The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2092 New Local Sovereign

Chapter 2092 New Local Sovereign?

After entering the royal palace of the Veora family, Minos quickly found a comfortable place to wait and took a seat in the king's chair.

As he relaxed in the royal chair, he saw the three soldiers associated with the Goddess of Life with fantastic expressions on their faces.

None of them had expected Minos to do what he did today when they left the empire earlier. Everything that had happened was so surreal that they could hardly believe it was real.

Meanwhile, one of the men who had followed the four of them to the king's office asked. "What should we do now?"

Minos replied. "I want you to bring everyone who will be subordinate to the Black Plain Army from now on. I will seal our relationship so you can return to normal as soon as possible."

"Return to normal?" A level 94 woman asked, not understanding how that was possible.

Minos looked at the beautiful blonde. "For the time being, all the changes here have been concerning your rulers and staff. I am now your supreme leader, and the Black Plain Army is your new greatest ally.

But your activities remain the same as before me, at least for the next few weeks.

So continue to prepare to fulfill your old agreements, to prepare for the ice age and the arrival of the aliens. We'll start integrating you into my forces little by little."

Considering how hasty Minos seemed to be in eliminating the entire Veora family so quickly, these people thought he wanted to change everything immediately.

To hear him say that things would change gradually was quite a surprise.

One of them then left to bring in the people who would become Minos' subordinates. In contrast, others stayed behind to start receiving the sovereign's seals.

While making seals that would guarantee his relationship with these people, Minos heard someone ask if this place would be like Vogel or like Blackrock and Albano.

He answered. "It will be like Vogel. Blackrock and Albano are not really part of my state. They depend a lot on us and do things we ask of them, like changing laws, sending people from their state to ours, and not trading with our enemies.

But these states still have their sovereigns, and they can stop cooperating with the empire at any time. But Vogel is part of my territory, and despite the relative freedom of self-government that the powers in that area have, they must obey me when I order them to do something.

That will be the case with Veora from now on. You will have autonomy in minor matters, but for the most important things, you will have to follow the parameters of the empire".

That came as a relief to the most concerned, who were already thinking about how complicated a major change could be on the eve of a world war.

"What about the local nobles, Your Majesty?" The level 89 woman next to Minos asked.

"You should gather the group of representatives from the local noble families. I want to meet them and have a few words with them. They need to start forming the local noble assembly as soon as possible." Minos said, looking at the Demigods who were already committed to him.

Three of them accepted the mission and soon left to gather the nobles for the meeting with Minos.

One of the remaining Demigods sighed and asked. "When did Your Majesty's forces make progress on the alien technologies? Rumor has it that you are well versed in them."

Minos looked at the level 93 woman and smiled. "The rumors are not untrue. We even have a spaceship that can travel through wormholes. That is something even our allies, who have also received our insights, still have trouble producing."

Upon hearing such a thing, all those left behind opened their eyes in surprise, not believing the rumors to be true.

"Can they really do this?" One man skeptically asked since his stage could barely keep their prototype ship hovering in the air.

Veora had worked hard to improve the alien technologies and had already made great strides in almost every field. However, they were still far from what the world's strongest powers had achieved in recent years.

"Impressive! I didn't think the empire would be so successful! If that's true, they must be on the same level or higher than the elves!" Someone commented.

Hearing this, Minos couldn't help but smile bitterly. 'The elves only have what they have because of me. Without the technologies my people have developed, they would be far behind...'

Minos didn't deny that he had benefited from exchanging information with the elves and other races of the Spiritual World. But he truly believed that he had given much more than he had received, and without his state's efforts, no one else in this world could have made the progress they had made so far.

But he didn't talk about that with these Demigods. He quickly changed the subject to find out what the Veora family had done with alien technologies in the last few years.

Veora had achieved very little compared to what the people of Minos had done, so he didn't pay much attention to their achievements. Nothing they had achieved would contribute to the progress of the empire.

However, this state had things that could help Minos and his people. Not only did Veora have many spiritual professionals of a higher quality than the empire, but it also had mineral, financial, and plant resources.

All this could bring better times to the Black Plain Empire!

'I must warn the government of Dry City to take a close look at what this state has to offer. This is no time to waste opportunities.' He thought as he wrote something down.

The following hours would pass, and the entire capital of Veora and the strongest powers of the state would learn of the tragedy of the Veora family and the beginning of a new local era.

From that day on, Minos Stuart would be the new supreme leader of the state!

At the end of the same day that he arrived in the Veora capital, Minos would receive more of the family's idols before holding a grand meeting with the representatives of the local noble families.

He would use the conversation with these people to explain his plans for the future and the limits and freedoms these people would have within the empire.

Since everyone was already aware of what Minos had done and his current power, no one turned against him, let alone loudly mourned the end of House Veora.

Nothing could be done about the spilled milk, and the local nobles simply accepted the new reality.

Amid this, outside powers would soon learn of Minos' advance and his daring to act belligerently at such a sensitive time for the world!

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