The Martial Unity

Chapter 2117 Unspoken Warning

Chapter 2117 Unspoken Warning

The impact of the destruction of the Kandrian Underworld sent ripples across not just the Kandrian Empire but also all of East Panama.

The ruling class of foreign powers was shaken when they heard the news of the Emperor of Harmony. For once, they were more shocked than the average citizen.

That was because they knew just how hard it was to get rid of the black market for the trade of illegal goods and services.

No matter how hard one tried, it was impossible to get rid of.

This was a section that represented the darkness of humanity.

So long as humanity's capacity for darkness existed, the underworld would always exist. Thus, it would always exist, making it impossible to erase.

It was a futile effort, one that wasn't worth even endeavoring upon.

This content is taken from freё

This was common wisdom within the political sphere.

Anybody who even bothered was instantly regarded as a fool who wasn't fit to rule their jurisdiction.

Yet, the Emperor of Harmony proved them all wrong.

He showed them that it was indeed possible.

Of course, most of them were cognizant of the fact that something extraordinary had transpired in his highly successful attempt. Many were able to accurately surmise what was the core cause for his success.

They were the ones who also realized that it was a message.

A silent one.

One that was addressed only to those insightful enough to understand what the Emperor of Harmony was conveying.


It was a chilling warning.

Don't mess with Kandria. freē

His return wasn't merely one of optics.

He had returned in every sense of the word.

A variety of statements from the ruling class were released as the international community erupted into an uproar over the shocking event. Many used the event to condemn the Empire of Harmony for its extra-judicial handling of the captured criminals. Many used it to try and spin a conspiracy theory that all of it was a hoax planned by Emperor Rael to fool his citizens and gain brownie points for an accomplishment that he didn't actually accomplish.

Many cited human rights violations as a reason to condemn him.

Yet, an overwhelming majority of people, especially in the Kandrian Empire, slowly began to feel the positive effects of this major upheaval.

Gang-related crime plummeted by ninety-five percent in the first month alone.

This was because most criminals had been locked up or killed, but also because the remaining ones had scattered after the Purge of the Underworld.

Previously dangerous areas across the wide nation had suddenly loosened up.

The supply of many illegal services and goods had ceased all of a sudden, further affirming to all the citizens that, as unbelievable as it was, it was indeed the truth.

Morale in the nation was at an all-time high as the faint cloud of darkness that had been lingering in the air in the aftermath of the Kandrian Throne War was finally fully erased.

It appeared to everybody that Emperor Rael had not lied when he said that he was going to usher in a new era of prosperity and power.

It was evident that he was fully serious.

And it slowly began reflecting in the numbers.

The economy began trending upward due to a variety of factors that all boiled down to the Purge of the Underworld.

With the absence of organized crime in the nation, business, commerce, and trade resurged through the roof in half a year. Much of the commerce that had left Kandria during the throne war promptly returned and resumed.

Immense amounts of investment flew into the empire with the promising return and ambition of the Emperor of Harmony as well as the plummet in organized crime. The latter was an important variable that affected the ease of doing business. Nations with higher crime rates were nations where business was far riskier and required far higher security costs.

It rejuvenated the economy, revitalizing the lives of the people across all strata throughout the entire empire.

The Kandrian Empire had finally surpassed its previous peak prior to the throne war, reaching uncharted territories of prosperity.

Yet, the man responsible for it all was hardly done.

Deep within his office in the Royal Palace, Rael sat alone at a large, extensive table with many documents spread across it.

His eyes narrowed as he gazed at an enormous chart before him containing a highly complex array of arrows in a giant maze of a flowchart. "Finally done with the entire skeleton of the plan…" he murmured to himself.

It hadn't been easy, and he hadn't even filled in all the details. Yet, he had arrived at a broad strategy that he was confident in. A strategy that survived even his scrupulous scrutiny, proving to be highly effective in achieving his ambition in elevating Kandria far above the rest of human civilization.

He still had time to flesh it out. He couldn't commence the plan until his son left training, for he played an important role in the plan.


He glanced at the message on his comms device.

[Your Majesty, the Elder Tree Connection has been established.]

His eyes lit up as he immediately got up.

"Prepare a carriage for me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

He grew engrossed in thought while he waited.

The Elder Tree played an extremely important role in his plan to elevate the Kandrian Empire to greater heights.

It was also the most uncertain variable.

While he undoubtedly knew that Rui had been entirely sincere and honest in his recounting of his time in the Garden of Salvation, he needed more confirmation of the strategic value of this particular asset.

Based on his son's accounts, the Elder Tree had made several agreements with Rui that were to their mutual benefit, but particularly to its own survival.

This was good news, as it meant that Rael could trust the Elder Tree more, for self-preservation was the most universal drive throughout all life.

Yet, on the other hand, his experience in and mastery of communication with humans was not going to help him here.

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