The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 521 - GATHERING AT HQ

Chapter 521 – GATHERING AT HQ

LUO YAN glanced at his brother.  Both of them appeared simultaneously at their headquarters' main hall.  Luo Jin's small face looked like it was pinched by something.  He smiled helplessly.  Because it had been like that ever since he told him about the article.  If he could go inside the screen and punch the writer of that article, as well as those who wrote bad comments about him, he probably would. 

He was about to pacify him, when a black fur ball jumped to his arms and a familiar milky voice shouted in his mind.


Luo Yan rubbed Eclipse's head.  He looked around the hall and just noticed that then others hadn't arrived yet. 

[Mashter, why didn't you visit Eclipse yesterday?  Eclipse was so bored he had to play with uncle black lizard as a last resort.]

Ah, Luo Yan had almost forgot that Dusk was still in their headquarters.  [Well, Master is just a bit tired yesterday.  Are you getting along well with Dusk?]

The little fox made a shrugging gesture.  [Hmm… Eclipse doesn't really know.  Does talking to him non-stop count as getting along?]

Luo Yan chuckled.  If Dusk was a human, he could already imagine him having an annoyed expression because of Eclipse's constant.  [It's good that Eclipse is now friends with Dusk.]

Eclipse pouted, his cheeks bulging like a squirrel.  [Eclipse is not friends with uncle black lizard.  He's just… a useless talking partner who doesn't even bother to reply to Eclipse.]

That statement actually made Luo Yan laughed.  This cheeky fox.  Sometimes, he really found it a shame that he couldn't bring Eclipse into reality.  Having him around, not just in the game but also in real life, would be an absolute blast.

"Yan, is this really the time for you to laugh?" Luo Jin interrupted.

Eclipse glanced at the other.  [Mashter, why does your brother looked like he wanted to go on a killing spree?]

[That's just his 'I'm pissed off right now' face.] – Luo Yan answered before turning to his brother.  "Does Ah Jin prefer that I look sad?"

"Of course not.  You know that's not what I mean," Luo Jin said.

Luo Yan walked towards the round table and sat down on his usual seat, putting Eclipse on the table.  "Ah Jin, I'm also angry because of what happened.  But getting rile up over it right now won't really have any effect on anything.  So, for now, let's just wait for the others to come."

Luo Jin wisely shut up, because what could he say to counter that?  With such reasoning, it only made him appear childish.  So, he also just sat down on one of the chairs around the round table.  But that didn't mean that he wasn't still angry. 

When he read that article and those comments, he felt like he would explode at any second.  He had never had a good temper.  It probably subsided a little recently because his second brother finally woke up from his coma.  But that didn't mean that he now had a good control over it.  That's why when there were things that made him angry, he couldn't help but show it quite openly.

And that article just knew where to push his 'rage button'.  He honestly couldn't fathom how people could come up with such an idiotic thing.  But the more unbelievable thing was that there were some people who actually believed it.  No, it's not actually just 'some', almost everyone who had read it believed it and stamped it as the truth. 

He truly wondered if all of them contracted the same kind of virus that lowered their IQ.  Because that's the only reason he could think of why a lot of people believed that article. 

If he found out the one or the ones responsible for this, he wouldn't be satisfied until he gave them at least one punch.

[Mashter, did someone bully you?] Eclipse asked, his big blue eyes looking at Luo Yan worriedly.

[Let's just say someone annoyed me immensely.]  Luo Yan rubbed the little fox' fluffy head.  [Besides, do you really I will allow people to bully me?]

Eclipse shook his head.  [No.  Because Mashter will be the one doing the bullying!]

That almost made Luo Yan laugh.  [Well, you're quite right.  Eclipse really know his master well.]

The little fox put out his chest, acting all proud.  [Of course.  Eclipse is Mashter's one and only pet.  I should know my Mashter well.]

The door of the main hall suddenly opened and Su Yuqi entered.  She walked towards the table and sat down on one of the free seats.

She looked at Luo Yan and asked, "You okay?"

Luo Yan smiled.  "Yes, Sister Yuqi.  Thank you for asking."

Su Yuqi nodded.  Although she had already asked that earlier when she called him, she still wanted to make sure.  And now, hearing him say that and seeing his expression, she knew that he didn't really put that article to mind.  Which she kind of already expected.       

This kid had pretty strong mentality.  Most people around him just tend to ignore that.  Which was a shame, truly.

She glanced at the little gnome sitting near her.  His face was all crumpled like he was ready to go beat someone up.  She already had an idea of what was going on inside that little head.  Seeing as how he's not reacting that much even after her arrival, it probably meant that he's really angry right now.

But he's also cute that way. 

Soon, the door to the hall opened once again.  Bai Ze came rushing in.

"Xiao Yan!" he shouted running towards Luo Yan with his arms wide open, as if he was about to hug the other.

But before he could do so, his back collar was suddenly pulled and his whole body was pulled back.  When he turned, he saw Shen Ji Yun's face full of black lines and looking at him coldly. 

He cleared his throat.  "I'm only trying to comfort Xiao Yan."

Shen Ji Yun didn't respond and turned to Luo Yan instead.  The coldness of his expression was instantly gone and it was replaced by great worry.

Seeing that magical face change, Bai Ze truly wondered if Shen Ji Yun had a split personality or something.

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