The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 537 - HE COULDN'T BEAR IT

Chapter 537 – HE COULDN’T BEAR IT

[WAIT- am I really seeing this right or am I just hallucinating?  Did Moonlight Media really release a statement defending a newbie player?]

[Upstairs, I also saw it so no, you're not hallucinating.]

[Why did Moonlight Media suddenly come out and defended Noctis?]

[They didn't exactly defend Noctis.  They just cleared the misunderstanding.  It's probably because the issue had gone a bit overboard.]

[People, don't overreact.  It's not like this is the first time that Moonlight Media came to the defense of their players.  Remember, Goddess Liuli also encountered something similar and Moonlight Media also supported her.  This situation wasn't really different from that.]

[Yeah, I remembered that.  Didn't Moonlight Media's respond was also quite fast during that time?]

[Are you people seriously comparing Goddess Liuli to that newcomer Noctis?]

[Oh, please, don't start that argument again.]

[Look at this sentence – 'He's a young and bright teenager with a good family background'.  I think Noctis is probably from some powerful family.  Or am I the only one who thinks so?]

[Upstairs, you're not alone.  That's also what I thought when I read that!]

[So, Moonlight Media is helping him clear things up because of his family?]

[Well, if he's rich, then there's really no need to become a live streamer and con people into giving him money.]

[Wait- if Moonlight Media was doing this because of his family, wouldn't that mean that he's having preferential treatment?] 

[True.  Maybe he even bribed someone in Moonlight Media that's why he got such a good race.]

[Can you people be realistic?  If Moonlight Media accepts bribes, then wouldn't all the rich pay-to-win young masters have a so-called 'good race' as you have said?]

[Rich young master here!  I can attest that it's really hard to bribe Moonlight Media.  I tried when I was just starting playing the game and they only gave me the cold shoulder.]

[Besides, with a company that has such a high cash flow, do you still think that they needed bribes?]

[Let's just all accept that some people are special and some are not.  Just like Noctis.  A beautiful young master with rich parents and now a rising star in Arcadia – some people really just have it good.]

[Upstairs, why do I smell a strong scent of envy in your tone?]

[What if Noctis is actually related to Moonlight Media's president?  That could explain a lot of things.]

[Maybe he's his son!]

[Isn't the president of Moonlight Media still single?  As far as I know, he's still  on the list of golden bachelors in B City.] 

[LOL I don't really care if Noctis bribed someone or if he's the president's son.  I'm still his fan.]

[Me too!  This older sister will always be here to protect you!]

[Yes!  A lot of us is rooting for you, @Noctis_Yunyue!]

[@Noctis_Yunyue, good luck on the finals of the Rookie Carnival!]

And many more comments like that appeared.  What started as people questioning Noctis and Moonlight Media, ended up with people cheering on Noctis and expressing their admiration.


Luo Yan read these comments and couldn't help but smile.  After liking some of it, he then posted on his game account's Weibo.

Noctis_Yunyue: Thank you to everyone who never doubted me and believed me until the end.  I promise I will do my best to give you guys a good fight at the upcoming finals of Rookie Carnival.  Jiayou! 😊

After posting that, he logged out of Weibo.

When he posted the video, he didn't wait to see how people would react to it.  Instead, he answered Yu Jiao's call and talk to the other about how they dealt with Raphael.  By the time their call finished and he went back to Weibo, Moonlight Media had already reposted his post and also released a statement.

He didn't expect that such a thing would happen.  But when he calmed down and thought about it carefully, he could only think of one person who could let Moonlight Media's PR team to speak for him.  Who could it be other than the nephew of the company president?

Luo Yan shook his head and smiled helplessly.  A lot of complication could arise from that simple statement made by Moonlight Media.  As evidence of the comments that followed after it.  But he was certain that Shen Ji Yun probably didn't think of that and just thought of how he could help him in separating his game account from that live streamer mentioned in that article.

The other probably thought that even if there was already a resolute evidence proving that, there would still be people who would think that maybe he and that live streamer were really one and the same person.  Which wasn't too far-off.  Especially to those who didn't like 'Noctis'.

They would rather believe that he was someone that they could look down on.  So that they could feel better about themselves.  There was no shortage of people like that.  That's why he could understand why Shen Ji Yun did this.

Knowing that guy, after reading the comments, he would surely call him to apologize.

As if on cue, his phone rang and it was a video call request from Shen Ji Yun.  He smiled and didn't hesitate to answer.

On the screen appeared the other's handsome face.  But unlike his usual expressionless face, it was now full of worry.

"Yan Yan, I'm sorry.  It was me who asked my uncle if the PR department could help you clear some things.  I didn't expect that their post could attract a lot of negative comments.  I- I'm really sorry."

Shen Ji Yun said that with a voice full of remorse.  It almost looked like he had done a very heinous crime from the way he was acting.  And that's exactly how Shen Ji Yun was feeling.  He only wanted to help but at the end he only added to the problem.  How could he not feel bad?

He was so confident that he could help Luo Yan in his own little way.  But the effect just became the exact opposite.  He could only blame himself for being stupid.  What if his rabbit dislike him because of this?  Really, he couldn't bear it.

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