The Martial Unity

Chapter 2160 Training Value

Chapter 2160 Training Value

"Before that, you must register with the administration," they told him. "After that, you will be assigned a briefing and an evaluation shortly after."

They gestured him to a counter with an array of human employees across them, processing Martial Artists that came with various needs and requirements.

"Once that's done, you can do whatever you want in your free time," they explained to him. "You can avail the training resources in the Panamic Martial Federation with either monetary or Martial compensation."

"Understood." Rui nodded. "I appreciate the guidance. By the way, I never caught your names, unfortunately."

"Ah…" They exchanged glances. "I am Dellir Merenmel." The man smiled.

"I am his wife," she added. "Maywel Merenmel."

"Merenmel…" Rui narrowed his eyes as the name struck as oddly familiar. "Wait a minute, you guys…Are you not the Cardinal Couple?"

He recognized their last name as belonging to a pair Martial Masters that had earned a name for them as Martial Masters due to how much power the two Martial Master had collectively due their synergy and teamwork. "Ahaha, it is an honor that the Void Prince of the Kandrian Empire knows of us, I must say." Master Dellir smiled at Rui.

"Ugh, please do not remind me of that nickname," Master Maywell grumbled. "One of the reasons that I was quite adamant of retiring to the headquarters of the Panamic Martial Federation was due to the fact that that nickname followed me everywhere."

Rui smiled wryly while the two of them bade him farewell to return to their patrol duties.

"May we meet again, Master Rui."

"See you later."

It wasn't long before Rui commenced and even completed the registration process. That Panamic Martial Federation seemed to understand Martial Artists very well, considering that they merely requested for his name and proof of identity while promising to handle the rest.

Martial Artists were not good with paperwork. With low education, they usually possessed neither the understanding of bureaucratic protocols nor the patience to deal with them. Thus, the Panamic Martial Federation wisely ensured its staff and management handled everything.

It was one of the strongest arguments used against Martial Supremacy and quite a convincing one.

If Martial Artists wanted to be in charge of everything, then they needed to deal with things that they despised dealing with. They also needed to deal with the fact that they needed to be competent enough to manage a state.

Regardless, while Rui had no problem dealing with paperwork, he was more than grateful to set out exploring the Panamic Martial Federation before he was assigned a slot for his briefing.

He soared to the skies above the tectonic plate that cradled the Federation, breathing in a gush of cold air. The atmosphere above the Panamic Martial Federation seemed to be purposefully designed to retain an unnatural amount of air, considering the elevation of the tectonic plate.

Yet, unlike the Ajanta Floating Island, it did not do so by relying on gravity.

It was a fascinating phenomenon yet very bizarre to the senses. It was almost as though the tectonic plate was truly something that had been pasted into the sky from Gaia in a strange reality glitch, where it retained an air density that made no sense at the elevations that it was at.

Regardless, he was more interested in things built on top of it than the floating tectonic plate itself.

"Honestly, I am shocked that the tectonic plate doesn't completely disintegrate under the weight of Martial Sages and Masters," he murmured to himself. "I suppose that's why the infrastructure is so massive and extensive."

The amount of power that Martial Artists of the Upper Realms were capable of outputting was so far beyond what ordinary bedrock out to be capable of withstanding that it would take particularly powerful resources to ensure that these Martial Artists did not destroy everything.

However, as far as training resources go, not even the headquarters of the Panamic Martial Federation could trump the sheer utility of the Kandrian Martial Chambers in the training manifold in the Kandrian Empire.

No amount of ordinary training resources could compare to the growth rate of fourteen times.

Of course, the only drawback that the manifold made was that it only made one grow faster relative to others while also making them age that much faster. In other words, the manifold could not make people stronger in their lifetime than they would have been without it.

It did not increase the maximum peak that one could achieve; it just allowed that peak to come sooner rather than later. Of course, just growing faster relative to others was a blessing that would make people hyper-competitive against their peers.

Still, to someone like Rui, who wanted to make the best of his youth and prime, the Panamic Martial Federation might be better for him as an individual Martial Artist, while the manifold was more precious to nations that simply wanted to cultivate Martial Artists sooner rather than later.

"I don't plan to return to training any time soon, so I suppose that it doesn't matter."

He had spent plenty of time in training, after all. However, the next time he wanted to train a specific technique, he might just decide to use the Panamic Martial Federation than his other techniques.

He zoomed about as he indulged himself in exploring the various megastructures that catered to individual Masters and Sages with deep interest and fascination. Normally, for most training infrastructure for Martial Artists of the Upper Realms, they needed to constrain their power and the area over which they could train due to the costs of infrastructure. freewёbn૦νeɭ.com

Perhaps only Sage-level powerhouses could deal with the expenses and the demanding requirements of resources for such training resources. He felt his nerves tingle when he arrived at the section reserved for Martial Sages. A training establishment that covered the equivalent of entire nations in area.

Immense swathes of land and infrastructure reserved solely for Sages. It was an enviable treatment that Rui yearned to earn for himself one day.


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