The Martial Unity

Chapter 1611 Counter-Proposal

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Chapter 1611 Counter-Proposal

"Iโ€ฆthink there certainly is merit in the idea that breathing is as fundamental to martial Art as offense and defense themselves are," Rui carefully chose his words. "As you said, all life breathes, it is necessary. A large majority of Martial Artists have some breathing technique or the other in their Martial Art, that is also true. It certainly is as, or similarly, popular as offense, defense, or maneuvering. These are good arguments in favor of recognizing it as a fundamental field of combat."

He paused for a moment, before continuing. "However, I believe there are arguments that are against it as well that are more so philosophical in nature. Offense, defense, and maneuvering can be said to be conceptually important to combat itself. Offense is to hurt, and defense is to avoid being hurt, maneuvering is to move, an action that is fundamental to the prior two fields and the transitions between them. In comparisonโ€ฆ" freewebnovel.(c)om

He met her gaze firmly. "โ€ฆBreathing may be fundamental to our life as a phenomenon, but it is not fundamental to the concept of combat in the manner that the concepts of offense, defense, and maneuvering are. Thus, I see merits on both sides over this issue."

He concluded himself.

She smiled. "You instantly managed to construct and dissect the nuances of the two main differing points of view on this topic that have long clashed with each other, on the spot. You are as bright as they say."

"You flatter me, Master," Rui replied with a ton of modesty. "However, we of the Breathing Sect strongly disagree that both these positions are equally meritorious. Much underlies combat, and much is necessary for it. We often ignore them, taking them for granted, it isn't granted," She continued. "For instance, life itself is even more fundamental to combat than offense, defense, and maneuvering are. After all, dead Martial Artists cannot fight. Martial Artists can fight without defense, although they will die very quickly, but they cannot fight without life in their bodies and minds. And, as we discussed, breathing is fundamental to life, most certainly human life. Thus, breathing several orders more fundamental to combat than even the trinity of combat."

"I seeโ€ฆ" Rui remarked, not commenting. He felt that her logic was a tad bit pedantic and overly favorable to breathing.

Yes, it was true that breathing was fundamental to the phenomenon of most life, which as a concept was quite fundamental to combat, however, that logic could be applied to many things.

Consumption was also equally fundamental to the concept of life. Thus, using this line of logic, it could be argued that eating ought to be a fundamental field of combat similar to breathing.

The same could be said for several other fundamental processes to the human body, including thought. Would that make thought techniques, techniques that pretty much nobody except Martial Masters and Seniors used, a fundamental field?

Rui wasn't inclined to think so. Regardless, he wasn't too interested in having a philosophical debate with the elderly Master when their disagreements were both fundamental and definitional, neither of which were likely to be solved with a discussion. ๐‘“๐“‡โ„ฏโ„ฏ๐“Œโ„ฏ๐‘๐‘›๐˜ฐ๐‘ฃโ„ฏ๐˜ญ.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ

"The Breathing Sect has been lobbying for the recognition of Breathing techniques as a fundamental field of combat for centuries now," She explained softly. "Progress has been slow, but steady. Her Transcendence, the Breathless Beauty, introduced the field of Martial Breathing more than four centuries ago and has spread it to every corner of the world ever since. What was once a small movement has now become a powerhouse international faction led by a Martial Transcendent, nearly a dozen Martial Sages, and more than a hundred Martial Masters like myself. We operate across the entire continent, lobbying to bring justice to breathing, we have come closer to success than ever before. After all, the sheer utility and power of breathing techniques cannot be denied."

She turned to Rui. "You must be wondering why I abruptly began our conversation with this topic."

"Well, yesโ€ฆ" It would be strange not to, rather.

"I would like for you to support us, Rui Quarrier," She replied. "Your Martial Art, according to our intelligence network, consists of many breathing techniques that are extremely vital in facilitating your powerful 'adaptive evolution'. I'm not asking you to believe what we believe philosophically, I am asking you to support our cause for your own benefits. The more breathing becomes recognized, the greater the resources that will be expended into developing it, resulting in greater techniques in all regards, greater training artifacts and methodologies. This will benefit you because you will be able to update your breathing techniques with superior ones."

She paused for a moment, giving him a knowing look. "You are currently the most valued Martial Senior in East Panama. Any group that gains your support and allegiance will gain a rather substantial amount of prestige to have earned a prodigious Martial Artist who will surely leave his mark on all of Martial Art. Supporting us benefits both of us. Naturally, the Breathing Sect is very much prepared to go to great lengths to make it worth your time."

Rui had already sharply deduced her intentions when she brought up lobbying efforts earlier. "Tell me, Rui Quarrier," She calmly addressed him. "Do you accept the premise of our cooperation? If it is merely a matter of price, then rest assured that we are willing to go far."

Rui shook his head. "I have enough and more wealth. I am open to cooperating with you. However, I have a counter-proposal."

He grew more serious. "The next fiscal committee meeting of the Martial Union is in several months. A motion to induct me as a constituent of the committee will be brought up by some Master, I wish for you to vote in favor of the motion. Not only thatโ€ฆ"

He had arrived at his actual objective. "In exchange for my support, I want the Breathing Sect's wholehearted support for the budget allocated to the dissemination of my Martial Path."

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