The Primordial Record

Chapter 636 Glimpse of Ultimate Power

New novel ๐“ฌhapters are published on ๐™›๐™ง๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐™ฌ๐“ฎ๐™—๐™ฃ๐’๐’—๐“ฎ๐’.๐™˜๐’๐™ข

Chapter 636 Glimpse of Ultimate Power

?Nothing had captured Rowan's attention more than the next series of words on the pages of the Primordial Record.

The language used to express these next series of words was almost primitive, like jagged slashes of a blade against a cave wall, but every word held incredible power.

Rowan knew that if he had seen this language the Primordial Record was currently using the first time he transmigrated to Trion, then he would have perished in body and soul, and even a god would be hardly able to understand what they were seeing before they ran mad.

Nevertheless, for Rowan, this language held a charm and power that filled his senses to the brim, and he opened himself to indulge in it.




WILL OF ORDER โ€” 7TH DIMENSIONAL DOMAIN WILL (Note: Requires the Light of Celestials and the Despair of Chaosโ€ฆ All Requirements Achieved)

INCOMPLETE WILL OF OBLIVION โ€” 8TH DIMENSIONAL DOMAIN WILL (Note: Requires the Will of The Emperor Of Nothing)

INCOMPLETE WILL OF TIME AND ???? โ€” 9TH DIMENSIONAL DOMAIN WILL (NOTE: Requires the Eyes of your ??????)

INCOMPLETE WILL OF SOUL ORIGIN โ€” 9TH DIMENSIONAL DOMAIN WILL (Note: Requires a completed Pathway of Soul [ Sheol can lead to a completed Pathway]

INCOMPLETE WILL OF TRUTH โ€” 1ST DIMENSIONAL DOMAIN WILL ( A Will born from your desires to find the truth behind everything, the mysteries hidden in the lost eternities, the Origin of the Soul, the birth of Primordials and the meaning of existence. This will is weak, a sputtering flame that can be put out by a single gust of breeze, yet if you nurture it, this will grow and lead to a pathway unknown, that is entirely yours.)


The weight of the outside world was slowly crashing on Rowan as the air was charged with vibration as if a sleeping great beast was awakening, he knew this was the various powers of the entire Mountain and Sea Ruin converging on this place.

Yet in the midst of the impending Chaos, Rowan's mind was steady and calm, and the short time he had was enough.

He had only a single second to make his decision, but he could stretch the second for a while longer as he deliberated on the choice before him. This choice would not only free him of his chains once and for all, it would cement his pathway to the top, or be the shroud that would accompany him to his death.

He hardly had the chance to sigh in relief at the fact that his gamble was correct and the Primordial Record would be the driving force that could aid him in the creation of his Will, and he nearly laughed for he had still underestimated the abilities of the Primordial Record.

He did not just have access to any random Will fuelled by his desires, instead, he had access to eight different Wills that were born from his actions and the treasure he gathered here and there, and he not only that, because he placed the right conditions for creating a Will, the Primordial Record was able to unearth deeper secrets that were inside him. ๐’ป๐“‡๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฏ๐‘œ๐“‹๐˜ฆ๐‘™.๐’ธ๐‘œ๐“‚

Any connection that he had that was associated with Will had been excavated for him to choose from. This singularity never failed to impress him. It was no wonder his father, the Reflection of a creature as powerful as a Primordial or a Primordial himself, craved the power of this treasure.

He quickly did away with the first two options, Will of Madness and Will of Mountains and Seas were both Wills whose maximum potential stopped at the sixth Dimension, no doubt this was something that was beyond the reach of most, even outside the universe he doubted if there were many powers who could access and influence the 6th Dimension, but this was the least of the options presented to Rowan, he could choose better than these.

They were powerful, as the words used to represent them screamed of incredible power and potential, enough to rule even a Supreme World, but it was not enough. When Rowan's focus shifted away from them, they became dim, and their influence over him reduced and he could focus on what came after.

The Will of Destruction was next, and it was as powerful as Rowan thought it would be, already touching the 7th Dimension. This was the original path he was planning to choose, because it was going to be powerful and perfectly combine with the traits of his Destroyer, which would elevate Rowan's offensive, defensive, and survivability to the maximum, ensuring he could battle with his father on a relatively similar footing.

He could feel the potential embedded inside this Will. In any material universe and outside of it, nothing would be able to stand before him. His enemies would be crushed under his destructive might as a single blow from him could end the universe.

Rowan could almost taste itโ€ฆ the death of everything, his presence potent enough to shake all of existence with fear

Powerโ€ฆ. With so much power, he could crush his father's Reflection like a bug, Caine would weep before heโ€ฆ

Rowan marshaled his mind, the attraction of the Will of Destruction far greater than the previous two. It would be a mistake to falter to greed when he was on the cusp of his greatest transformation.

The fact that he had access to many greater Wills was both exciting and mind-numbing. When did supreme abilities like Wills become so easy to acquire?

The knowledge of the great opportunity before him was enough for him to dismiss the Will of Destruction and aim for the next.

The Will of Order immediately drew his attention, like a soothing balm over the raw wound that the Will of Destruction had created on his consciousness, equally as powerful as the Will of Destruction, this power seemed to be the antithesis of Chaos itself.

Rowan had a sensation that this Will had great potential, and could elevate his Celestial Host to great heights. Yet it was also gentle, like a slow river, it did not drag his attention but was ever open, ever acceptingโ€ฆ. With this Will, he could nurture countless universes, and his touch would bring peace and stability to all of Creation.

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