The Real Young Miss’s Secret Identities Revealed

Chapter 476 - Traces of Romance

Chapter 476 – Traces of Romance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the end, Jiang Man and Fu Yunze had a big fight, but when she remembered that she still had not collected the money, she could only bear with it and not leave.

Fu Yunze knew that Jiang Man was thinking about the little money he had on him and felt that it was a little ridiculous. However, he did not say anything in the end. After all, they were currently in a cooperative relationship.

When Jiang Li and Fu Jiuxiao arrived at the hospital, it was already very late. Wei Ziheng had been waiting at the hospital until very late as he received the news that Jiang Li was coming back.

Jiang Li asked Wei Ziheng to give Fu Jiuxiao a thorough check-up while she waited outside.

Ban Yue stayed by Jiang Li’s side, and Jiang Li was a little worried about Fu Jiuxiao’s health.

Jiang Li felt a little hot from rushing, so she tugged at her collar. As a result, the ambiguous marks on her neck fell into Ban Yue’s eyes, and Ban Yue accidentally caught a glimpse of it.

Even though Ban Yue had never experienced it before, she was almost an adult, so she naturally knew what it was.

However, when this ambiguous kiss mark appeared on Jiang Li’s body, Ban Yue’s face inexplicably turned red.

She knew who did it, but she did not expect that Jiang Li and Fu Jiuxiao had already developed to that stage.

Ban Yue coughed unnaturally twice.

“Ahem, don’t worry, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Ban Yue was talking about Fu Jiuxiao’s leg injury. It had already been injected with Wei Ziheng’s emergency treatment agent, so it should not be a big problem.

Jiang Li frowned and nodded, but her expression still did not relax.

Ban Yue was a bit embarrassed because Jiang Li had unbuttoned too many buttons, and the bite marks on her collarbone were already exposed. Ban Yue felt that it was not good to be seen by others like this.

“Um… Do you want to adjust your collar?”


When Jiang Li came back to her senses, her face immediately turned red, and she pulled up her zipper in embarrassment and panic.

“Erm, how far have you guys gone?”

Ban Yue was suddenly curious. Ban Yue had never been in a relationship before, so she was still curious about the things between a man and a woman.

Jiang Li did not know how to answer.

“Well, you’re not of age yet, right…?”

Ban Yue felt that things had not gone as far as she had imagined. No matter what, Jiang Li was still not of age, so Fu Jiuxiao should not be that bad, right?

After Ban Yue said that, Jiang Li became even more embarrassed. She was so embarrassed that her toes were digging into the ground.

In fact, Jiang Li would be almost 40 if she were to add her age of her past live and her current live. However, her body age and her ID card showed that she was still under eighteen..

However, Jiang Li had already had sex with Fu Jiuxiao, and it was quite intense. How could Jiang Li tell her such a thing?

When emotions reached that point, some things would naturally happen, not to mention that it was only a few days away from her birthday.

Her body had long matured, so it should not be a problem for her to do some adult things.

Ban Yue saw that Jiang Li was a little embarrassed, and she immediately became embarrassed as well. She saw Jiang Li’s reaction and felt as if she had found out something incredible.

Ban Yue suddenly did not dare to look directly at Fu Jiuxiao..

Then the two of them fell into an awkward atmosphere.

Fortunately, not long after, Wei Ziheng and the others came out of the operating room.

Seeing that Wei Ziheng seemed to be very relaxed and happy, Jiang Li could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Fu Jiuxiao’s leg injury is recovering very well! I’m very surprised.. What happened to him last night? He seems to be recovering faster than before!”

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