The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2085 Arriving at the Capital of Veora

Chapter 2085 Arriving at the Capital of Veora?

Now that the curse had been dealt with and the ancient methods, an alternative to the classic method of cultivation in the Spiritual World, were with him, Minos had nothing left to deal with that old man.

Even though the curse had caused him a lot of trouble back then and had almost killed him, he wasn't Minos' concern now. Besides being limited to a small area, such a being could not be compared to the 32 Gods of the Mechanic Empire.

Minos wanted to 'dance' with this old acquaintance to test his current powers. But since this being had given him everything he wanted without much difficulty, there was no need for him to fight.

This journey, which Minos had started by leaving Dry City earlier, was to test his powers but also to settle old matters and some new partnerships. So, not fighting was not necessarily a sign that his goals had failed.

"Well, if that's all, it's time to go," Minos said as he prepared to leave the area, to the delight of the old man who lived in that red place.

"What are you going to do now?" The curse asked.

"I will improve my contacts and solve some old problems. In short, things that will enhance my chances of completing our deal."

"Oh? Then I wish you good luck. I expect some fools to come into this area with information about your state." He said because that was the only way he would know what was going on outside this area.


Minos said nothing more and simply led his traveling companions out of the area toward the kingdom of Veora.

In the middle of their departure, the heiress of the family related to the Goddess of Life asked. "Would it be a good idea for you to free that creature, Your Majesty? It would be just as bad as the aliens if it were free in the Spiritual World.

He doesn't seem to have any meaningful feelings or connections that would stop him from committing atrocities..."

Minos heard this and didn't disagree. "Yes, he would be problematic. But I don't think he'd stick around. Such a guy knows almost everything there is to know about this world. He's lived here for millions of years, and he's practically incapable of evolving.

Do you think that with the possibility of going to other worlds through alien adventurism, he would want to stay in the Spiritual World?

Not to mention I don't know if it's possible to get him out. Even at my level, I don't understand everything about that curse. He has evolved in a bizarre way over the course of time."

The three of them agreed with Minos' thoughts and felt that it was indeed likely that such a being would cause problems in other worlds, which could be a big plus for them.

There were three possible worlds besides their ownβ€”those that were weaker, those with a similar average level, and those that were stronger. The first would obviously be no problem, and the departure of that cursed being to such a world would have little negative effect on the Spiritual World.

If such a being went to a world stronger than this one, he would be limited by such a civilization, and again, he would hardly be able to cause any problems on this planet.

The worst case was if such a being went to worlds with powers similar to this one. In that case, it could cause chaos and generate potential retaliation from forces on other worlds against this planet.

Thinking that there was more chance for this being to cause trouble outside of this world without generating consequences for it, the three beside Minos felt less worried if he had to keep his previous promise.

"In any case, we still have to deal with the Mechanic Empire." The level 89 woman said.

"Indeed. First, we must get out of a problem that could kill us all in a few years. You don't need to worry about the curse." Minos commented as he crossed space and headed quickly for Veora.

"So what do we do now? Will these methods you've learned be useful in strengthening the empire, Your Majesty?" The level 88 woman asked.

She wanted to resolve her family's vendetta against House Veora.

However, with the current problems in the world, she wasn't really worried about that. What was the ancient dispute between her ancestors and House Veora compared to the alien invasion? The concern of this relative of the Goddess of Life was the progress of the empire and her individual strengthening.

Minos said. "I don't know. I have to study them with some of my experts and test them on alien technologies. I won't know for a few months or years.

For now, let's concentrate on solving what I suggested earlier. We'll go to the Veora family headquarters to take care of your affairs."

"Are we going straight there?" The man asked, feeling that this was a little too fast.

"There is no point in prolonging this situation. If the Veora family doesn't like it, we'll make them defend themselves. I'll take what we get today!" Minos said confidently, knowing the strongest person in this state was only a level 96 Demigod.

But even if such a person were stronger, he would have no problem acting as he intended. Considering the importance of items that could collect the power of faith, Minos was ready to put up a serious fight!

Hearing this, the three of them felt slightly anxious as they approached Veora's territory.

Amid their movement, Minos used his Bright Eyes, aware that there might be exceptional spaces all over the Central Continent.

Given the long history of this world, strange things could be lost literally anywhere.

Minos knew that an ancestor of the three who accompanied him had stolen an idol from the Veora family, which had started all the intrigue between those families. But the man's relatives didn't know where he had hidden the item, only that it must have been hidden somewhere in Veora.

As soon as he reached this state, Minos began searching carefully for clues that would lead him to the lost idol.

He found nothing at first, but by asking for clues from the three who had searched for the idol stolen by their ancestor decades before Minos, this emperor improved his aim.

By looking for more specific targets and searching smaller areas instead of everything around him, he would soon notice a strange place underground in the central part of Veora.

'Here?' He wondered, near the capital of this state.

From there, he saw what looked like an ancient altar built 250 meters below the surface, about 800 meters from the southern exit of the capital. Seeing a spatial distortion in this altar, Minos immediately considered the possibility that this was the place the Veora family had been searching for countless millennia.

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