The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 501 - BETTER TASTE

Chapter 501 – BETTER TASTE

JUST like his brother, Luo Jin was also browsing Weibo for any topic about Rookie Carnival's preliminary round.  Under normal circumstance, he wouldn't waste his time to look at this thing.  But because his game account name was revealed at the very end, he wanted to see what others were saying about him.

[Hey, you guys, why are we not talking about the funniest thing in the preliminary today?]

[Was there even such a thing?]

[Come on, have you forgotten already or did you just not see?]

[I think I know what you're talking about.]

[Actually, I also think I know what it was.  Or who it was, maybe.]

[Ah!  It's that cute gnome, isn't it?]

[Hahaha!  Now that you mention it, I almost forgot about that little guy.]

[True!  AmazingYoungMasterJin – hahaha! Who would give themselves such a game name?]

[I think he's a kid, probably just in elementary school that's why he's not ashamed of having such a name.]

[Maybe that's the reason why the game system gave him a special gnome race when he chose the random selection.  Because it knew that he's the same height in reality as the gnomes.]

[Or maybe he's a middle schooler who's simply a chuuni.  My younger brother is a chuuni and I bet all my allowance this month that he wouldn't blink in giving himself the same name.]

[LOL chuunis do tend to use edgy game names.  Like Murder Explosion King or Dark Demon King.  The AmazingYoungMasterJin is probably in the same category.]

[But if that's true, then wasn't he amazing?  A boy that young being able to join the finals of the Rookie Carnival, that's a first, right?]

[I know right?  It's truly quite shameful for the other participants to be beaten by such a kid.]

[And he didn't just get through the preliminary by luck, he also has skills to back it up.  Have you seen the way he sniped those other players?  Not to mention, his accuracy during that second trial on the ship.  If not for him, those mermaids wouldn't be distracted if not for the shot he made.]

[More than that, I think he's related to Noctis.  Have you all noticed that since the start of start of the preliminary, they'd been together?]

[Yes, I have also noticed that. I thought that they'd only met there but now that you mention it, they really did seem to know each other.]

[Have you all forgotten the news about Noctis being the new member of Yunyue?]

[What about it?  We're currently talking about the gnome, right?] 

[What I mean is, it's not only Noctis who was recently added to roster of Yunyue.  There's another one.]

[Are you saying it's the gnome?]

[Impossible!  How could Yunyue pick such a kid to be part of their team?  Although Yunyue is now called the fallen champions, surely they wouldn't recruit a kid, right?  They might as well have recruited me.]

[Hah!  As if you can be one of them.  Can you also be on the finals of the Rookie Carnival?]

[Whatever.  I think that kid was just lucky.  Have you seen the items and weapons he had with him?  They're all worth a lot of crystal coins.]

[I agree. His weapon alone is probably worth thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of crystal coins.] 

[Those guns are definitely made by Vulcan.  I can see it with just one glance.  If I'm right, then they definitely cost a lot.]

[Really, people?  You're saying that he survived that preliminary just because he had expensive weapons?  I'll just leave this analogy to you; A painter is great not because of his brush but because of his talent.  If that painter made a great painting, are you saying it's because he had a great brush?]

[I couldn't agree more with you, upstairs.  These people are just jealous because they can't afford a weapon made by Vulcan.]

[Well said!]


Luo Jin stopped reading and just put the damn phone on his bedside table before slumping, face-first, on his bed.  He buried his face on his pillow and shouted in frustration.  Of course, because he did it on the pillow, his voice became muffled and no one had heard him. 

What elementary school kid?  Did having such a game name automatically put him in the childish category?  Wasn't that simply discrimination?  And what the heck was a 'chuuni'?  Based on the comments he had read that mentioned that term, it seemed that it was a middle-schooler edge lord.

Either way, both were not good description.  Because one, he's not a kid, and two, he'd definitely not an edge lord.  And yet these people were accusing of him as one of the two.

He rolled over and frowned at the light bulb on the ceiling.

He actually didn't mind all that nonsense about him being a pay-to-win player or that he simply got lucky.  Because those could easily be disproved.  Once the finals of the Rookie Carnival arrived, he could just show them his skills and all the things they had said would be slapped back to them.

But there's nothing he could do about this damn shitty game name.

Why the heck was it that it's not allowed to change game names?  In his opinion, it's just another marketing strategy to have players buy another one of their VR helmets.  They should be thankful that they were the only ones that had a VRMMORPG like Arcadia.  Or else, people would have long change to another game.

Because of the thoughts about Moonlight Media, Luo Jin was reminded again of that talk he and his elder brother had with Luo Yan.  The annoyance he just felt for the company of Shen Ji Yun's uncle was quickly transferred on Shen Ji Yun's head. 

Although he truly just wanted to beat the crap out of the other and also, by the way, give him a piece of his mind, he couldn't.  Because they had already promised Luo Yan that they wouldn't interfere with his relationship with that guy.  But that didn't mean that he wouldn't stop being annoy with him.

Really, just what the hell did Luo Yan find in that expressionless ice-block?

He definitely had better taste than Luo Yan.  Luo Jin was sure of that.

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