The Mech Touch

Chapter 1422 Hunting Achievemen

The Felixia Catstrikers returned to Kemil in triumph. Though the hunting team emerged out of the tropical forest with just four shabby mechs and a handful of struggling legged transports, the entire city welcomed them back with open arms!

The city administrators prepared a festive welcoming party to celebrate their success in their Crown Hunt. Each huge game hunter dreamed of participating in the fall of a Crown Cat, but few dared to risk their lives to do so. That someone from Kemila managed to do so sent everyone in the city into a frenzy!

\"Catstrikers! Catstrikers! Catstrikers!\"

\"Miralix! Miralix! Miralix!\"

As the mechs and vehicles slowly but steadily passed through the avenues and boulevards that led back to their compound, a continuous mob of visitors yelled and cheered at the victorious hunting team.

Massive projections Each of them showcased the highlights of the rounds of combat the Catstrikers fought against Zeigra, giving everyone a good glimpse of how harrowing the battle against the Crown Cat turned out.

No one thought that Zeigra held back during the fights! He more than earned the reputation deserving of a Crown Cat, and his slaying made the achievements of Lady Miralix and her subordinates all the more impressive!

Ves watched over the enthusiastic crowd that continued to wave and show their admiration towards the procession. Both Kemilans and hunters from other cities had flown all the way to the city in order to witness the return of this now-famous hunting team!

He scoffed at the massive turnout. \"House Laterna sure pulled out all the stops to raise Lady Miralix's profile.\"

As a daughter of the current countess and the head of the house, Lady Miralix most certainly enjoyed a lot of favor. Unfortunately, the rules and traditions of the house prevented Countess Laterna from showering Miralix with too many advantages.

Before her hunting team returned from the hunting zone, Lady Miralix was still a junior member of her house. The young mech pilot still needed to prove herself that she had what it took to represent House Laterna in a greater stage.

Now that she returned with Zeigra's as a hunting trophy, her mother no longer became constrained by the limitations that prevented her from investing more resources into her development.

\"Now that Lady Miralix has passed her difficult trial in such a magnificent way, there's nothing left to stop the countess from boosting her daughter's profile!\"

Though it sounded a bit unfair, Lady Miralix had to work for her success. Overall, the skills she developed in preparing and leading the Felixia Catstrikers would surely help her in her future leadership positions.

Even in the Sentinel Kingdom, few could boast of successfully hunting down a formidable beast that was just as formidable as a Crown Cat. For Lady Miralix to do so just a year after she graduated from the mech academy immediately propelled her to the forefront of her generation!

\"She's not the only one who benefits.\"

As soon as the hunting team emerged from the hunting zone, his comm reconnected to the planetary network. He quickly received a message from the Galactic Hunting Club.

The organization added his name to their database and recognized his contribution to the successful hunt! Since a representative of the Club witnessed the hunt from start to finish, the Club quickly verified the achievement!

When Ves used his newly-gained credentials to access the Club's virtual portal, he discovered that it was just as he imagined. The organization's main purpose was to register, verify and rate the notable hunting achievements of people all over the galaxy.

Browsing some of the lists of names quickly confirmed his impression that aside from the professional hunters, a lot of nobles and high dignitaries took part in dangerous hunts.

Ves even sought out a listing of hunters from the Bright Republic and found all kinds of familiar big names!

\"Each of the five founding families are represented!\"

Though hunting appeared to be a nobleman's game, even the prominent members of non-feudal states participated in this activity.

In contrast to the likes of the Tovar Family and the Ramzi Family, Ves had not found mention of any Larkinson in the database!

He snorted. \"Of course my family wouldn't be mentioned. Hunting is a wasteful hobby! Joining the Mech Corps and fighting on the battlefield is where true Larkinsons are born!\"

He still believed that hunting was just a game while war served as the true crucible for individuals looking to prove themselves. However, he recognized that the members of high society did not necessarily agree with this standpoint.

\"Every noble and every member of high society has a vested interest in upholding the credibility of the hunt!\"

Therefore, even if Ves did not care too much about the vain achievement he secured, he recognized its value among the highest circles of galactic society.

From here on out, he expected to enjoy some of the gains that Lady Miralix currently enjoyed.

As the hunting team finally returned to the confines of the compound, the party outside the streets proceeded onwards without the presence of the victors.

A lot of Catstrikers expressed interest in heading out into the city to celebrate, but Lady Miralix insisted that everyone completed their vital assignments before they received any leave.

The compound became a hive of activity as the members of the hunting team rapidly performed their necessary tasks. The Catstrikers rapidly stowed away their surviving mechs, sent Zeigra's body parts to the local taxidermy companies and kicked out the disgraced and formerly-imprisoned defectors.

In the meantime, Ves met up with the companions he left behind in Kemila. As soon as he reunited with Gavin, Nitaa, Crindon and the Ingvars, they all exhibited relief at his safe and sound return.

\"You really worried us when you merrily disappeared into the hunting zone!\" Gavin exclaimed.

Though Nitaa did not speak out, the intense worry in her eyes made it clear that she probably suffered through a restless period as well.

For a brief moment, Ves felt a little guilty at making his subordinates worry. While he still felt it was worth it for him to participate in the Crown Hunt, he recognized its impact on those who depended on his well being.

