The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 1348 Time For Action

"A million, eh? With that amount, even Spiritual Sages must be searching for His Highness' head..." That level 74 man pondered over this, seeing the first of these posters after a long time.

At the moment, he was in disguise, in the middle of a group near the border of the Flaming Empire with one of the first kingdoms in the western region.

In this place, the group he was part of was getting ready to move towards their goal, which this man could not leave out, and soon he 'forgot' Abe's wanted poster.

"Come on. Our main objective is not far from here!" He shouted to the people in the surrounding area, leading this group of Spiritual Saints.

"We are finally getting close to completing our goal. So don't fail now!"

Use everything you have to continue attacking our enemies and be prepared to flee!"

"Yes!" The various individuals agreed as they flew at high speed toward the north.


Days later...

Minos was at this instant in his office, relaxing a bit between his work, taking a moment to see little Sarah.

This little girl was currently in his hands, with him holding her above his face while looking into her little brown eyes.

At the same time, this young girl with red hair and eyebrows was smiling as she looked at her father, having a little fun with him while her mother watched her from the side.

"Daddy! Again, daddy!" She cried out from time to time as Minos played with her.

"No, Sarah, you've played too much today." He said, still smiling at his little girl. "Last night, you woke your mother, Abby, Ruth, and me twice. So you will have fewer games today to learn to sleep at night."

Sarah slept in the same room as Minos and his wives. So, lately, they could not sleep very well and could not have any sex at night.

The disadvantages of having children...

Anyway, that was so, at least for their bedroom, where Sarah was always around. But occasionally, they would leave her sleeping in one of the rooms of the lake house in the Spatial Kingdom and enjoy their time together in another part of that house.

Other than that, they could hardly have any fun together at the same time. One of Minos' wives always had to take care of Sarah, so he could at most take care of two of them at a time during the days.

But threesomes like this did not happen every day lately since they were usually too busy to keep all their routines straight. So at most, Minos would be with one of his wives at a time, which greatly reduced the fun for all of them...

Because of this, Minos had learned to appreciate Maisie's presence in Dry City over the past year. That was because whenever such a woman was around, he would get someone strong and reliable to take care of Sarah when he and his wives went out for fun.

That may sound a bit cruel, but Minos and his wives were beings with desires and needs, so from time to time, they needed someone to take care of Sarah so they could work out their matters.

Anyway, because of her nightly irritations, little Sarah got less time at her father's side this afternoon.

"Daddy..." Her little eyes filled with water, and Gloria ran to her, bringing her into her arms.

"Don't worry, my love. Your father is joking." She swung her daughter's body, comforting the little one 'hurt' by the education the father was trying to apply.

'Minos!' Gloria looked at him meaningfully, feeling that he did not need to talk things like that to a 1-year-old girl.

'What? I'm just educating my daughter!' He looked at her but said nothing.

It was not good for parents to argue in front of children, so neither of them stood against the other in situations like this.

Meanwhile, Lizzie, Emperor Stuart's level 56 secretary, stood silently watching those three, finding Sarah cute, trying not to cry in Gloria's arms.

But while they had this everyday situation, suddenly Minos felt one of his teleportation items vibrating inside his spatial ring.

Spatial rings were connected to the soul of their users. Because of this, if something happened to one or more of the resources inside these items, the owner of such a ring would immediately notice the disturbance.

Minos noticed that the item he had given to Eduard was vibrating, and his expression quickly changed at the thought of what that meant.

"What is it?" Gloria noticed the change in her husband's expression and asked as she swayed Sarah in her arms.

Even little Sarah noticed something wrong, and her tears stopped misting her eyes as she began to look curiously at Minos.

He said. "It looks like it's time for me to report to the battlefield."

Gloria's eyes narrowed. "So that's it... You're leaving?"

"Hmm." He replied as he put on his armor, something he could do in a matter of seconds.

After he finished dressing, he kissed Gloria's forehead and another on Sarah's right cheek before saying goodbye.

"See you later." He smiled at the two as he saw Sarah starting to get worried.

"No, daddy. Don't go! Don't go!" She shouted, but soon Minos disappeared from that place, leaving that child behind with her mother.

With that, Sarah began to cry copiously, feeling afraid because her father had left like that so suddenly.

"Don't worry, my baby. Your father is powerful." Gloria began to walk with Sarah in her arms, swinging her daughter's little body. "In a little while, he will be back." π˜£π˜¦π‘‘π˜―π˜°π˜·π‘’π˜­οΌŽπ‘›π˜¦π˜΅

"You swear?" Sarah looked into her mother's eyes as tears dripped from her eyes, and her face turned red as a tomato.

"Hmmm... Let's play a little while he comes back."


Meanwhile, Minos had teleported to where Eduard had used the item he had received earlier.

Upon arriving there, Minos appeared floating above the skies of a valley area, where green stretched over tens of square kilometers.

But amid this green, a few spots of destruction could be seen here and there, particularly in an area a little way from where he had arrived.

The item that Minos had used in conjunction with Eduard's did not take the teleported person to the location from where the other array was activated. But instead to the vicinity within a given range.

That's why this emperor had arrived there a little far from where Eduard was at this instant, fighting alongside his group against some Spiritual Saints.

Minos noticed where the most prominent spot of destruction was and saw a few dozen of his soldiers suffering at the hands of those low-level Spiritual Saints.

With that, as he recognized the surroundings and noticed what was happening, he prepared to fight, the first time he would have a chance to kill in years!

'Time to test the Dark Sea...'

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