The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 2036

Chapter 2036 Never Give Up

The members of the Elite Platoon who had bird codenames were the best at sneak attacks. Now the night was dark; it was a good time to make a move. When Ye Jian mentioned going forward secretly, she had said what all her comrades thought.

After observing for a while, several people jumped off the container.

Ye Jian immediately added, “They change shifts. They patrol and change shifts. The eastbound single-deck container that is four meters away from other containers is the first post, and there are three patrols.”

“There are two patrols on the two-tier container near the sea. This is the highest point. There are two patrols near the west-facing single-layer container, giving a total of seven people. The rest entered the middle double-layer container.

Ye Jian, who was in charge of observing the situation, spoke in great detail, giving all her comrades a view.

Pigeon squatted down slightly and said to the two engineers, “You two hide outside; here are two GPS, please take them. We will come to find you immediately after we rescue the others inside. If someone escapes, we’ll need your help to get rid of them.”

He handed the two GPSs to the two engineers and whispered, “We will look for you two immediately after we bring the other ten engineers out. Carefully hide here. Don’t walk around if there’s nothing urgent.”

The two engineers who received the GPS nodded calmly, “Don’t worry, we will not walk around randomly and drag you guys. If the two of us are not here later, you guys take the other engineers away first.”

“Especially Fang Gong and Jiang Gong, they are the key technicians; you must keep them alive!”

For the members of the Elite Platoon, it was their responsibility to rescue all twelve members of the engineering team back to China. Every one of them was their responsibility. How could they abandon their responsibility?

“We received an order that we must succeed in rescuing all twelve engineers of the engineering team; we cannot give up a single one. You two, please take care; we will be back soon.” Pigeon saluted the two of them and quickly left into the silent and dangerous night.

The two engineers lay quietly at the invisibility spot chosen by Pigeon, their eyes staring at the front, blinking…In the thick mist night, they only saw the trunks that looked like monsters with horns, and the soldiers who were with them just now had all disappeared without a trace.

“I wonder which military district those special forces are from. They are much more skilled than the soldiers who escorted us here. With them, Fang Gong should be fine.”

An engineer surnamed “Zhang” spoke in a low voice; although his voice was tight, he was calm.

Another foreign engineer said, “As long as Fang Gong and Jiang Gong are still alive, they will definitely rescue everyone. We just have to hide well and don’t cause them trouble. Still, our country’s soldiers are the best. When I heard that female soldier yelled “get down,” I was really relieved at the time as if I had taken a reassurance pill.”

To hear the sound of their familiar language felt as if the gloomy world suddenly shed light, giving them a sense of security in an instant and seeing bright hope.

This was their country, a country that had never given up on them, even if they were separated by thousands of miles. They would immediately send troops to rescue them when they were in danger. That “get down” was to tell them that the country had sent people over!

Why, as a soldier, they were never afraid to go abroad to carry out projects that were life-threatening, because each of them knew in their hearts that no matter where they were, they never had to be afraid of being abandoned or given up.

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