The Mech Touch

1604 Toady

Dr. Lupo became incredibly intrigued by the Intelligence Candies that Ves handed out.

"I have to bring these candies to my lab right this instant!"

Ves shook his head. "No. Eat them up. You're not leaving this office until you've consumed them all."

"That is an immense waste! These candies are too exceptional!"

In the end, Ves had to call Nitaa over to restrain the exobiologist and force the candies into his mouth one by one.

Lupo looked incredibly resentful afterwards. How could those precious candies be wasted without giving him the opportunity to study their properties?!

"Do you have more of these candies?!" He pushed.

Ves did not mind the lack of respect. In fact, he preferred it if his subordinates were blunt. Lupo wasn't being disrespectful on purpose. He just expressed his dissatisfaction at missing an opportunity related to his specialty.

As a mech designer, Ves understood Dr. Lupo's frustration. That did not mean that he was willing to give the doctor another candy for him to play around.

Attribute Candies were some of the most important advantages he possessed. Ves was not interested in figuring out their makeup or reverse-engineering their method of production.

With how hard it was to keep secrets, Ves was very sure that once Dr. Lupo began to study the candies, someone would eventually find out.

Perhaps the MTA would pay a visit to him the very next day!

To minimize the risks, Ves could only deny Lupo's request. 

The exobiologist already had a busy schedule. Even with his abruptly-boosted intelligence, he still needed to do a lot of research and investigation in order to complete his assignments!

"You don't look so good now, doctor. I suggest you take some time off and think on how you can fulfill your responsibilities."

"I.. you're right." Lupo wearily replied. "Please excuse me. My head is pounding."

Unlike with Ketis, the candies hadn't strained Lupo's head too much. Perhaps it was because Lupo was a pure intellectual with a better-developed mind. He required fewer candies to boost his intelligence attribute to 2.0.

Ves called over a guard to escort Lupo back to his accommodation at the newly-erected site of the Larkinson Exobiology Institute.

As he was watching his eccentric new subordinate go, Ves contemplated whether he was making the right decisions.

He knew that he was taking some very substantial risks.

First, entrusting Dr. Lupo with the Archimedes Rubal was very delicate. Even if he already ordered Crindon to keep a close eye on Lupo, a spy was not an exobiologist.

Lupo could easily tamper with the implant and leave no one observing Lupo's actions the wiser.

The only ones who might be able to restrain Lupo was another biotech expert, but that just perpetuated the same problem over multiple people.

At this stage, putting his trust on a single exobiologist in his employ was his limit. There was no way Ves would accept extending his trust to yet another specialist.

The downside of piling up so much work on a single person was that there was no way Lupo could address so many priorities.

This was why Ves took a second gamble and fed this fellow with enough intelligence candies to boost it all the way up to a score of 2.0!

Ves knew the risks of doing so. Someone as knowledgeable as Lupo would definitely be aware of the effects of the candies.

He could only hope that Lupo could keep the secret to himself. As long as Crindon detected anything amiss, Lupo would not be able to stay alive for long.

"I expect good results from you, doctor." Ves smiled in anticipation.

Anyone whose intelligence had been elevated to this height would definitely be able to improve quickly. Lupo would definitely become much more useful to him after a few years of focused study.

The only concern aside from leaks was the possibility that Lupo might quit and work for someone else. He wasn���t a slave or refugee, so Ves did not have any way of preventing his defection.

After the incident with Carlos, Ves had become much more reticent about handing out attribute candies.

If not for the necessity to implant the Archimedes Rubal in his head, Ves would have stuck to his earlier decision to withhold them from his subordinates.

"I hope Lupo is smart enough to realize the implications of my actions." Ves muttered.

Revealing the attribute candies and feeding them to Lupo so he could experience their effects for himself was a show of strength.

Someone who had access to such remarkable goods was not a normal person.

Working for Ves would allow Lupo to gradually come in touch with the goodies that Ves held back from everyone.

As long as Lupo completed his assignments and proved his worth, Ves did not mind rewarding his pet exobiologist with another treat.

"Researchers are so easy to manipulate." He grinned.

Part of the reason why he was confident in keeping his new biotech expert in line was because hardly anyone was as generous as him. To a junior exobiologist like Dr. Lupo, they could forget about receiving a few billion bright credits to play around with every year.

Even though Ves wasted a lot of money that he could have spent on expanding his mech forces or acquiring new ships, he did not regret this investment.

A brilliant exobiologist could not be obtained so easily. Even if Ves could poach a senior exobiologist, it was very hard to be assured of the loyalty of those with past connections to other organizations.

This was also why so many powers emphasized nurturing loyal subordinates early on. Hiring them young and indoctrinating them straight away minimized the chances of defection.

"Working for me is a lot better than working for someone else."

If Lupo worked for someone else, then they had to work under the direction of a senior exobiologist. He would have to work as a coolie for a few years before he earned enough trust to perform more advanced research.

