The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 2023

Chapter 2023: Mainly Depends On Temperament

Weaver and Roadrunner were not trying to embarrass Ye Jian on purpose. What they did was to deepen their mutual understanding as soon as possible.

Ye Jian only knew that the Elite Platoon had assigned someone in charge to pick her up, but she didn’t know who would pick her up. As the crowd went to the exit, she followed, and when she was about five meters away from the exit, her eyes started sweeping across the crowd at the passenger’s pickup area.

Weaver and Roadrunner, who were in the crowd, looked at the many tourists who arrived in Tianjin early in the morning, their gaze also sweeping across the crowd.

Weaver’s gaze fell on a young girl who walked with her head upright and had nothing in her hands, “Straight ahead, 9 o’clock director, 168cm short hair, black coat, no luggage…”

At this moment, his eyes were directly stared back at by the girl in the black coat. Before he finished describing her characteristics, the girl with amazing facial features smiled at him.

Less than a second after his eyes fell on her; the girl had already locked her eyes at him and smiled.

“Identity confirmed.” With a smile on his face, Weaver finished his sentence, raised his hand, and waved at the coming Ye Jian.

Roadrunner, who also smiled, lowered his voice and quickly said, “…she looks very beautiful! No wonder the guys who had seen her liked to say, “She’s beautiful.” She isn’t merely beautiful…”

“Then what should it be?” Weaver, whose eyes also showed the same surprise, asked. They had to finish this conversation before Ye Jian approached; otherwise, it would be embarrassing for her to hear it.

“Are you dumb, stunning? She should be called stunning!” Roadrunner, who kept his smile unchanged, murmured, then quickly finished his sentence and stopped talking. They were all special soldiers who had received special training. So Ye Jian must also understand basic lip language.

The reason why Ye Jian could recognize the comrades of the Elite Platoon was the same as how they recognized her, mainly because of two aspects, first: temperament, second: the look in the eyes.

As rigorously trained soldier, their temperament was often different from ordinary people, but Ye Jian could see from the eyes of the two in casual clothes that they had been through wars and flying bullets.

Ye Jian, who smiled at them, walked over faster.

Weaver was from the south, but Roadrunner was from the north. If it weren’t for the two of them to introduce themselves where they were from, Ye Jian really wouldn’t know that both of them were actually from the north and the south, respectively. Their physique and height were similar, and they didn’t have a local accent.


After introducing himself as a scout, Weaver quickly explained why they came to pick her up, “Pigeon told us that you can spot us at a glance. I also think you can recognize us, but I thought you’ll need a few tens of seconds to get it right, but you are only two seconds behind me in this matter.”

“You two are very easy to recognize, and you used my line of sight to observe just now, so it was easier for me to notice.” Ye Jian, who shook hands with the two and briefly introduced herself, “You have different temperament and different gaze; it is hard not to recognize you guys.”

Weaver and Roadrunner laughed slowly. The two of them walked out with Ye Jian on both sides. Pigeon, who had been waiting outside, saw the three of them and greeted them with a smile, “Happy New Year, Ye Jian.”

“Happy New Year.” Ye Jian smiled a little with her delicate lips when she saw a comrade she knew, “I haven’t seen you in a few days, why does it seem that you’ve grown fatter?”

“No way, you can see it?” Pigeon laughed in a low voice. It was an extremely nice low and soft laughter that came shallowly; Ye Jian couldn’t help stopping in her steps and listening to his laugh. She couldn’t bear the noise of footsteps, affecting the enjoyment of listening to his laughs.

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