The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2070 Official Incentives

Chapter 2070 Official Incentives?

After the previous conflict in a city of the Black Plain Empire, where citizens had joined state soldiers and police to fight terrorists, similar events occurred in other parts of the Spiritual World.

Even before the journals began to report the cases of ordinary civilians acting against terrorists, similar events occurred on the Central Continent and the Divine Continent.

After the news of the corruption of those behind the terrorist attacks, the ordinary people of the two continents realized that they had been the real victims of everything those radicals had done.

As new terrorist attacks followed the news released earlier, events like the one that night in the Black Plain Empire began to take place around the world, even without news of these civic acts spreading.

But it wouldn't be long before newspapers around the world began to report the results of these first civilian vs. terrorist battles!

Given the results of each battle, the terrorists' standing in the eyes of the public would only get worse from then on.

In the battle that had taken place in that city in the state of Minos, hundreds of civilians had fallen to the terrorists, who had decided to fight back to protect their lives and escape the agents of the empire.

That was very much frowned upon around the world, as it pushed the terrorists even further away from their previous narrative of being the defenders of the rights of the weakest.

How could they be defenders of the weakest if they were killing the weakest?

Not only would their actions in such incidents worsen their public image, but the terrorists lost more men in actions like that night than they had lost in recent years in confrontations with official forces.

That night in the empire city of Minos, several hundred civilians died in the confrontation with the terrorists. But it hadn't been for nothing. All of the terrorists of that day were later killed, most of them lynched by angry citizens, while imperial soldiers and police eliminated a small number of criminals.

Similar results have occurred around the world in events such as this, which have become more frequent in the wake of news of the terrorists' corruption.

Previously, terrorist actions had a survival rate of about 65%, meaning that for every 100 men who participated in attacks, an average of 65 returned alive. But after civilians joined the official forces to hunt down and kill the terrorists, the survival rate of the radicals had dropped to 8%!

Within weeks of the first civilian involvement in the terrorist crisis, the powers of the world were trying to use it to their advantage in the struggle between those who wanted to fight the aliens and those who wanted to surrender.


In the Grinia Empire...

An imperial edict had been issued this morning by the imperial armed forces, with the state using official means to publicize something new to the entire population to encourage the fight against the terrorists.

From this day forward, any citizen who could prove their involvement in killing terrorists involved in attacks would be rewarded for their meritorious deeds! 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝑤𝘦𝑏𝓃ℴ𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝘤ℴ𝑚

The imperial family of this state promised to pay between 1,000 and 10,000 high-grade crystals to any group that succeeded in eliminating terrorists fleeing from attacks!

In addition, anyone who helped the empire's forces reach, locate, or pursue fleeing terrorists would receive between 10 and 50 high-grade crystals for information that led to the death of such state targets.

When these new rules were announced that day, the local population was soon in high spirits, with mercenaries and bounty hunters taking an even greater interest in these battles than before.


Meanwhile, in the Black Plain Empire, the government of Minos had also initiated new measures to encourage its citizens to join the state's defense against the terrorists.

Posters and advertisements throughout the empire warned the entire population of the new opportunities available to those most brave and willing to protect this land.

Such was the case with a mural in a mercenary guild in the former capital of the old Kingdom of Waves, where a group of people were reading a poster about the recently introduced opportunities.

"Starting today, any citizen who acts against the terrorists, fights, or provides information that leads to the overthrow of the terrorists will receive opportunities for growth in the empire. That includes better conditions for joining the state forces, discounts on official services, individual and collective awards, as well as public recognition.

In addition to rewards commensurate with the terrorists' level, citizens will be able to grow with the state and even gain opportunities to test completely new alien technologies!" A middle-aged man read what was written on the part of the poster that talked about Emperor Stuart's new measures.

Meanwhile, a dozen people were silently reading the same poster, excited about the opportunities the empire was opening up for the citizens most enraged by the terrorists.

The benefits even included the promise of food during the ice age, something very attractive to people who had large families but were far from being able to guarantee their family's future.

'Your Majesty is indeed very generous.' A young level 72 Spiritual Saint thought to himself, excited by the possibilities he had just discovered.

The citizens of the empire were already ready to take action against the terrorists simply because the radicals' actions were hurting them most of all. But even knowing it, Minos had created incentives that could change the lives of those who vented their anger and frustration against the radicals.

These opportunities would apply not only to the bravest and most willing to die in battle but also to less courageous people who could become the eyes and ears of the state.

With this in mind, a young woman of level 68 clenched her fists and remembered a strange conversation she had overheard earlier.

'I'm going to report these two people. Maybe they're terrorists planning something.' She thought as she walked away from the mural.


Many people in the empire of Minos reacted positively to the new opportunities created by the imperial government.

Meanwhile, similar things were happening across the continent, with the situation of the radicals changing significantly in a matter of weeks, losing public opinion and becoming an organization frowned upon by virtually everyone.

Actions similar to those of the Black Plain Empire and the Grinia Empire were being taken all over the Spiritual World. Even those who hadn't cared much about the previous confrontation began to take an interest in the matter and take a stand against the terrorists.

Meanwhile, the terrorists' leaders saw their plans unravel much sooner than they had imagined!

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