The Martial Unity

Chapter 1655 Favor

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Chapter 1655 Favor

?"The Kandrian Throne War is an opportunity of a lifetime," Guildmaster Bradt remarked with steely composure. "It would be beyond remiss of me not to capitalize on this opportunity, for it is one that could propel me to the zenith."

Rui recalled his conversation with Decker. "Ambitious."

"I seem to recall that you are indebted to me," Guildmaster Bradt narrowed his eyes as he eyed Rui. "Care to repay me now that you are a Martial Senior?"

Rui raised an eyebrow. "What would you have me to do?"

"I would have you supply me with the contribution you made to the Martial Union," Guidlmaster Bradt replied, uncaring for Master Ceeran's reaction.

Rui let out a mirthless laugh. "We both know that my debt to you does not reach even a tenth of what you're asking for, even if I take into account interest on that debt." freewebnovel.c om

"In that caseโ€ฆ" Guildmaster Bradt replied. "Perhaps it would be more prudent to let both the interest and your power accrue. The youngest Martial Senior in history surely will have more to offer in the future."

Rui's expression became complicated. "I'd rather you make your demands right here and now."

"You wish," He snorted. "I will wait for you to become a Master or perhaps even a sage. Then, I will extract you a favor with the highest ROI, the likes of which this world has never seen. It would be a shame to reap an asset before it has reached its zenith."

"Continue ascending to greater heights, Rui Quarrier," He informed Rui as he turned away. "It would be to both our benefits to see that you do."

He unceremoniously departed, followed by two Martial Masters, leaving Rui behind.

"Huffโ€ฆ" Rui heaved a sigh, smiling wryly at the man's retreating figure, finally taking a seat with Ceeran. "In his eyes, I'm no different from shares of a company that he hopes will grow astronomically in the future."

Rui had always known that his relationship with Guildmaster Bradt was not one of friendship. He wondered if a man like Guildmaster Bradt was even capable of friendship in the first place.

"How dare he demand the secret to greater Martial Bodies," Master Ceeran narrowed his eyes. "Does he think that the Martial Union would let such disrespect slip?"

"He's in a far stronger position than before," Rui remarked calmly as he analyzed the guild master. "The Shionel Confederation has now earned the protection of two Martial Sages. It is not enough to be considered a powerhouse, but it still gives a substantial boost to its Martial power. It is now far less easy for the Martial Union to bully him. On top of that, he's firmly in the Ranea Faction, she's not going to allow the Martial Union to bully one of her patrons. She would lose all credibility among her supporters if she allowed that to happen. He knows what he can get away with. He's just trying to throw mud and see what sticks. Sly as always."

Master Ceeran's expression morphed into one of enlightenment and realization.

"Besides," Rui heaved a sigh. "Technique contribution agreements with the Martial Union require signing an exclusive license with a non-disclosure and non-dissemination clause. He knows I cannot sell it to him even if I wanted."

This was how the Martial Union became the most powerful Martial organization in East Panama, along with the Georteau Martial Association, the Sekigaharan Martial Alliance, and the Britannian Martial Order.

Though thanks to Rui's contributions, they had gained an edge over them, as Master Krakule pointed out when they spoke.

Suddenly, a wave of energy rippled through the crowd, catching Rui's attention.

"Ah, it appears that Her Highness has arrived," Master Ceeran directed an enthused glance to the entrance as many people spotted the extravagant carriage pull up to the viewing gallery, with dozens of Martial Seniors patrolling the streets that had been railed to prevent anyone from stepping even a single foot on the road while the princess was en route.

The door opened as two Martial Master bodyguards swiftly stepped out, clearing out a path for the Princess of the Seas.

Rui got his first glance at the princess as she stepped out of the carriage elegantly. ๐’ป๐“‡๐‘’๐‘’๐“Œ๐‘’๐’ท๐˜ฏโ„ด๐˜ท๐‘’๐“.๐‘โ„ด๐“‚

She had a much older and more mature appearance than Princess Rafia did, clearly more than just a generation older. The moment she stepped out, the crowds that had gathered in the footpaths around the viewing gallery all erupted in cheers.

"All hail Princess Ranea!"

"Long live the Princess of the Seas!"

"Welcome back to Farund, Your Highness!"

She smiled with delight, waving at the many admirers and followers that she had clearly accrued.

It made sense that there were so many people in this town who had come to develop admiration for her. She was the only princess who had showered the sea industry of the Kandrian Empire with this much support. The locals had gotten to see firsthand how much the town had been enriched with immense seafare trade due to Princess Ranean's support.

Rui knew that none of them were aware of the political undercurrents in the nation that were brewing at the moment. In their eyes, the Royal Emperor was very much their ruler and would continue to do so until he abdicated his throne or passed away.

They couldn't even begin to imagine the magnitude of the cold war that was slowly heating up between the seven prime candidates for the ruler of the Kandrian Empire. Not that he was surprised. This was how things had always been, here and back on Earth.

Only a small minute proportion of people had an understanding of the depth of political power plays, even if they supported politicians.

Of course, even this was part of her plan. She needed support from the entirety of the nautical and maritime sector of the Kandrian Empire. This included both corporations, associations, and branches of the government, but also the workers and laborers of the seafare sector, only then would she fully harness all the support she could get from this political sectors.

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