The Mech Touch

Chapter 1845 Trus

Chapter 1845 Trus

"The star sector is becoming more and more turbulent." Calabast spoke as she draped her body over the couch. The two central wars that have been raging on have proven to be disasters to most people, but some see opportunity in them. Many actors are on the move. Grudges are being settled and greed is driving the patient into action."

"That all sounds nice, but what does that have to do with me? I'm not interested in participating in these power games."

His strategic partner looked at him like he was an idiot. "Anyone who catches the notice of the powerful is automatically involved. With all of the accomplishments you've made and all of the stunts you've pulled off, you entered the radar of many powerful people and organizations. You asked me what I've been doing recently. Do you know I've been busy with beefing up our counterintelligence operations? The amount of spies and informers that have sought to keep tabs on you has increased by over seven times!"

Ves grimaced as he leaned back against his office chair while petting his cat.

"Meow!" Lucky was rolling restlessly on his lap.

"What are these people after?"

"You're a smart boy, Ves. You can figure it out. Suffice to say, it's hard to operate spies in the Ylvaine Protectorate. Foreigners can almost never fit in and the native Ylvainans practically worship the ground you are walking on. That said, it's not impossible to succeed."

"So do I need to be more careful or something?"

"There aren't any imminent threats now as far as I'm aware. I'm just telling you to exercise caution and be ready to react to various possible emergencies. Despite the peace reigning in the Ylvaine Protectorate and the strange withdrawal of the sandmen, our star sector is anything but stable."

Ves offered her a confident smile. "After the incident on Cloudy Curtain, the Executive Council and I have thoroughly expanded and updated our contingency plans. I've avoided committing too much to any state or organization, including the Ylvaine Protectorate."

"It sounds like you are steadily drawing down your commitments to the Komodo Star Sector. Reducing the headcount of the LMC and encouraging the Larkinson Clan to go spaceborn are all meant to make you more mobile."

"It's never too early to prepare for my upcoming grand expedition. Transitioning from living in a state to living on a starship for years on end is very difficult from what I've learned. The nine years I have left is not enough to facilitate a complete transition!"

Calabast crossed her arms. Her red lips curled into a frown. "There's more to it. To me, it doesn't seem like you plan to stick around in this star sector for long. I read your browser history. You've been reading up on Vicious Mountain lately. Are you trying to run from the Hegemony, or Gloriana's mother?"

"I was just looking into the possibility of expanding the LMC into Vicious Mountain!" Ves raised his hands in innocence. "Now that I've completed the Rim Guardian Fratenity's initiation mission, I can hopefully access their extensive trade network. With how turbulent our star sector's mech market is these days, it seems prudent for me to start looking elsewhere for business opportunities. It just so happens that Silent William can serve as a liaison for us in the Garlen Empire!"

"Ah, yes. Mr. William Urbesh. Interesting fellow. His personality completely changed during the time he was under your care." She chuckled. "Perhaps it's wrong for me to use the word 'care'."

"Hey! He's an expert candidate, at least! What's a little trauma compared to the opportunity to transcend your mortal limits?"

"William incurred more than 'a little' trauma in my books. You should be careful of the reaction from the Rim Guardians. You may have completed the letter of their request, but the spirit…"

"His spirit has never been better! He used to be a complete waste of space and a disgrace to the Urbesh Clan! If he continued to remain as useless as he was before, his clan would have certainly fallen due to a lack of qualified successor! At least I managed to make him strong to the point where he can single-handedly lead his clan back to prominence in the Slicer Tribe!"

Her long legs dangled in the air as she reluctantly nodded. "Your efforts benefit the Urbesh Clan. I'll give you that. From my analysis, the Rim Guardians have a stake in the clan. They're not completely indifferent to the local factions of the star sectors they govern over. While the MTA ordinarily likes to pretend they are neutral and indifferent to the affairs of those they govern, the truth is a lot murker. Some states, organizations and factions enjoy the secret of the MTA or certain factions or individuals within it. Be careful in participating in their schemes."

As she talked, Lucky seemed to have enough of Ves. He jumped from his owner's lap and floated over to rest against Calabast's chest.

The woman grinned and started pampering Lucky with intensive ministrations with her slender fingers!

The cat was loving it! His eyes squinted and his tail flitted around like he was an excited dog!


Ves ignored the display in front of him. No matter how petulant Lucky behaved, he always went back! Other people may hold his attention, but only Ves was his master!

Well, there was his mother as well, but that didn't count.

He turned his attention back to the conversation. There had to be more behind Calabast's visit than provide him with a vague warning.

"Does that mean the Komodo War has their hand in it, Calabast?"

Her grin turned devious as Lucky continued to purr in her grasp.

"The possibility can't be ruled out. Still, the MTA has been traditionally hands-off when it comes to the governing of far-flung star sectors. Not even the Rim Guardians treat Komodo with importance due to its lack of development and value. Still, that doesn't preclude meddling from smaller players."

"I thought here were supposed to be rules against such overt meddling."

