The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1971 - The Debt Has To Be Paid After All

Chapter 1971 The Debt Has To Be Paid After All

Sun Yaozu started to be anxious; he didn’t dare to untie the rope anymore; his teeth were shaking as he shouted, “Show yourself! **** you dare to play with me, you want to freaking die, do you?”

There was still no response. His only companions were the cold trees around him and the occasional sound made by small animals in the bushes.

After another ten minutes, there was still no movement. Sun Yaozu couldn’t help jumping on the spot, trying to warm himself. With a fierce expression on his face, he shouted again, “Where are you! Come out! You little *****, come out!”

He threw insults all over, and Ye Jian, who was still, continued to lean on the tree and close her eyes to rest. The show had just begun. She would let him toss for a while until he was completely scared.

Unlike Old Mrs. Ye, Sun Yaozu wasn’t one to curse all his ancestors, nor did he think of insulting the martyr Sun Xueqing. He just kept shouting for Ye Jian, saying things that were harsh to listen to. “Little *****, stop freaking pretending, come out if you dare!”

His words were harsh to listen, but it was obvious from his voice that he didn’t have much confidence as before. The reason why he was able to yell was just to him trying hard.

The fierce Sun Yaozu yelled so much that his throat was sore; he was panicking now. His gaze kept glancing around, hurrying and looking for something. At this time, he began to feel really scared.

It was cold, too cold. Jumping on the spot couldn’t warm him. Sun Yaozu, whose fat body was trembling, began to wonder if Ye Jian had already left and was not even nearby.

No way, he would freeze to death if he stayed here any longer!

Good good!

You’re freaking daring!

Just wait, if he didn’t kill her when he returned, he was not a human being!

Sun Yaozu didn’t dare to stay where he was. He held his arms and raised his legs, wanting to run into the mountains. Before he took a step with his stiff legs, he tripped over a bush under his feet.

How could Ye Jian give him a chance to escape down the mountain?

The rope that tied his legs was the same rope that tied her hands before. It was tied to death with a professional army knot. It could only be cut with a sharp tool.

After tossing for almost an hour, Ye Jian hadn’t taken any action, and Sun Yaozu, who had fallen, was bruised, and his face was swollen. He was so cold that he didn’t have any strength to toss around. His whole body curled into a ball, his teeth trembling as he tried to warm himself.

He didn’t want to die yet, he didn’t want to die yet, he had earned so much money, and he had gotten today’s status, he didn’t want to die yet, he definitely didn’t want to die!

Why didn’t those rubbish at home find out that he was missing? Where did the bodyguards whom he had paid a high price go to?

All of them were freaking trash!

Dead old woman, I will take care of you when I go back, or else I’m not human!

Sun Yaozu, who was so cold that his head trembled, gritted his teeth, thinking hard in his heart, and cursing fiercely.

Ye Jian, who didn’t want to freeze him to death, for the time being, saw that it was almost time. Finally, she took a step from the darkness, stepped over the dead branches, and walked to Sun Yaozu. She turned on a flashlight glowing with blue light. She looked cold and indifferent. She lowered her eyes condescendingly, “Cold doesn’t feel nice, right, Sun Yaozu?”

Sun Yaozu, who was so cold that he was about to lose consciousness, heard someone talking vaguely. He raised his eyes with great effort, only to see a faint blue light. He couldn’t see for a while who was talking to him.

“Save me,…save me…, someone…someone wants to kill me, save…save me…” He unconsciously asked for help, no more the previous arrogance.

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