The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 1114 Brothers, hear my Explanations first!

Chapter 1114 Brothers, hear my Explanations first!

Late at night.

The banquet was finally over now.

Ding Xiaoxiao had quietly left the banquet halfway as the atmosphere of the banquet did not suit her quiet cultivation.

She withdrew all her profound animus and blend in with her surroundings quietly as she looked at the night heavens of the Dark Abyssal Realm.

In just a few days, she would be leaving very soon and then she would have to fight with Ji Yuan; this possibility increases each time when she had met him and it was only because he was getting stronger each other.

In short, he is a threat to the Great Demon God’s grand scheme of things.

She was quietly thinking about many other things beside that.

Earlier, Ji Yuan had stunned her by suggesting that she ought to be engaged to her too.

She had replied, “You know that I was only joking, right?”

Ji Yuan had chuckled, “Jokes are only preserved for friends but we are ‘enemies’ so I am taking it seriously.”

She had hummed, “Do you think that by getting engage to me, you won’t be killed by me?”

Ji Yuan had replied with more chuckles, “Of course not. But if I got killed, it means that you will be a widow as well. Hahaha…”

She was a little speechless when she had heard this.

Ding Xiaoxiao muttered to herself, “Maybe if you have said that you like me, I may be a little merciful toward you instead of making me the butt of your cold jokes…”

All of a sudden, she was interrupted by several loud quarrels.

Curious, she saw that it was actually Ji Yuan, Shen Qin, Li Ye and Guo Taiming.

They had thought that there was no one here and had picked this spot here to quarrel.

Guo Taiming said angrily to Ji Yuan, “Brother Ji Yuan, didn’t you promise us not to shown any interest in Maiden Xiaoxiao? And you are even going to be engaged to her. Are we still brothers?”

Li Ye said solemnly, “Brother Ji Yuan, we have met Maiden Xiaoxiao first and we have been though a lot. We understand her more than you understand her.”

“Brother Ji Yuan, you already have a big harem. Why are you doing this to us?” Shen Qin sighed heavily. “To think that we have always treat you as our brothers.”

“You have greatly disappointed us,” Guo Taiming furthered added.

Ji Yuan protested, “This isn’t what you think. Naturally you are all still my brothers and I did it for your sake!”

Guo Taiming hummed coldly, “You have better have a good reason for doing so. But I doubt so.”

“This doesn’t change the fact that you have green us and stolen Maiden Xiaoxiao from us.” Shen Qin hummed coldly.

Li Ye was also nodding.

Ji Yuan pretended to heave a long sigh, “Brothers. You have no idea how heavy the 3 of you weight in my soft and tender heart. Do you agree that Maiden Ding Xiaoxiao is a desolate cultivator and that she is also our enemy?”

Guo Taiming hummed coldly, “And you got engaged to an enemy instead of us. What a joke!”

Shen Qin and Li Ye both said together, “That what I am thinking as well.”

“She is a good desolate cultivator for sure,” Shen Qin added.

Ji Yuan protested, “I am actually trying to sacrifice myself so that I can be a mole so that I can extract information from her.”

Guo Taiming asked curiously, “Why do you want to extract information from her?”

Ji Yuan pretended to sigh heavily before he said solemnly, “In case you guys do not know it yet, she is from the Evil Cultivation Palace.”

Guo Taiming, Li Ye and Shen Qin were all shocked, “She is… really from the Evil Cultivation Palace?”

Ji Yuan nodded, “You have better believed this. You will believe me when we are back to the Celestial Realm. Therefore, she is a direct enemy of our Desolate Celestial Fraternity.”

Li Ye was greatly startled, “How is it possible? Maiden Xiaoxiao has helped us so many times. She doesn’t look like a cultivator from the Evil Cultivation Palace.”

Shen Qin was also startled, “This, are you sure about this? She is really from the Evil Cultivation Palace? Not just a desolate cultivator?”

Guo Taiming was shocked too, “But, but…”

Ji Yuan raised his fingers as he interrupted Guo Taiming, “Have you ever wondered why she is purposely trying to get close to three of you? So that when the times come, the 3 of you won’t be able to have the heart to strike at her…”

Li Ye muttered, “It’s not like we are able to able to defeat her, given her cultivation realm…”

Ji Yuan interrupted Li Ye, “That’s not the point! As the saying goes, striking the heart is more important than winning by brute force! By subduing the 3 of you, she will be sowing a terrible discord between the 4 of us! And she will joyfully delight herself in watching the 4 of us fight among ourselves!”

Shen Qin weakly said, “But do you have any proof?”

Ji Yuan frowned as he patted his heart, “Proof? I can make a bloody oath to my soul heart that Ding Xiaoxiao is from the Evil Cultivation Palace and she serves the Evil Demon God. Not only did they want to take over our Desolate Celestial Realm but they want to take over the entire Celestial Realm as well.”

Shen Qin, Li Ye and Guo Taiming slowly looked at one another…

Ji Yuan further pointed out, “And I stood in their way. The reason why Maiden Ding Xiaoxiao tries to get close to me is because she hopes to become a mole for the Great Demon God by getting close to me. However, I am only pretending not to know her plot and play along with her. Do you all understand me? Do you all know the risks and sacrifices that I have to take?”

Guo Taiming was hesitating now and half of his anger had subsided, “Erm, but why should she do that for? Your cultivation sect is but a poor sect and you are just an average cultivator.”

Shen Qin, Li Ye and Guo Taiming did not know that Ji Yuan had already become a super cultivator and they had not really witnessed his fights or cultivation realm while inside the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth.

Ji Yuan said solemnly, “Although my cultivation sect and I are average but my consorts have a big background. Together, I am a threat. Through me, she will destroy our Desolate Celestial Fraternity. As you know, the cultivators from the Evil Cultivation Sect are very good in evil dual cultivations, seductions and many nefarious profound arts. I am sacrificing myself for all of you!”

Li Ye sighed heavily, “Poor Brother Ji Yuan…”

Shen Qin was also sighing, “We have wronged you and have misunderstood you, Brother Ji Yuan…”

Guo Taiming was also nodding, “We didn’t know that she is from the Evil Cultivation Sect and Maiden Xiaoxiao did not tell us too. Brother Ji Yuan, you will need to have a will of steel in order not to be corrupted by Maiden Xiaoxiao’s great mesmerizing beauty…”

“We wronged you…”

“Please forgive us, Brother Ji Yuan…”

Ji Yuan chuckled loudly, “Don’t forget we are brothers! Of course, I won’t green the 3 of you unless there is a good reason for this…”

A lovely but cold voice had suddenly interrupted Ji Yuan from behind him, “When did I ever seduce you?”

Ji Yuan had suddenly turned ashen.

So did Shen Qin, Li Ye and Guo Taiming.

An extremely alluring maiden in white and like a beautiful white lily had appeared from behind Ji Yuan and it seemed that she had been here for a long time.


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