The Martial Unity

Chapter 2158 Innately Cultivated Martial Capital

Chapter 2158 Innately Cultivated Martial Capital

Just the journey deeper toward the core of the floating headquarters of the Panamic Martial Federation alone was one that Rui could immerse himself forever into. After all, there was so much to see that he could spend years, if not a decade, exploring this entire place.

The deeper he went, the more he could distinguish the flavors of Martial power that he sensed from across the vast expanse of the land of the entire tectonic plate. Rui's Martial Mind, being as particularly powerful as it was, allowed him to make certain surprising discoveries about the Martial population atop the headquarters of the Panamic Martial Federation.

"This place…" Rui murmured faintly. "…It contains lots of Martial Artists of the Lower Realms!"

The two Martial Masters guiding him regarded him with an impressed expression. "It appears that the immense power that we sense from your Martial Mind is not for show. You are correct; there are indeed many Martial Artists of the Lower Realms in the headquarters of the Federation. While the majority of the Martial power of the Federation is actually supplied to us from constituents of the Federation, a decent proportion of the power that you feel belongs to the Panamic Martial Federation."

Rui understood how that worked immediately. "This power comes from the innate power that the Federation cultivates to ensure that it doesn't become a burden upon its constituents. It also incentivizes the participation of Martial powers around the world in the institutions of the Federation since there is more power at stake."

By being able to cultivate its own Martial Artists, it was not only able to be less of a burden to its constituents but also enforce its own international Martial laws better.

"Fascinating," Rui murmured as he examined the vast Martial infrastructure that they passed. "I find it surprising that the Martial Powers of the world are willing to surrender the direct control of so much power in the hands of an organization that they don't have full control over."

The two Martial Masters shook their heads. "The Panamic Martial Federation possesses no individual autonomy as far legislation, executive, and judiciary power of the Federation go. Everything falls to the Master and Sage councils, who decide the Martial laws of the Martial World. That includes the two of us as well as yourself."

Rui glanced at them knowingly.

The Panamic Martial Federation necessarily needed to give a voice to all Martial Artists of the Upper Realms. Otherwise, its mandate would not be acknowledged and respected by all Martial powers across the world.

After all, why would a group of Martial Artists adhere to a set of rules that they had absolutely no say in?

At the same time, it meant that any Martial legislation that the Federation passed needed to earn the approval and consensus of Martial Artists across the board, increasing the number of hurdles that any legislation experienced in order to be passed.

Perhaps this was why Rui never felt the presence of the Panamic Martial Federation for pretty much his entire life.

Each law passed by the Panamic Martial Federation represented a restriction on all Martial Artists that the bill targeted. No Martial Artist wanted to limit their own freedom. Thus, the only laws that could earn the support of the majority were extreme matters like the criminalization of Martially perpetrated genocide.

In other words, in order to truly remain 'by, for, and of Martial Artists,' everyone needed to have a voice.

"Of course, that doesn't mean everyone has an equal voice," the two elderly Martial Masters patiently explained to him. "Some Martial Artists and Martial organizations have a greater stake in the Panamic Martial Federation than others."

"I'm aware," Rui nodded knowingly. "Those Martial Artists who contribute more to the Federation have more of a voice in the organization than others."

It was a simple yet brutal incentive structure that encouraged Martial Artists to contribute to the Panamic Martial Federation, usually by offering Martial services just as his nameless guides were doing.

"…I suppose that means that the two of you have a greater say in any Master Council Assembly than I do?" Rui raised an eyebrow. The two Martial Masters threw an amused glance at him.

"I highly doubt that we will be able to match your voice should you decide to contribute your remarkable Martial contributions to the Panamic Martial Federation," they remarked with wry smiles. Rui raised an eyebrow as a suspicious gaze shifted between the two Martial Masters.

"Oh come now, Void Prince," the elderly man chuckled. "You have been in the spotlight for a long time. The Martial World at its highest echelons is a small world. Whispers spread. Whispers of the magical contributions that your Martial has made to the Kandrian Martial Union. The Martial Union had decided not to contribute the secret, potent Squire evolution upgrade that you contributed to it, at the cost of a much larger voice in the Panamic Martial Federation."

Rui wasn't surprised by the fact that they knew that he was responsible for the Hungry Pain contribution. He recalled that even Guildmaster Bradt had asked him about it in person when they had met in Princess Ranea's submarine unveiling ceremony.

He also wasn't surprised that the Martial Union did not contribute such a valuable solution to the Panamic Martial Federation. After all, additional legislative power was not worth surrendering such a powerful solution to the rest of the world.

In fact, he would have returned home and smacked everybody for selling his Hungry Pain technique at such a cheap price.

Regardless, he might have had something to worry about had he still been a Martial Senior without any meaningful voice as a Martial Artist in the Martial World. But, as a Martial Master, he had nothing to worry about. No Martial Master wanted to be pressured out of their secrets. Thus, they created a system that didn't pressure Martial Masters of their secrets.

Still, he wasn't sure how strong the guard rails would hold if they knew what he was truly capable of.


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