The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 724 - Satisfaction Starts From Talks

Chapter 724: Satisfaction Starts From Talks

The encounters in Ye Jian1’s last life had developed her calm personality; she was used to speaking in an unhurried and orderly manner. This life had thrown her previous life’s experience aside, and there was some casualness in her gentle voice. She spoke like she was giving a solo performance, her voice was outstanding, her words were sharp that even the boring data and text could sound pleasant to the ear.

Commander-in-chief Xia originally just wanted to see if she had any understanding of the country’s military training, who knew that the young lady not only had a general knowledge, she had a deep understanding.

Not only could she answer, but she could even concisely state the development history and process.

It’s already good for a student to be clear about it; even a university student might not know much about the history of the development of student military training in the country.

Xia Jinyuan2, who was sitting in front, was stunned. He didn’t know that Ye Jian actually knew so much, he was initially feeling worried, but he was feeling at ease right now. After she finished speaking, he raised his brows at Commander-in-chief Xia; there was a hint of provocation in it.

After listening carefully, Commander-in-chief Xia originally planned to give his son a ‘you got good eyesight’ gaze, but seeing his provocative look, he directly shifted his gaze. He smiled and asked Ye Jian: “What is your opinion as a student? Or, you can understand it as to why military training must be conducted among high school students?”

He could hear her speaking neither fast nor slow. Although her voice was sweet, carefully listening, there was a sharpness in it, “Countries like Russia, United States, and the United Kingdom have not only established sound organizations, the have also formulated supporting teaching materials, there’s even a syllabus for teaching. It could be said that military training for students has become an important measure for countries to strengthen their national defense.”

”High school students are at an age where it’s easy for them to accept many things, the good and the bad. As long as they are interested, they would not care about whether it’s good or bad. Military training can not only cultivate a student’s awareness of national defense, but it can also point out the correct path for adolescent students. Receiving military education at the right moment is helpful to strengthen our own ideology.”

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“Similarly, during the military training period, we can understand our national defense, military strength, and military general knowledge. We can also understand some basic military knowledge and skills, strengthening our awareness of the national defense concept and national security. In general, military training has only advantages and no disadvantages, allowing us to look further and have a sense of responsibility and mission.”

Ye Jian had spent these few years in the army. Under their influence, she knew about the country’s military forces more than any other student, broadening her horizons while continually improving herself.

Like Ye Ying, in her own world, her stage was so narrow and ridiculous.

But Ye Jian’s stage was so big that the whole world could be her stage. From the mission time and time again to accompany the nation’s leader overseas for a secret visit, it was enough to prove that Ye Jian’s stage had long surpassed her peers.

Then, whatever she saw and learned was at the forefront, causing her peers to find it difficult to surpass.

The gap between her and her peers could be heard from this conversation; Commander-in-chief Xia could genuinely feel the difference of this girl in front of him. She can speak it out and can think about it, whatever she could think of was something unimaginable to her peers, that’s what sets her apart.

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