The Real Young Miss’s Secret Identities Revealed

Chapter 438 - Instant Fame

Chapter 438 – Instant Fame

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, the speed of the two cars was extremely fast and the slight collision caused the two cars to sway greatly. Both of them were trying their best to control the race car. As a result, they were left behind by Jiang Li and Robert, and the people behind them also caught up.

Ban Yue found an opportunity to overtake that race car driver, and Dapeng followed closely behind.

The race car driver cursed again and accelerated to catch up.

Back to the thrilling moment. Almost half of Jiang Li’s red racing car was suspended in the air, and below it were turbulent waves. If it was even slightly off, it would fall to pieces.

Jiang Li directly performed the extreme turn on the curve near the sea. The car drifted in a perfect arc on the curve, and it seemed that the car would be thrown out of the curve due to inertia. However, just as it was about to throw out, it was suddenly pulled back by an unknown force and landed steadily on the road surface.

With a swoosh, it rushed out and directly overtook Robert’s racing car!


With a bang, the audience in the stands was shocked! Was this extreme cornering, which was no worse than or even better than professional drivers, really done by a Chinese girl?

Oh, God! They could not believe their eyes.

Even Blake was stunned. He did not expect Jiang Li to be so good at racing!

Samuel was also stunned for a moment, then he laughed and clapped.

Then, there was a round of applause for Jiang Li.

Robert never thought that Jiang Li would use the curve to overtake him!

This was probably very difficult for him to do as well. Robert could not help but admire Jiang Li even more. However, when he saw Jiang Li quickly overtake him, he immediately sped up and chased after her.

Dapeng and Ban Yue also rushed forward after they passed the curve. Ban Yue was not afraid of driving straight ahead. She just drove at the maximum speed and rushed forward.

Dapeng also rushed forward at the fastest speed in order to catch up to Jiang Li.

The other professional racers were actually left far behind.

These racers were almost autistic. Why were a few non-professional racers actually better than them, who had participated in so many international races?!

Fu Yunze saw that the people in front of him had suddenly accelerated, and he also accelerated. At least, he could not be too far behind.

Jiang Man felt a little embarrassed when she saw that Fu Yunze actually lagged behind Jiang Li by so much.

The last few corners were also very dangerous. The audience in the stands did not even dare to blink their eyes. They thought it was just a simple friendly match, but they did not expect these Chinese to be so powerful.

Especially when Jiang Li was actually on par with Robert! There were several corners where the two of them seemed to be fighting one-on-one. It was either one of them fighting one another or one of them passing the other.

Although it was not as thrilling as the first corner, the people watching were very excited.

In the last straight line, Jiang Li and Robert were going head-to-head. Although they were blocking each other few times, the two of them rushed to the finish line at the last second.

Next was Dapeng, then Ban Yue, and the other racing driver. Fu Yunze was the third place from the last.

Jiang Li and Robert were tied for first place!

No one would think that Robert was going easy, because they could see the entire race with their own eyes.

On this day, Jiang Li’s name resounded throughout the entire ‘resort’.

After getting out of the car, Ban Yue was completely dizzy. She immediately ran to the side and vomited.

It made everyone present a little surprised. Ban Yue could still get third place in a race even though she had motion sickness?

No one had expected Dapeng’s strength, because he looked the most ordinary. No one had expected him to drive like he did not care about his life.

The three of them directly took the top three..

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