The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2065 Level Improvements

Chapter 2065 Level Improvements

After leaving his professionals with the soldiers who were helping them make the necessary changes to the projects under development, Minos was soon with Ruth and Abby.

These two, as well as Isabella and Gloria, had been leveling up over the past few months. Except for the former heiress of the Flaming Empire, they were all currently at level 87.

Isabella was at level 86, a level weaker than the others due to her pregnancy and the fact that she hadn't received an inheritance like Ruth and Abby.

In any case, as the years went by, the cultivation became more difficult and slower, and they were actually getting closer to each other in terms of strength.

Their level wasn't something that affected their family relationships. It was just a measure of strength for them to know how much they could get involved in their state's current problems.

That was why Isabella was now busy raising the family's children and managing the state's partnerships with old allies, such as her paternal family's empire.

She did this while Gloria was at the headquarters of the Spiritual Church in the northern region, continuing her work to increase her influence within the Church. ๐’‡๐’“๐“ฎ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐’ƒ๐™ฃ๐’๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ต.๐’„๐’๐™ข

As for Ruth and Abby, they had finished some of their duties and were spending their free time with Minos.

"How long will it take you to reach level 90?" Ruth asked Minos as she relaxed in a comfortable chair in their home, a little tired but very much looking forward to his breakthrough.

Many things would change when that happened, and many of their plans could finally be implemented.

Minos replied with a smile. "It won't take long. I should have all the conditions to attempt my breakthrough in about two more years."

"Two years, huh? We'll all reach level 89 before you reach level 91." Abby muttered, considering the fact that Demigods take much longer to advance than Spiritual Sages.

"The kids will be Spiritual Emperors by then," Ruth commented, not wanting to talk about anything but her family in this moment of rest.

Hearing this, Minos and Abby smiled as the young members of their family broke record after record.

With the new methods of using techniques, but also building arrays and artifacts in general, the training equipment, resources, and everything else these young people were using was much better than Sarah and Kendrick had had access to.

As a result, Rowan, Lily, and Hollie had barely reached adulthood and were already close to level 50!

At their age, Minos was only a level 39 youth, while even the most talented and wealthy of his wives was a level 43 cultivator at best.

"Good," Minos said, in a good mood. "It's just a shame that they won't be able to venture out like we did. Their early adulthood will be a bit rough while they're stuck in our domains."

"Yes... But there's nothing we can do about it. Since the aliens are about to reach the world, they can only stay close to us, where we can keep them safe."

Minos closed his eyes and said. "After I advance to level 90, I'll try to get high-level grade-4 professionals to open a portal from our Spatial Kingdom to Dry City. This will allow our family and government to come and go from this region of space without depending on me."

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Ruth was surprised because he had never mentioned it before.

"Because it will be hazardous to continue to have only one way in and out of the Spatial Kingdom. We don't know what will happen during the war against the aliens. Even if the Spiritual World wins, it's not certain that nothing will happen to us or to the Spatial Kingdom ring.

I want to have a way for us or even our relatives to come and go from that place to enjoy the riches there." Minos said, being realistic without ignoring the future risks they would face.

"So that's it... It makes sense." Abby sighed and agreed with her husband.

"But isn't it dangerous?" Ruth asked him.

Minos said sincerely. "After I reach level 90, some things will be different. But even if I can't guarantee the risk won't be zero, I think it will be more dangerous not to do it.

In any case, I plan to have mid-level and high-level Demigods willing to protect the entrance to the Spatial Kingdom for me. After that, I'll use as much of my influence as I can to keep it as safe as possible."

While they were talking, a soldier appeared in their part of the residence with an update for them.

"Your Majesties, the professionals developing the empire's spaceships have just made a major breakthrough. They've managed to complete the first unit that will supposedly be able to withstand flight through wormhole tunnels!" The 9th-stage soldier said as he entered the living room where they were.

The three of them were interested in this because in order for Minos' plan of revenge, which was to invade the Mechanic Empire, to work, they would need spaceships capable of taking them to The Adamant Land!

So far, they hadn't been able to get these vehicles to fly through the wormholes that existed in the Spiritual World.

When the three heard that the latest project that would supposedly be able to do this was ready to be tested, they stood up and rushed to the test site.

"Where is the ship?" Minos asked.

"It is already being transported to the wormhole port outside the capital's defense dome, Your Majesty." The man said.

With that answer, Minos and his two wives soon left the imperial palace and headed for the wormhole port, where the great test of the spaceship would take place in the next few moments.

Arriving at the place that had already been cordoned off for this test, they soon saw a ship with the symbol of a golden tree and those who had been training to pilot it for the past few years.

"Where should the test be conducted?" The group of Demigods who had participated in the development of the ship asked Minos.

He thought about it and said. "I want you to take your test to the territory of the Sky Whales. Take this with you." He threw a whale's tooth at one of the ship's crew members. "If you succeed and find a high-level Sky Whale, invite them here for a tour."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

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