The Return Of The God Level Assassin



WHEN Luo Yan opened his eyes, what he first saw was the wide blue sky and then he felt the scorching heat from the sun above.  Before he could react, the heat he felt from the sun suddenly disappeared.  Confused, he raised his head and saw the light blue barrier surrounding them.  It was almost transparent that he probably wouldn't see it if his avatar didn't have good vision. 

He smiled.  Because there was only one person who could put up this barrier.  He glanced back and looked at Shen Ji Yun sitting behind him. 

"Brother Ji Yun, is this one of your skills?" he asked, talking about the almost transparent blue barrier.

"No, just use some useful item," Shen Ji Yun said, shrugging.  Playing this game for years, it would be inevitable to have convenient items like this one piled up in his Items Tab.  "It's a good way to shield us from the sun."

Luo Yan smiled helplessly.  He bet if the other was alone right now, Shen Ji Yun wouldn't even think of using this item to shield himself from the sun, as he put it.  But because Luo Yan was here, he quickly used it the moment they arrived at this place.  It's almost like an automatic response. 

Although the heat of the sun in this game wouldn't really affect him in reality, it would still make him feel uncomfortable while playing.  That's probably the reason why Shen Ji Yun put up this barrier.  It's like taking care of him and making sure that he was not uncomfortable just became a second nature for him.

At that thought, he couldn't help but smile and warmth simply filled his heart.

"Then I have to thank Brother Ji Yun for your thoughtfulness," he said.

Luo Yan then looked down at the city below.  They were currently on the wide back of the black dragon who was now back to his original size.  No, it was even bigger than when they fought with him.  Probably because all his injuries had now healed.  So, he was now back to his optimal state. 

He wanted to chuckle.  Because it seemed like no matter how much Shen Ji Yun acted like he disliked the dragon, he still put a lot of effort into his recovery.  If not, then Dusk wouldn't be in such a good state.  The other probably spent a lot of high-grade healing potion and rare items just to put the dragon back to his original strength. 

Before using the teleportation scroll, Shen Ji Yun released the seal on the black dragon that kept him in his miniature form.  Then the two of them and Eclipse rode on his back.  The dragon's back was so wide that he and Shen Ji Yun could both sit cross-legged on it without a problem.  Showing just how big Dusk's original form was.

The moment he opened his eyes earlier was when they teleported at the Beastkin Archipelago.  They directly appeared above the archipelago's main city – Cernos City.  It was named after the beast god, Cernunnos. 

And now, the huge shadow of the black dragon covered this city.

Luo Yan could already imagine the surprised and panicked expression of the players currently in the city.  This sight would definitely be posted on the game forum.  Maybe someone would even think that there's some hidden event in the Beastkin Archipelago that's why a dragon suddenly appeared.

He actually didn't expect that Dusk would agree to let them ride him, especially after Shen Ji Yun's provocation.  But who would have thought that the dragon would actually buy that set?  It's like seeing a middle school kid bullying an elementary school kid. 

Yes, while the two were arguing, they simply looked like kids in his eyes.  One was just slightly older than the other.  But, oh well, who cared?  It was effective anyway.  At least, Shen Ji Yun didn't resort to violence.  He was just a bit slightly worried about Dusk's character setting.  Would it really be good to have such a naïve dragon as a pet? 

He shook his head.  Anyway, Dusk's fighting power could definitely compensate his naivety.  So, it probably wouldn't matter.  Right?

"Can you stop dawdling and just tell me where I should go?" Dusk's voice suddenly boomed in their ears. 

[Wah!  Uncle black lizard's voice is so loud.  It almost scared Eclipse to death, ah!] – the little fox lying on Luo Yan's lap said exaggeratedly.  [Eclipse still thinks that the little uncle black lizard is better looking that this big version.]

"You brat, believe it or not this king will throw you off of my back?!" the dragon roared.

Eclipse quickly hid in Luo Yan's arms.  [Mashter, uncle is threatening Eclipse's life!]

Luo Yan chuckled and rubbed the little fox's fluffy head.  [Don't be afraid.  Your uncle just has a sharp mouth but his heart is definitely as soft as tofu.]

[Ah, like a dog that's all bark but no bite?] – Eclipse asked.

"You brat, are you actually calling this king a dog?!"

[No.  Eclipse was simply making a comparison.]

They suddenly felt the rumbling of the dragon's chest.  Luo Yan had a bad premonition.  Dusk wouldn't suddenly breathe fire here, right?  It was fine when he was in his miniature version.  But doing so now would definitely burn the city below them.  He was about to appease this temperamental dragon when a cold voice spoke faster than him.

"The great king should not waste his breath arguing with children," Shen Ji Yun said.  "After all, the king is above doing something naïve like that, right?"

The rumbling they felt suddenly stopped and the dragon simply scoffed.  "Hmp!  That's right!  This king should not waste his breath on this annoying brat!"

Shen Ji Yun had already expected this reaction.  He now finally had an idea on how to get along with this dragon – simply use reverse psychology.  He only experimented with this theory of him earlier and to his surprise, it really worked.  After what just happened, he now fully confirmed that using this method was the best way to make this dragon obedient.

Luo Yan turned to him and simply gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing that, Shen Ji Yun felt a weird sense of pride.  And then, he finally told Dusk the direction of the fox demon tribe's site.

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