\"It's over now.\" He smiled back. \"For now, I don't have anything risky on the agenda. Let's move on and see what gains we can take advantage of. Let me hear what kind of business arrangements you've made when I was with the hunting team.\"

His subordinates had been moderately productive. Gavin arranged the early shipments of materials that Ves had ordered before. Crindon collected some pertinent intel on the Circle of Mota. The Ingvars interviewed plenty of ex-Peacekeeper mech pilots who used to perform missions in the Nyxian Gap.

Ves received a brief summary of what they gained while also receiving the detailed reports to his comm for later reading.

Perhaps the only direct subordinate who hadn't been very productive was Nitaa. Ves had merely assigned her to follow Gavin around to make sure nobody hassled him while he conducted business.

\"Has anything else happened lately that needs mentioning?\" Ves asked.

\"There is one development that requires your attention, sir.\" Nitaa spoke up. \"As you know, the frontier has been thrown into turmoil lately. The sandmen have become increasingly more active and escalated their raids on human-owned space.\"

\"I know. What has changed?\"

\"The sandmen haven't let up. The entire frontier has turned into a warzone and the border states next to the frontier are finding it increasingly harder to repel the suicidal sandmen raids. Among them, Tomaris Federation is becoming one of the most hard-hit states.\"

Ves frowned when he heard that. Tomaris was one of the final destinations he had in mind to cap off his year-long tour. He wanted to pay a visit there because the state maintained an extensive association to the frontier.

He saw an opportunity to dust off his relations with the Swordmaidens at Tomaris!

\"The news we've received from Tomaris isn't good, boss.\" Gavin added. He shared Nitaa's worry and wanted to dissuade Ves from visiting the place. \"The state is not only facing an increasing number of incursions from the sandmen, but it's also under attack by another enemy. The news is rather vague, but whatever is plaguing the Tomaris Federation has led to a lot of panic. The state is in a full-blown crisis!\"

\"I see. I'll look up the news myself, but for now let's see what happens. The CFA probably won't allow the sandmen to remain unbridled for long. Even if they don't care about the border states, they can't afford to be seen as weak by letting aliens cross over into human space with impunity!\"

Everyone expected the CFA to step forward in order to beat the sandmen black and blue. The powerful naval organization may even decide to exterminate the sandmen entirely for their unbridled attacks!

The only complication was the time it took for the CFA to mobilize its warfleets and muster up reinforcements from elsewhere.

After addressing the worrisome situation at the Tomaris Federation, Ves heard enough and decided to leave the compound. He paid a final visit to Lady Miralix in her office to bid farewell.

\"You're leaving?\"

\"I am. I have a schedule to keep and I've already spent way too much time on Felixia. I initially planned to take part in the hunt for a regular huge cat.\"

\"Do you regret taking part in my hunt?\"

\"Of course not, my lady! Even though I spent more time here than anticipated, the gains I've made is much more valuable than anything else I could have achieved in the same span of time.\"

The key here was that the hunt succeeded. If it failed, then Ves would have regretted his decision to take part in the venture! In fact, perhaps he wouldn't have the time to feel any regret because the vengeful Zeigra might have eaten him whole upon the hunting team's defeat!

\"Before you ask, I am already starting to fulfill my promises to you. You can expect to receive invitations from the Sentinel Peacekeeper Association and the other organization within a day. In addition, the exotic you asked for is right here.\"

\"You have the P-stone I asked for?\" Ves shone his eyes in anticipation.

\"Yes. Please inspect for yourself.\"

A gap in the ceiling appeared. A square container floated through the opening and landed on the desk. Ves immediately approached and picked up the box.

\"Wow. That's pretty heavy.\" He uttered.

He quickly opened the unlocked container and found a bronze-green metallic rock resting inside. The exotic looked just as unremarkable as in the projections!

Caring nothing for Lady Miralix, Ves eagerly caressed his palm over the surface. The second P-stone differed quite a lot from the first P-stone he uncovered long ago in one of the many exotic sample marketplaces at Centerpoint.

If Ves didn't know any better, he would have mistaken the P-stones as different varieties of space junk.

Yet as Ves surreptitiously injected a mote of spiritual energy into the bronze-green metallic rock, it reacted the same as his first P-stone!

It absorbed and contained his spiritual energy!

Ves couldn't hold in his glee. He grinned as he realized that despite its different physical makeup, his second P-stone likely held the same properties as his first one!

If two samples of the same exotic existed, then more of them must certainly be out there as well! One of his greatest fears about the P-stones could be laid to rest now that he learned that it wasn't a unique phenomenon!

\"I see you're very happy about that rock.\" Lady Miralix remarked, looking intrigued at what the big deal was about with the sample that her noble house long considered to be almost worthless. \"What's so special about it that makes you so excited?\"

He offered a dumbed-down explanation. \"It's helpful to the development of my design style. My mechs will definitely become more distinct after I study the properties of this exotic.\"

That wasn't entirely accurate, but Lady Miralix did not need to know anything more.

After a bit of talking, the two finally concluded their successful cooperation and bid farewell to each other. Ves left Lady Miralix's office with a spring to his step!

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