The Martial Unity

Chapter 2123 Solution

Chapter 2123 Solution

Deep in a training chamber in Darcol, Rui found himself standing before a fortified barrier.

One that was meant to aid Martial Masters in their training. He narrowed his eyes as his fist drew back while his torso coiled.

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The world tremored as an enormous power began surging from the depths of his body. Yin and Yang began converging unto each other in perfect disharmony, canceling each other in perfect destructive resonance.

His eyes sharpened as he surged forward, his fist blasting forth. Yin and Yang came together in perfect harmony, forming a singularity of constructive resonance at the point of contact.

It gave birth to a tremendous impact.

BOOOM!!! ƒгeewebnovё


The barrier, armed with powerful esoteric substances, failed to bear the power of the blow, cracking apart. Yet, Rui was hardly done.


Rui threw a flurry of blows, one after another, as he shadow-boxed, exerting himself to apply Yin-Yang resonance behind each blow. Consequently, the power of each blow rose far greater than his previous most powerful blows.


A powerful Yin-Yang empowered Flowing Canon allowed him to release so much power that he would have thought he was using Hypertrophic Surge at full power.

"Huff…" He heaved a sigh as he caught his breath, clenching his fist. "This…"

A faint smile appeared on his face.

He had arrived.

"Only took three years…" A murmur escaped him. "Or has it been more…?"

He had lost track of all time ever since he commenced his training phase. A century could have passed for all he knew. He had completely isolated himself from the outside world in an effort to master the technique that he had set out to complete.

And, now, he had succeeded. Project Heavy Hitter was complete.

It was a success.

Not only had he mastered Yin vibrations as far as magnitude and direction went, but he had also mastered constructive and destructive resonance as well as their rapid shifting between each other.

Then, in the past year, he had finally gone on to master them in combat. He had ingrained the sensations of applying them to all kinds of strikes that the Martial Body could possibly launch.

It was combat-ready.

And despite all that, the technique was inherently impractical. It took too long to generate the immense power that the technique was capable of. The reason for this was that while other techniques typically drew power from muscles or breathing, this technique drew power from three sources, and needed to bring them into perfect harmony in order for power to be supplied to the attack.

That took more time than ordinary attacks that merely required muscles to be flexed or breathing to occur in a certain way. It was a whole microsecond.

To a human, this was an unfathomably brief timeframe.

To a Martial Master, however, it was too long.

The only way to apply it in combat was to keep it switched on permanently or rely on his systems of thought to allow him to use it seamlessly in combat due to foresight on what his opponent's future actions and intentions were.

The former was the solution that the Gen Temple applied. By having the technique constantly switched on, the timeframe was cut short. However, the price for this was that the technique would consume an immense amount of energy, lowering stamina to untenable degrees.

It was the weakness that Rui had exploited in the past.

He did not intend to go for this solution in general. With his Martial Mind, he was relatively certain that he could use his predictive and SOUL models to prepare attacks more than a microsecond ahead of time so that blows could land precisely and accurately.

He would have to become accustomed to striking the future rather than the present. Furthermore, relying on this option meant that he couldn't make a mistake. His precision and accuracy needed to be impeccable; otherwise, he would not hit his target properly, or the timing for constructive resonance shift would be thrown off, resulting in the blow failing to deal a powerful impact.

Sure, his systems of thought were powerful, but they were no longer absolutely invincible when he entered the Master Realm. Not only did other Martial Masters have decent systems of thought, but they also had something that he sorely lacked as a Martial Master.

"I need experience," Rui realized. "The more experience I have, the better I will be able to time this new technique due to being able to rely on not just my systems of thought, but also my intuition born from experience."

That was the reason that he needed to shore up this shortcoming. It wasn't that big a deal in the Senior Realm since, on average, Martial Seniors were much younger than Master Masters.

However, the very moment he entered the Master Realm, this shortcoming was magnified by an order of magnitude.

He had received contradicting advice from his fellow Martial Masters on the matter, too. One had said that he ought to remedy it as soon as possible, while another had said that it was best to let it accrue naturally. Ultimately, they had leaned towards not needing to focus on it in the short-term simply because experience was not something that could be hastened.

It was not possible to gain ten years' worth of experience in one year. Thus, they were of the opinion that it wasn't worth pursuing it as an active interest.

However, they didn't know what Rui knew. He was aware of a way of gathering an immense amount of experience in a short amount of time. However, it wasn't just a matter of taking less time relative to others; it was also making sure that it was the best use of his time.

After all, the dungeon did not conjure more time. No.

It just allowed him to consume time faster than others, but he still had a limited amount of time. He aged faster in the dungeon, which was a heavy price to pay. It meant that whatever he chose to do in the domain would be the best set of decisions that could be made.

He turned, facing the exit.

"I need to speak with my father."


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