was a pain, not being able to use any form of magic as an ethereal version of myself.

“Many, many years ago, the Soulfoxes and the ruling race of the Fire Realm had an alliance. They were good friends.”

The Fire Realm… and that race was the Phoenixes, I suppose?

“Not just any Phoenixes, master. Golden Phoenixes in particular,” Lorelei explained. “Between Realms that are normally not connected, one can create something called a Realm Corridor that connects two Realms permanently, so long as it is not destroyed. As such, the Soulfoxes and Golden Phoenixes would constantly mingle and go to one another’s realms to play. Their society was too a matriarchy, and Lorelei was good friends with their Queen.”

I see… but the Nightwolves… they destroyed the Realm Corridor before attacking, didn’t they?

“Indirectly, but yes. Maintaining a Realm Corridor and keeping it active despite the harshness of the void between Realms is difficult and takes energy. As the Soulfoxes were barely even able to sustain themselves, they naturally could not keep the Realm Corridor up and running. The Golden Phoenixes alone could not maintain the Corridor on their own.”

… Tragic. But if that’s the case… how come a Golden Phoenix—Flaria—is here in the Summoning Realm? I asked.

After a short silence, Lorelei spoke.

“… Lorelei can only imagine something similar befell them. Or, alternatively… this Flaria girl is just an outcast.”

An outcast… just like me, huh? All the more reason to get her back.

With a smile, I continued my journey onwards towards the mountain.


“… Alright. Finally,” I sighed, having reached the peak of the mountain after nearly an hour. I had sprinted all the way here as fast as I could without magic enhancements. Since this was my ethereal body, I didn’t run out of energy or start sweating or anything. Still, this took longer than I would’ve liked.

“Now then…” I stared down at the pool of fuming green liquid below me. “… You’re telling me Flaria is in there, Lorelei?”

Yes, this was a volcano. The lava was just green to fit in the aesthetic of this realm.

“Yes,” Lorelei replied in my head. “Volcanoes are a Phoenix’s favorite place to rest.”

“Huh… is that so?” I scratched my head, wondering aloud. “Well, in any case… Flaria! Can you hear me?!”

I yelled down into the volcano’s chamber, but received no response apart from my own voice’s echoing.

“… Damn.”

“That will not work, master,” Lorelei said nonchalantly. “Chances are, the Golden Phoenix you seek is at the very bottom of this volcano. Sound will not reach her.”

“… Ugh, how annoying.”

Then, recalling what had happened when I first met Flaria by chance, I came up with an idea.

Hm… maybe if I do this… she’ll know I’m here…


After going all the way down the mountain to retrieve an apple and climbing all the way back up again, I was ready to die.

Yes, I didn’t feel tired or anything at all, but my mental state was still injurable. Doing the same thing over and over again will drive me insane. I even picked up a couple more fruits, just in case this one didn’t work—I sure as hell am not going back down there and coming up again.


“… Wait. If I toss this fruit down here, won’t it just burn from the lava?” I muttered.

“Actually, these fruits are all extremely heat-resistant, master,” Lorelei said, having inspected the fruits’ souls. “They should be able to make it to the bottom without being turned to ashes.”

“Huh… so that’s why Flaria liked eating these ones in her Phoenix form,” I muttered. “Normal ones would’ve disintegrated in her mouth before she could even get a taste.”

I shook my head. “Well, whatever. Let’s give this a shot.”

Rubbing the fruit on my body a good few times, I tossed the apple down into the lava. Does that sound gross? Yeah, I guess, but it was to make sure Flaria knew who was there. I guess I could’ve carved some text into the apple, but hell, I didn’t even know if she was literate, and I wasn’t about to risk it.

But even after waiting several minutes, there was no response. I tossed down another fruit. Then another. And another.

“… Seriously?” I muttered, sighing and placing my hands on my hips. “Lorelei, you sure she’s in here?”

“Certain, master. Lorelei can still detect her energy signature below the lava. She is perfectly healthy and well.”

Then… is she mad at me? For abandoning her?

I guess… I should give a proper explanation. But how was I supposed to do that, when she isn’t even going to come out of the lava to greet me?

I sighed. “… I’ll come back another time, I suppose.”

There’s nothing I could do right now. I needed to get back, formulate a plan, then return here.

Spinning around, I began descending the mountain, disheartened and defeated. It would seem this has been a waste of ti-

“Oi! Where are you going, you bastard of a master?!”

Suddenly, I heard a splash of liquid followed by aloud, unmistakable high-pitched voice behind me. My eyes widened, and I slowly turned around.

“… Flaria?”

Before me, a phoenix, radiating in golden flames, narrowed her eyes at me from the air.

“… Hmph. You have a lot of explaining to do.”

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