The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2083 The Ancient Folk (2)

Chapter 2083 The Ancient Folk (2)?

"Would you?" The curse asked Minos, knowing it was unlikely he would ever leave this place but that this young man before him was his best chance.

Not only that, but if Minos could reach level 100, he might be able to kill the curse. Considering this, he saw a clear advantage in making a deal with such a human.

'If he fails, my situation will remain the same as it is today, and I won't have to face him in the future. But if he succeeds, I'll finally be able to leave this hellish place.' The old man thought, putting aside his cursing instincts to look at the bigger picture.

His instincts told him to kill anyone who entered this area. But he had reached the highest point below level 100. He was rational enough to see his situation from a different angle than a simple curse designed to kill.

His continuity and even the chance to see new places were more important to him than the elimination of Minos and the three silent sages behind the brown-haired young man.

Minos answered the question, still with his powers active to prevent his opponent from acting against him. "Yes. If I can do that, I'll free you from this area. But first, I want the information you have about the Ancient Folk."

"First, tell me how you plan to reach level 100. From what you've shown me and told me about the aliens, they will arrive in this world in a few years. You won't be able to get to the end of the 10th stage by then. But the enemies will be terrible enough to kill you. How do you plan to do that?"

Minos replied sincerely. "By surviving them and continuing my cultivation path. I don't know if you know this, but there are currently three Gods in the Spiritual World, and the fourth will appear in the next few years.

Aside from them, I feel that maybe 3 or 4 more people will be able to reach level 100 by the time the enemies arrive, which will give us a better chance of dealing with the crisis.

I intend to survive with the help of some of these Gods and their organizations and eventually leave the Spiritual World to explore the universe. That way, I hope to reach level 100 or even higher." He said as he gestured.

Nothing Minos said was nonsense. With alien technologies, traveling through the universe would be possible. At the same time, this old man had felt the advances of three Gods and didn't doubt that more such people would appear worldwide.

More than anyone else in the world, he understood how the rules of cultivation could change depending on the danger to the world.

That was also the case in the time of the Ancient Folk. At certain times, the world's rules would change, and it would become much easier to make progress. On the other hand, there were times when it was quiet, and making a single breakthrough at the 6th stage was as difficult as reaching level 100 today.

Because of all this, he agreed with Minos. "All right, I'll talk as long as you make a spiritual pact with me."

The pact this curse spoke of was an inviolable form of contract that only he could make in this world.

But with this pact, Minos couldn't betray him even if he became a God because this pact would bind them in such a way that if one of them died, the other would die as well.

"No," Minos said, not knowing how the spiritual pact was made but having heard rumors of it through Henricus Longus' memories.

The curse smiled. "Are you saying you don't want to because you think I will die before you?"

"That is the case. I don't want my life to depend on yours."

"Who could kill me? Not even our old acquaintance would be able to do that." The old man said, remembering Henricus Longus. "These current Gods will not be able to accomplish such a feat."

"I am more concerned about the Gods of the Mechanic Empire. We know nothing about them." Minos said, unwilling to make such a deal with the old curse. "But if you can put a special condition on this deal, we can go that way."

"What condition?"

"Our lives will only be linked if I fail to keep my promise when I reach level 100. After that, we can let this pact go completely. This will give you the guarantee that I will not kill you."

What bothered Minos the most was if this curse died during the war to control the Spiritual World. But when he was a God, things would be different!

"Okay, I can do this."

In this way, the two of them would soon seal the deal, going through a rapid spiritual process in which they would merge their futures.

If Minos couldn't reach level 100, their lives wouldn't be connected. But if he became a God, the spiritual pact would apply as it was known.

With that settled, both Minos and the old curse calmed their tempers and were no longer a threat to each other.

The curse said. "Now, as for the Ancients, they were one of the oldest races in the world. According to the legends of that time, they were the children of a celestial race that had fallen long before them.

In a way, they were like dragons and elves. These two races also existed in the world then, but they lived very isolated from everyone else.

At that time, beasts, elves, humans, and all the different races in this world were very hostile to each other. Wars happened very easily. All it took was for a human to look a dragon in the eye, and a battle would ensue.

That's why the two continents at that time were very separated from each other, with the lands we're on being on the side of the humans and the continent that was the fusion of the current Divine Continent and the Continent of Beasts being the home of the dragons.

Going to each other's land would cause wars. Meeting at sea would cause wars. Anything you can think of would cause conflict. In this situation where humans barely knew how to cultivate, it was easy to imagine how terrible the situation was on the mainland.

At that time, the spiritual humans had almost been wiped out many times in conflicts with animals. Fortunately, at that time, the natural phenomena were very extreme, and only a few people were able to cross the world's oceans to the continents and islands.

Even so, humans were at a disadvantage and had to work hard to understand this world. In this context, the most terrifying civilization that ever existed was born!

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