Even then, it was doubtful whether Lupo would be allowed to pursue his own research interests.

Ves shook his head and stopped considering whether he had made the right decisions. Just like Dr. Lupo, he was swamped with responsibilities.

"Send in the next appointment."

Raymond Billingsley-Larkinson entered the office with a confident gait. Though he looked a little older since Ves last saw him at his birthday party, the elder looked a lot more respectful than before.

"My thanks for inviting me to your office." Raymond said with a mild smile. "I hope I can take charge of the LMC quickly. The company urgently requires the direction of a real leader."

"Are you trying to say that I'm an incompetent leader?"

"Ah, no! That is not what I meant! I merely wanted to convey that I should lessen your burden by taking over from where Mr. Altern has left off. As a mech designer, you should not waste your time on these trivial matters."

Ves and Raymond began to converse with each other.

Unlike last time, Raymond made a sincere attempt to rein in his attitude towards Ves. Despite his advanced age, the status of Ves in the Larkinson Family was incomparable.

Raymond clearly knew how important it was to earn the trust and appreciation of the real man in charge of the LMC.

If Ves could fire the previous Chief Operating Officer on a whim, he could easily do the same with the successor!

Though Raymond came across as a toady, that wasn't a bad thing to Ves. As long as this toady knew who was in charge, it was fine if the man wanted to take advantage of his new position.

"How do you envision the LMC ten years from now?" Ves asked.


"Even I'm not that optimistic."

"I think the LMC under your charge has a very bright future!" Raymond elaborated with a worshipful expression towards Ves. "You are a miracle of a mech designer. I can sense that you have propagated your bloodline's love for mechs in your products. This advantage is so great that I'm confident that we can take the mech markets by storm!"

Ves chuckled at Raymond's optimism. "That sounds good, but the LMC is not the only game in town. The more exceptional we are, the greater the risk of suppression. There are already a bunch of mech designers from Ansel who are deeply displeased with my success. Other competitors are also doing everything they can to guard their market share."

"Your concerns are very valid, but it is too late. Every state involved in the Sand War has seen how helpful the Desolate Soldiers have been in stabilizing the front and rear. Within the third line of defense, our Bright Republic and the Ylvaine Protectorate have achieved the most success in defending their territories. I don't think it has escaped any observers that these two states also happened to be our most successful markets!"

Ves nodded in agreement. "That's true. The Sand War has been an amazing opportunity for the LMC. The role of the Desolate Soldier is so indispensable that our critics don't have any opportunity to complain. Yet what about later? Ten years is a long time."

The focus on thinking beyond the immediate future forced Raymond to make a lot of predictions on the spot.

While Ves could already tell that Raymond was well versed in the mech industry and the present circumstances of the LMC, that wasn't enough.

Ves needed someone who shared his dreams and aspirations. If Raymond was too small-minded, then he would not be able to hold his position for long.

"I think.. the LMC will become a powerful entity that transcends the borders of the Bright Republic or any other state for that matter." Raymond eventually voiced. "If your relationship with Miss Wodin progresses further, then the LMC might even be able to get a foothold in the Hegemony's lucrative mech market. Of course, it's not certain yet if that will be the case. If the Hegemony loses against the Coalition, then the LMC won't be able to stay in existence."

"The LMC's position is not secure at all." Ves plainly stated. "Some factors are within our control, such as the mechs I decide to design. Other factors are out of my control, such as the outcome of the Sand War and the Komodo War. There may come a point where we have to abandon what we've built and flee from this star sector. Are you willing to accept these possible outcomes?"

What Ves said put a lot of pressure on Raymond. Though he grew up as a norm within the Larkinson Family, he still inherited some of the Larkinson's love towards the Bright Republic.

"To be honest, I don't want to be driven out from the state I grew up in." The older man replied. "My grandson is an expert candidate in the Mech Corps! My other offspring are also successful! I do not wish to see my entire family and everything they've accomplished go to dust because of unwelcome entanglements."

"I'm sorry, but I can't guarantee that you and your family will be able to avoid persecution. This is the game that people on this level play. The Larkinson Trust Fund you managed earlier is just peanuts compared to a rising mech company like the LMC. Do you have what it takes to run a mech company that has the potential to exceed the Bright Republic?"

Raymond had to make some very important choices.

Family, or ambition?

Tradition, or progress?

Safety, or risk?

"I think.. the Larkinsons have already changed due to you." Raymond eventually answered. "The Larkinson Family has remained stagnant for too long. While we are not used to change, that does not mean I reject it. The LMC has done a lot of good. Many Larkinsons have benefited from the wealth you have brought to the family. I cannot imagine turning back the clock. I think it's time that we stopped serving the people, and instead look towards serving ourselves."

Ves slowly began to grin. "I think you'll do well in my employ as long as you hold this attitude. Welcome to the LMC."

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