The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 721 - I Want An Identity That Can Be Seen In The Open

Chapter 721: I Want An Identity That Can Be Seen In The Open

Commander-in-chief Xia knew what his guard was trying to express, he was reminding him that it seemed like a huge gap right now, but it would be useful in the future.

A man in his forties has his career like the sun in midday, the wife by his side would also be at a right age, they would make a sturdy pair, there wouldn’t be any problems when it comes to the relationship.

“It’s good, but I’m afraid that young people are too vigorous, directly breaking up when there are disagreements. We’ll continue observing,” Commander-in-chief Xia who had groaned for a while let out a sigh, he turned his head and saw his son lowering his head, he seemed to be saying something to a girl, his expression was so gentle that it caused him to be dumbfounded.

He never had such a memory of his son having such an expression before.

“I’m even more afraid with you in the car; I’ll feel more at ease if you’re not in the car,” Ye Jian1 purposely pulled a distance from the dangerous man who intentionally came to pick her up, but the more she did so, the more he clung to her. Commander-in-chief Xia was still in the car, couldn’t he hold himself back?

If Commander-in-chief Xia were not in the car, she would have thought of running as far away as possible.

How could Xia Jinyuan2 allow her to stay far away from him? For the sake of bringing this wife back to the Xia Family, he had begun all the preparation work, and it needed to be done well. His thin lips curled into a handsome and carefree arc, “You can ask for my help at any time with me in the car. For example, if Commander-in-chief Xia asks ‘Young lady, how did you get to know my son?’, I can answer on your behalf.”


A bomb was dropped just like that, shocking Ye Jian until her soul almost flew out!

She resisted her urge to run the complete opposite direction of the car; she was also resisting the urge to punch him in the face, Ye Jian said word by word: “You’re telling me that you’ve told Commander-in-chief Xia?”

“I naturally had to bring it up. My identity cannot be seen out in the open on your side; I do not have any sense of security if we cannot be seen in the open in my family,” Xia Jinyuan calmly withdrew his right hand behind his waist, he initially thought she would stumble in fright, he could then seize the opportunity to protect her, who knew that she walked stably and was not frightened.

Ye Jian did not notice his action, but the guard walking behind could see it clearly. They were the guards who had been following beside Commander-in-chief Xia for five years. They had a precise understanding of the Commander’s son; they looked away indifferently and did not continue looking.

It was said that when the Commander’s son was eleven or twelve years old, the guards of the compound could not escape their fate of being tortured when they met him. Their unit was undoubtedly fortunate; it was because the young master had ‘turned over a new leaf’ when they arrived.

Ye Jian felt that she did not even have the strength to walk, “You also know that it cannot be out in the open, why did you mention it! Also, since when has your identity cannot be out in the open on my side? Didn’t you come to my school to find me after mentioning it?”

”You could still find me during military training, is this what you call cannot be seen in the open?”

”I can naturally be seen out in the open right now, but if I was holding your hand, we definitely could not be seen out in the open,” Xia Jinyuan was quite fierce when attacking. He, who had been on the battlefield, had never been in love, but the soldiers manual told him that he must be aggressive and vigorous.

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The little fox that he fancies was too cunning, not allowing him to be slow. If he was slow by a single step…… Well, someone had given her a love letter first!

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