The Return Of The God Level Assassin



LUO JIN'S frown was getting deeper and deeper by the second.  This girl that kept yapping around him was like an annoying insect.  He wanted to swat her away but she said that she was Yu Jiao's sister, so he was stopping himself from doing so.  But really, he couldn't believe that that Yu Jiao, who was always timid and shy, would have an annoying sister like this.

The other kept on yapping and yapping about being in the same year as him or some shit.  Or that they were on the same class during their first year of middle school.  Seriously, he just wanted Yu Jiao to appear and drag this girl away.

"Ah Jin!" 

He turned towards the direction of that call and saw his brother and Yu Jiao walking up to them.  Finally.

Mo Jian also turned towards the voice.  She first saw the famous second young master of the Luo family.  The Mo family could be said to be on the threshold of S City's upper society.  So, she knew the things that happened to the Luo family.  It was a famous incident that everyone in their circle probably knew about it.  That's why when the news of the second young master of the Luo family was coming to this school, it caused quite a sensation.

She had heard how others praised this young master for his beautiful appearance.  Now that she was seeing him, she must admit that he was indeed that.  But she also felt an instant dislike.  Boys shouldn't be that pretty.  She couldn't understand girls who would like a boy like him.  Would they really want someone who looked better than them stand beside them? 

For her, boys should be like Luo Jin.  Tall, handsome, masculine, and of course, very rich.  With that in mind, she took a quick glance at the boy standing beside her and her heart readily skipped a beat.  When she first saw him three years ago, she knew that he was special. 

Over the years, when she understood more and more, she knew how advantageous it would be if she developed a relationship with Luo Jin.  Although he's only the third son, his future was still boundless.  He's very smart as well.  It would be good if he could fight to inherit the company.  That way, if they ended up together, she would be the next madame of the Luo family.

She turned back her attention to the second young master of the Luo family and then saw Yu Jiao just behind him.  Seeing her, Mo Jian's blood started to boil once again.  The humiliation and anger she felt earlier came crashing back to her.  But she held it all in because she didn't want to mess up in front of Luo Jin.

That didn't mean that she wouldn't get revenge.  Of course, she would.  How dare that thrash actually pushed her?  She had no right!  A thing like her who came from the gutter actually dared to hurt her?  Hah!  The nerve. 

From the moment she met Yu Jiao, Mo Jian hated her immediately.  She's ugly and always acted like some squirming chicken.  Just looking at her, annoyed the freaking hell out of her. 

If Yu Jiao's mother was not some simple woman who didn't have any ambition, Mo Jian would definitely not agree with her marriage with her father.  Especially when she was dragging that kind of daughter with her.

She plastered a sweet smile on her face when the two arrived. 

"Hi, Sister!  I was just telling Luo Jin that you told me that I can join you guys for lunch."

Luo Jin's frown deepened again when he heard that.  Why would Yu Jiao suddenly invite this… girl?  Even if they were sisters, it's not in her character to just pull someone both he and his brother was unfamiliar with to their lunch.  And besides, why did Yu Jiao never mention that she actually had a sister?

Yu Jiao just felt embarrassed.  She couldn't believe that Mo Jian would still shamelessly approach Luo Jin and ingratiate herself with them.  She chose not to respond to Mo Jian and just glanced sideways at Luo Yan.  He said that he would handle Mo Jian.  She couldn't help but wonder what he would do.

Luo Yan stared at the girl smiling sweetly at them.  If Yu Jiao hadn't told him about what happened to her early this morning, he would probably believe that she was sweet and adorable younger sister and that the other was very close to Yu Jiao.

Interesting.  This would be fun.

He glanced around and saw that there were a lot of students going out of the third-year building.  And because of his and Luo Jin's identities, almost all were glancing at the direction.  Just perfect.

  He looked at the girl and a scowl appeared on his face.  "How could Jiao Jiao ask you to have lunch with us when you just bullied her this morning?  Lying is bad.  So, please don't lie."

Mo Jian was completely caught off-guard by that.  And she didn't manage to react as quickly as she should.  Before she could explain herself, Luo Yan spoke again.

"You're forcing her to bring you with us to lunch so you can get closer to Ah Jin. You shouldn't do that.  You shouldn't hurt others just so you can spend time with the person you like.  Because that would never ever make the other person like you back.  My brother will certainly not," he scolded.

He did that while appearing all indignant.  He even added a look of pity.  As if he couldn't understand why someone would act that way.

Luo Jin was, of course, surprised by this sudden turn of events.  Especially since it was suddenly related to him.  It instinctively made him step away from the girl who had been yapping at his side since earlier.

Yu Jiao, on the other hand, was even more surprised.  She didn't expect that Luo Yan would just go directly straight to the point.  He even looked outraged by what Mo Jian did.  Anyone who would look at him would feel that Mo Jian was indeed a bully and that she wanted to exploit her relationship with her just so she could get close to Luo Jin. 

He said it in a loud enough voice that anyone who passed by here would stop and look at them.  And that was indeed the case now.  Many students stopped on their tracks and watched what was happening.  All of them were looking at Mo Jian with a weird look.  An evidence that they believed what they had heard Luo Yan said.

That's amazing.  And a bit scary as well.

Mo Jian, who received all these gazes, started to panic.  She wanted to just grab this pipsqueak and slapped him senseless.  But she knew she couldn't do that.  Because that would just prove that what this guy was saying was the truth.  She had to calm down first and reigned in her temper.

But before she could do that, Luo Yan once again spoke.

"Even though your stepsisters, you can't just go and bully my friend.  If you continue to do so, I will report you to the school and make sure that you can no longer attend here."  He then gave Mo Jian a disapproving look.  "It doesn't cost anything to be a decent human being, you know?"

After Luo Yan said that, he pulled Luo Jin and Yu Jiao.  Planning to leave there.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Mo Jian panicked even more.  She couldn't think properly and just wanted to stop them, to explain herself.  She stretched out her hand to do so.

Luo Yan, of course, saw that.  He made sure that her outstretched hand would touch him.  The moment it did, he then purposely fall down.


"Yan Yan!"

Luo Jin and Yu Jiao both shouted at the same time.  They huddled next to him.

"Yan Yan, are you okay?" Yu Jiao asked worriedly.

Luo Jin looked at his brother from head to toe, checking if he's hurt anywhere.  The he glared at the girl.  "What did you do?" he almost growled.

Mo Jian was startled.  Especially by Luo Jin's glare.  It's like he was about to beat her up or something.  She couldn't think properly anymore and she just said the first thing that she was thinking at that moment.

"It's not my fault.  I didn't push him!  He clearly fell by himself on purpose!"

Hearing that, Luo Yan just smiled inwardly. 

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