"The MTA sets its own rules." She pointed out. "Do you truly believe the MTA sticks to its own rules when they are their own arbiters?"

From what he knew of the MTA, almost certainly not! "I see."

"Besides, the affair concerning William Urbesh is the clearest example yet that the MTA or at least the Rim Guardians are not above picking sides. Without their intervention, the Urbesh Clan would have certainly collapsed in time!"

All of this was starting to confuse him. Ves wasn't interested in all of these machinations. He was just a mech designer! He just wanted to design and sell interesting mechs!

Calabast noticed his lack of interest. "Look, what I'm trying to say is that in these turbulent times, it's okay to give in to your paranoia. This time, I approve of your overabundance of caution. Few organizations can be trusted to have your best interests at heart. They are all looking out for themselves."


Lucky rolled onto his back and started batting his paws at Calabast's palms as she tried to rub his belly!

Meanwhile, Ves let out a dismissive huff. "Tell me something new."

"Okay, since you can't seem to take a hint, let me be plainer. Don't trust anyone. Don't trust Gloriana. Don't trust the Ylvainans. Don't trust the Brighters. Don't trust the Kinners. Don't trust the Fridaymen. Don't trust the Hexers. Don't trust William Urbesh and ESPECIALLY do not put your trust in the Rim Guardians!"

"That…" Ves was momentarily speechless. "While I admit I'm a bit too paranoid sometimes, even that goes too far for me! How can I possibly live without trusting at least someone? Besides, what about you? Should I continue to put my faith in you when you are telling me to trust no one?"

"I'm not saying that." Calabast stared at him in the eyes. "Friendship and sentiment are too unreliable to be used as a basis for trust. Only mutual interests can serve as a basis for enduring trust and cooperation. The agreement we share between each other is something that continues to benefit both of us. As your fortunes have risen, so have mine. The same goes for your Larkinson Clan which you have expressly bound to you through a mix of familial sentiment and cold hard monetary interests."

"I understand that, but you're telling me to watch out to too many people. I can't possibly keep an eye on them all. That's what I have you for. Is there anyone I need to be wary of specifically?"

Calabast sighed and pressed her fingers against her forehead. "While I'm doing my best to look out for you, I'm not omnipotent. Otherwise, I wouldn't have failed you the last time. You can make my job so much easier if you don't trust others blindly and keep exercising caution. If you want me to tell you who to be concerned about the most, then you should definitely maintain a sober stance towards the Rim Guardians."

"This is the second time you've warned me against them. Do you know something about them? Why are you discouraging me from growing close to perhaps the only organization I'm friendly with that can bring us to the Red Ocean?"

"The Rim Guardians have a history of casting their net wide and associating with a large number of prominent locals. Do you think they are doing it for the good of the galactic rim?"

"It's kind of in their name.."

"Hahaha!" Calabast laughed. "The galactic rim is just a means to an end. Due to the opening of the Red Ocean, the Rim Guardians are beginning to pay a lot more attention to the new dwarf galaxy. From what little I can gather from their galactic movements, the Rim Guardians are planning to invest substantially in associates such as you. They want their best and brightest to become galactic pioneers in order to expand their presence in the new colonies. Their merits might come easier, but the price for that is agreeing to become their pawn!"

Though her words sounded ominous, Ves did not really consider it to be a big deal.

"You make it sound like the Rim Guardians will exploit me or take advantage of me. I don't think this will be the case. From what I've hear, my relationship with the Rim Guardians can be as equitable to the one I have with you. Both of us can gain something out of this cooperation. While the Rim Guardians are admittedly more powerful, they don't really care about individuals such as me. As long as I work within the constraints of their rules, They shouldn't treat me unfairly!"

The conversation quickly ended after that. Calabast decided not to provide Ves with other intelligence. Nothing acute was on her radar this time. All of the possible threats to Ves and his people were latent at this time, though that did not mean that nothing was going on. It was just that Calabast couldn't give Ves anything solid.

"One final word, Ves. That Hexer commission I told you about earlier is being reworked right now, but that does not mean it will stay open to you. The Temple of Hexism is merely looking for any boy who can design a mech. It doesn't necessarily have to settle for you. If you don't move in time, your opportunity might get snatched away."

Ves sneered at her. "I'm not rethinking my stance on the matter. I'm not going to play along with these dangerous or ridiculous schemes. If some other boy agrees to become a woman for the duration of the mission, then be my guess! I don't care about the Penitent Sisters! While I would still like to build up my relations with the Hegemony, it's not as important as my other goals!"

"Gloriana won't be pleased if she hears that. It was partially due to her efforts that she managed to secure this opening to you. Are you going to let her hard work go to waste?"

"Well, I'm not about to let her suffer a clinical death or undergo a gender transition!"

They decided to end their meeting there before the situation devolved into a shouting match.

Though both of them differed in opinion, Ves nonetheless came away from this conversation with a bit more preparedness against the Rim Guardians.

If Calabast turned out to be right, then his abundance of caution would definitely pay off!

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