The Return Of The God Level Assassin



YU JIAO felt extremely lightheaded.  But at the same time, he also felt a tingling sensation on the side of her head.  She couldn't describe if it was painful or not because her consciousness was floating.  It's like she's awake but not. 

Then she heard two people talking.

"Mo Guang Lin, I don't care what your daughter said.  My daughter is still lying there, unconscious, and you're already blaming her for what happened?  Do you really think your daughter is a saint who could do no wrong?  Well, I'll tell you, my Jiao Jiao is not the type who would do something like this!"

"I'm not blaming her, Xiuying.  I'm simply explaining Jian-er's side," explained by another voice. 

Yu Jiao recognized these two voices.  The woman's voice belonged to her mother while the man's voice belonged to her stepfather.  She could hear what they're saying but it's like her brain refused to comprehend it.  So, in her ears, their conversation simply sounded similar to incessant buzzing.

"And you already believe that her side was the right one.  I tried my best to treat your children with sincerity.  To the point that I have even neglected my own child.  I even fooled myself into thinking that everything will be okay as long as I become a good mother figure to them.  That all five of us will be a family in every sense of that word.  Oh, what a real fool I've been.

"While I was putting my own daughter's feelings on the side, your daughter kept tormenting her.  Even when I was seeing the sign, I closed my eyes and refused to see the truth.  But that's stops here.  I don't want your daughter near mine.  I don't want her to hurt my Jiao Jiao."

Yu Jiao heard her mother taking a deep breath and releasing it, as if she had already made a decision about something. 

"Let's divorce.  According to the pre-nuptial agreement that we signed, you don't need to give me anything.  Just prepare the document and I'll sign it.  My only request is for you to check on your daughter and make sure that she won't hurt my Jiao Jiao again."


That shout sounded angry and also panicked, as if the owner of the voice didn't know what they should do.

"Get out.  I don't want Jiao Jiao to see you when she wakes up."

"I know you're angry right now, that's why you said those things.  I will come back later once you calmed down.  And then let's talk about this properly again."

"No, Mo Guang Lin, this is the calmest I've been since I married you.  Unless you stop your daughter from being evil and wicked, my decision will remain the same.  There's no future for us.  I understand that now.  Because you see, my love for my daughter is greater than my love for you.  It's better to separate before my daughter suffered any more injury.  Now, please, leave."

That last part probably hit it where it hurts because she heard the door opening and closing, a sign that someone had left the room.  Then after a few moments of silence, she heard intermittent sobbing. 

Yu Jiao wanted to open her eyes.  Because she knew that it was her mother who was crying.  Even though her brain still couldn't process the conversation that she just heard, all that's important to her now was to comfort her mother.  But she felt like there were rocks sitting on her eyes, preventing her from truly waking up. 

Then she felt her consciousness slowly slipping away.  She knew that she would lose her consciousness any second now.  So, before she could, she said, not even sure if the other could hear her.

"D-don't… cry… Mom…"

And her consciousness completely dissipated.     


When Yu Jiao was finally able to open her eyes, an hour had already passed.  The first thing she saw was a white ceiling.  Then the smell of antiseptic filled her nose.  She tried to turn to the side and she was suddenly assaulted by the pain on the side of her head. 

"Jiao Jiao, are you okay?  Do you want to sit down?  Do you need water?" said a very familiar voice.

Then a beautiful face appeared in her line of vision. 

"Yan Yan?" she asked, obviously still confused.  "What–?"

Then her mind suddenly had a flashback of what happened.  She and Mo Jian were arguing and then the other tried to fall on the stairs to put the blame on her.  But she tried to grab her and prevent that from happening.  In turn, the both of them fell.  So, was she in the hospital right now?  And what was Luo Yan doing here?

Luo Yan seemed to understand her confusion and responded, "I called you earlier to ask the result of your conversation with your stepfather.  But your mother answered your phone and told me that you fell down the stairs and was now at the hospital.  So, I quickly ask our driver to drive me here."

Luo Yan was actually about to log into the game when he thought of calling Yu Jiao again, just to check on her.  But who would have thought that this was the kind of news he would get instead? 

When he found out that Yu Jiao was hospitalized, he quickly sent a message to Shen Ji Yun, telling him that he might not be able to continue to do their task today because of what happened.  He actually wanted to ask Luo Jin if he wanted to go with him to the hospital but the other had already logged back into the game.  So, he could only go on his own.

He also sent a message to his older brother, telling him about Yu Jiao's hospitalization.  But the other was probably very busy as evidence of the fact that he still hadn't read and replied to his message.  If Luo Ren had read the message, he would have already called him to ask about the situation.  Maybe he was even on his way now here.

"Your mother just went out for a bit to talk to the doctor again," he added. 

"I see."  Yu Jiao tried to sit up and Luo Yan immediately helped her.  She smiled at the other.  "Thank you for visiting me, Yan Yan."

"Of course, I should visit," Luo Yan said.  "Now, can you tell me what exactly happened for you to end up in the hospital?" 

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