The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 2039

Chapter 2039 Forever A Soldier

He didn’t act immediately. Instead, he threw a small stone inside, and after a few “clanging” sounds, the place remained quiet and silent.

He no longer hesitated. Loon was the first to get out of the container, and another two comrades extended the barrels of their rifles to alert Loon.

Loom didn’t rush down directly, he quickly entered the container, grabbed the outer bracket of the iron ladder with one hand, flipped sideways, and he was on the outside of the suspended ladder. He supported himself entirely by the strength of his arms. He completed these actions: entering and observing in a few seconds.

Two minutes later, everyone heard Loon reporting, “Come down.”

Ye Jian and Crane did not go down. Weaver and Roadrunner guarded heavily the two-layer container that people had entered and exited. So she guarded the single-layer container that her comrades had gone in.

When Pigeon and the others entered the container, they passed through a long passage, and when they reached the front, they saw another underground passage. The width of the entrance was the same as the width of the container; three people could go in together.

It was very dark inside, without any light and sound. Step by step, the two members of the Elite Platoon stepped on the excavated ladder vigorously and flexibly as they entered underground.

After the two got off the ladder, they immediately pressed their sides against the excavated wall and stared straight ahead through their night vision equipment.

In the muddy green world, they saw a long, artificially excavated cave. After confirming that there was no issue, they gently waved to the back, and the remaining four comrades entered and advanced alternately.

Outside, the sound of a helicopter hovering over the island. Ye Jian, Crane, Weaver, and Roadrunner’s faces became cold at the same time. Although they had not seen the helicopter, the four responded quickly and immediately looked for a new cover.

The sound approached, obviously coming in their direction!

“Pigeon! What’s the situation inside! There’s some changes out here; a helicopter is coming!” Ye Jian, who was hidden, immediately contacted Pigeon, who entered the underground basement.

Then, she saw the helicopter in the sky, and an intense beam of light shone straight from above onto the top of the two-story container that Weaver and the others had guarded.

Someone got out of the two-story container, which had not been having any movements. He stood on it and waved to the bright beam…

Ye Jian’s eyes fell from the helicopter to the person waving.

At this time, the four of them outside all had the same thought, so what they said next was similar.

“This person is our number one target.”

The people on the helicopter saw someone respond, retracted the bright beam, and flew forward.

Weaver and Roadrunner did not give the person a chance to look around. The moment the helicopter kept the strong beam and focused on flying forward, the two quickly appeared from below and quickly solved the target first.

Pigeon replied to Ye Jian in the basement, “Ten engineers are successfully found and are preparing to evacuate! Fang Gong has sacrificed, Jiang Gong has fallen into a coma, his condition is critical.”

Fang Gong…had been sacrificed.

The news was like someone hitting everyone’s heart with a fist. In an instant, there was a sudden pain in their hearts and even in their breath.

Watching the slowly descending helicopter flying to the front, Ye Jian lightly closed her eyes, pressing down the sadness in her heart, and said in a deep voice, “Retreat now! Send all the engineers to the helicopter.”

Her heart was sinking more and more severely. Those who stayed on the island were those who had no skills. What about those who came back now?

The top two floors of the container suddenly made a dull ‘cang” sound. Ye Jian, who had been keeping alert with the surrounding area, interrupted the call. She needed to support Weaver and Roadrunner!

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