The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 716 - The Most Admirable And Lovely Person Of The Time

Chapter 716: The Most Admirable And Lovely Person Of The Time

What other matters could it be?

Principal Cao suddenly thought of something; then he added: “I think you should just answer whatever the commander asks. Don’t be in the limelight, and don’t express your opinion. At such times, it’s better that you stay low, and don’t talk too much.”

In case the commander wanted to meet Ye Jian1 for other reasons, it was not something a student like her should incorporate.

Commander-in-Chief Xia did come for something else, but he really had to squeeze out some time to go to the Anti-Chemical Unit. When the students returned to class to say goodbye to the instructor, Commander Guo, and the political commissar accompanied the Commander-in-Chief to visit the Anti-Chemical Unit.

The Anti-Chemical Unit was a mysterious army. The army’s clothing and equipment were highly professional, high-tech, and unusually strange.

They had a long mask, which was like an elephant’s nose, and if you wore it, no one could recognize who you were if you stood together with the army.

Xia Jinyuan2, who came for training at the Anti-Chemical Unit, studied the basic professional training. He put on the gas mask with Commander-in-Chief Xia; he also put on a special production uniform to enter the extensive training ground.

Xia Jinyuan needed to learn emergency protection, drug viewing, detection, and data reporting here. He had to perform them accurately, fast, and precisely to be considered as a pass in the basic professional training.

The comprehensive training range was behind the shooting range. The machine was roaring, the spray gun in the decontamination person’s hand was pointed accurately at the poison mark, and the comrades in the shower group rushed forward like a sharp sword out of its sheath, found the poison marks correctly, then controlled the situation.

“This training is to deal with nuclear accidents and rescue. The average age of these soldiers is 24 years old; they have mastered solid technology and participated in many missions.”

Commander Guo proudly introduced his soldiers. “They are all excellent drug detectives. They have excellent physical fitness, psychological and technical skills. Don’t think that they are just a bunch of youngsters; they are all talented generals!”

“Our regiment strives to ensure that each Anti-Chemical Unit soldier is a qualified soldier through a series of training such as psychological counseling, simulation training, expansion training, task hammering, skill comparison, mutual cooperation, and so on.”

Xia Jinyuan listened very carefully. These were the skills he wanted to learn; he must not be sloppy.

The equipment on his body was not light. The protective clothing and protective mask must be more than six degrees warmer than the outside temperature. This set of protection and detection equipment weighed more than five kilograms, and it was airtight!

Having to wear this outfit in the blazing summer, one could sweat just by walking in it. But for the soldiers in the Anti-Chemical Unit who was in training, they had long been accustomed to such hard training. They had also accepted the challenge to bear with the struggle over and over again.

As the saying goes, even stainless steel needs to be tempered. Therefore, no matter what kind of soldier it was, they all had to go through various tough training to become an excellent soldier.

Only by strengthening their military operations capabilities, they could guarantee another level of success for each high-risk mission they had to face. Every tough training was to ensure a safe return from future missions.

Seeing these heroic and fearless young figures, Commander-in-Chief Xia only said one sentence, “You come to the army safely, and you will return home safely. We are not destined to life and death; we make that choice ourselves. The suffering you face today is for the benefit of our people. No matter where you are, you will be remembered by the future generations for your brave actions that kept our motherland safe!”

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These groups of soldiers who trained in the front line, risking their lives, if not who were the most lovely and respectable people.

Commander-in-Chief Xia was not as reluctant as other parents. He was not unwilling to send his son to suffer, and he was not afraid that he would receive his son’s sacrifice documents someday.

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