The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 547 - The Tower Of Nirvana I

Chapter 547 – The Tower Of Nirvana I

– Within the Chaos Realm –

It was dark.

The various sky islands and platforms we had to journey our way upwards on were all shaped in different angles and sizes, meaning the terrain was impossible to make across. There also seemed to be a tremendously powerful Chaos aura in the air, preventing us from flying or doing anything of the sort. We had to make it across this difficult terrain with nothing but our feet and own two hands.

The jumps between platforms far away from one another were the hardest. Most had flying asteroids acting as a timegate between them, and we would need to wait for the series of large rocks to whizz past before jumping at the perfect moment if we wanted to make it across.

On several of the sky islands, there were also monsters we needed to battle. Naturally, these monsters weren't just any normal creatures. That would be far too easy—no, these monsters were Chaosborn, just like those Chaoshounds from earlier. From snakes to outright large mechanical robots, they attacked us relentlessly, but with Mei Gui and I together, we were able to subdue them with relative ease. Well… I say that, but really, it was Mei Gui doing most of the work. For some reason, it seemed that in this place, she was a lot stronger and deadlier than on the outside.

I mean, outside, she was already powerful enough. But in the Chaos Realm… she was like a completely different person. Her skill and power appeared to be amplified by the Chaos core here the closer she got to it, so as we ascended and encountered even tougher enemies, she was getting stronger as well.

Soon, before I even realized it, we arrived at the final platform, where a massive, half-broken tower stood.

"… We're here, Master."

Red lightning cackled and flashed behind the tower's adrift pieces, illuminating the sky scarlet and painting the reflections on the stone a bloody crimson. Thunder roared down all around us, but there was no rain to accompany it. Only ominous lightning and thunder, granting the tower a heavy and dark aura.

Taking a deep breath, I took a step forward. The two double doors guarding the entrance of the tower creaked, then opened on their own, as if inviting us inside. I could feel the energy leaking out from the deepest parts of this place, and although it wasn't exactly 'comforting', it felt warm. Familial. Like it was something I needed, and belonged with.

"… Let's go," I said under my breath, and Mei Gui gave a nod.

"If that is your decision, then very well. Just know that this will be the final chance to turn back and wait until you are stronger to come again."

"My mother is most likely in here right now," I said, clenching my fists. "I can't just go back empty-handed. It's now or never."


Within the dark tower, there was only a single spiral stone staircase, leading upwards. The structure of it, however, was very peculiar and unusual. It extended outside the tower's sometimes-broken walls, and then looped back inside on some occasions. It was very weird, and some parts of the staircase was even broken, pieces drifting off to god-knows-where, but even so, it was—just barely—climbable.

Mei Gui and I headed upwards on the staircase, following the broken tracks and unorthodox layout, until we finally arrived at the very top of the tower. Even that, however, was not the end, as I soon realized this was just the first stop. 

"… What's this?" I asked, approaching what seemed like a stone tablet below a slab of rock. On the tablet, some text was written. Unfortunately, it was written in an ancient script of some sort, so I didn't know how to comprehend it.

Mei Gui, on the other hand…

"… Three towers, one hope. When all three lights have been lit, the doors to the Tower of Nirvana shall open."

"The Tower of Nirvana…?"

"Up there," Mei Gui said, pointing at the faint silhouette of a enormously tall tower in the distance that didn't seem to have any lights on it or anything. "That is our end goal. But in order to reach there… we need to light up two other towers apart from this one."

"Huh… so how do I light up this one?"

"Use Chaos energy, Master," Mei Gui replied. "Right here, on the rock slab. Don't use a spell or anything—just a little bit of energy is fine."

I nodded and did as told, closing my eyes and placing my hand on the stone slab. Then, channeling the red Chaos energy through my veins, I poured just a tiny bit out of my hand, and into the rock.

Immediately, it lit up, glowing bright red, and above me, a beautiful red glow appeared as well, along with what seemed like a translucent road, leading to deeper into this seemingly endless realm.

"Uh… we walk on this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, and Mei Gui nodded.

"Correct. Worry not, Master. This is 100% safe to stand on."

"… Sure," I muttered, glancing dubiously at it. It certainly didn't seem 100% safe, that was for sure. I definitely didn't want to fall down there—I couldn't even see the bottom of the fog that covered the abyss.

But how bad could it be, right? I mean, I did something similar to this not too long ago—walking on Aquira's water bridge, that is. Definitely can't be worse than that.

I took a step forward onto the translucent red bridge, and widened my eyes a little at how solid and stable it felt. Probably because it was made of Chaos energy, but surprisingly enough, it felt quite solid, like a real bridge. Mei Gui took the lead and offered me her hand if that made me feel safer, but for my pride as a man, I denied the offer even though accepting it probably would've been the better option.

After a very long while of walking, we reached another sky island, far far away from where the first tower was. This method of walking was easier, though, to be honest, since there wasn't any 'parkour jumps' or monsters who tried to knock us off. That would've sucked.

In any case, the second tower was simple to get to compared to the first one. We entered it like usual, climbed the unusual staircase once again, and lit it up. This time, however, as soon as we lit the stone tablet, a deep rumbling came from below us.

"… Well, I was going to say 'alright, only one more to go', but…" I narrowed my eyes. "It seems someone isn't very happy about what we're doing."

"It is below us, Master," Mei Gui said, gripping her spear tightly, a deadly red gleam in her eyes. "I shall get rid of it."

"Let me do something too, dammit," I said with a chuckle, and patted her head. "Can't have you doing anything for me, now can I?"

"Master…" Mei Gui looked up at me in surprise, but I only smiled and flashed her a thumbs-up. 

"I'll take care of this."


Down below, a massive robot seemed to have spawned, ready to take us on. It had one single eye that took up its entire head, and it blazed with angry red Chaos energy. The machine was mostly humanoid and had arms and legs, but its movements were clearly mechanical.


A deep rumble came from its body, and it smashed its two metal arms down on the ground at me. I evaded with ease, of course, and sliced my katana down at its eye. Surprisingly, however, it was ineffective. That wasn't its weakspot… weird, considering usually something glowing on an enemy's body meant you should hit it.

"Master, behind it," Mei Gui hinted, and I smirked.

"Ah… I see."

I dashed towards the robot once more, katanas in hand. Then, I pretended to attack its front, but in reality slid underneath in between his legs. The robot was naturally caught by surprise, but that wasn't even the finale. 

Suddenly, I placed the hilts of my katana together, and turned it into a bow. And pulling the string back, I closed one eye, and let the arrow fly.

The projectile struck the tiny glowing light-like attachment on the back of the mech robot, and it froze, stunned momentarily, before falling to the ground. It still wasn't dead yet, however—but it soon would be.

Jumping into the air, I unleashed another arrow at the weakspot, then transformed my bow back into their original form: the two katanas, and split the vulnerable robot in half.

Immediately, red energy burst out of the machine and evaporated into the air as the body of the robot disappeared into light, and up above on the roof of the tower, I heard the sound of the bridge materializing once more.

"… Well, that's that," I muttered, stowing away my weapons.. "Now I can say 'alright, just one more left'."

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