The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 1124 Countdown by the Evil Cultivation Palace

Chapter 1124 Countdown by the Evil Cultivation Palace

At the Pentecost Mountains of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity, where the Blue Phoenix Sacred Sect is located.

The monstrous floating citadel of the Evil Cultivation Palace floated stationary above it, accompanied by nearly two hundred floating profound ships.

The gigantic shape of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth in the heavens were slowly fading away and there was still half a day before the end of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth.

The common cultivators of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity were all hoping that their ordeal would quickly end when the powerful golden celestials of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity would finally return.

However, there was also a risk that not all the golden celestials would return to oppose the Evil Cultivation God and the Evil Cultivation Palace.

It was because fully 1/5 of the most powerful celestial sects have actually chosen to side with the Evil Cultivation Palace and as many as 1/3 may have chosen to side with the Evil Cultivation Palace

Even for the same celestial sect, the elders and leaders were split; it quickly led to a great division as the cultivators from the same cultivators began to fight against each other.

Those that sided with the Evil Cultivation Palace were allowed to remain in the open and had positions of great power while those that opposed the Evil Cultivation Palace were forced to go into hiding as the entire Desolate Celestial Fraternity were completely taken by the Evil Cultivation Palace and its allies.

The main reason why the Evil Cultivation God was still in the vicinity of the Pentecost Mountains was because the deceased Saintess Fang Zhenfei had become a symbol of resistance against the Evil Cultivation Palace.

It was not just the true cultivators of the Desolate Celestial Fraternity that were fighting the Evil Cultivation Palace but also the common cultivators as well.

Even the orthodox and unorthodox cultivators were united in their resistance against the Evil Cultivation Palace.

For the past several weeks, the rebellious cultivators had been erecting stone statues of the Saintess Fang Zhenfei all over the Pentecost Mountains.

Naturally the statues of the Saintess Fang Zhenfei were all removed quite rapidly once it was found.

Their actions had greatly displeased the Evil Cultivation God.

So the Evil Cultivation God ordered his cultivators to seal off all the villages and the struggling cultivation sect at the Pentecost Mountains. As long as the cultivators were willing to spat at the naked and compromising statues of the Saintess Fang Zhenfei that the Evil Cultivation Palace had erected in all the places, then the cultivators would be given food and water.

This caused a little problem for the 4th realm cultivators that can endure hunger and thirst. And to the 5th realm cultivators and above, it was not a problem since golden celestials did not have to eat or drink.

However, for most of the cultivators that were left behind in the Pentecost Mountains, they were all below the 5th realm cultivation and this became a real issue.

Also, if the cultivators were willing to desecrate the naked statue of Fang Zhenfei that was erected in various compromising positions, they would be given 3 days of ration.

As to how to desecrate the naked statue of Fang Zhenfei, it was to do unspeakable acts to her statue and it was too unspeakable to be mentioned.

The Evil Cultivation God also ordered all the beautiful maidens at the Pentecost Mountains to be taken away to turn them into depraved harlots of the evil cultivators of the Evil cultivation Palace.

As for those cultivators that were hiding in the mountains, legions of cultivators from the Evil Cultivation Palace and her allies combed the mountains on a daily basis.

Most of the mortal cultivators that were left behind by the various villages and cultivation sects were actually the weak, pacifists, the old or the invalid.

And they were left behind to suffer the wrath of the Evil Cultivation Palace.

Although there were many weak, old and invalid in the numerous villages and celestial cultivation sects but they could not forget the kindness of the Saintess Fang Zhenfei when she was alive and they refused to spit or to desecrate her status.

Rather, many of them took great risks to cover the naked statue of the Saintess Fang Zhenfei either with flowers or a cloak.

There were also many cultivators that were hiding in the mountains and they were furious that the Evil Cultivation Palace would dishonor their Saintess Fang Zhenfei in such a manner and this only increases their resolve to fight against the cultivators from the Evil Cultivation Palace.

One must know that while the Saintess Fang Zhenfei was the celestial sect leader of the Blue Phoenix Sacred Sect, the Blue Phoenix Sacred Sect was also 1 of the 7 major orthodox celestial sects in the Desolate Celestial Fraternity.

Therefore, the entire the Pentecost Mountains and its immediately lands were actually the holy land of the Blue Phoenix Sacred Sect.

Even though the Blue Phoenix Sacred Sect was the smallest of the orthodox celestial sect but it still commanded over a hundred celestial cultivation sects in its holy land. And many of the cultivation sects were fiercely loyal to the Saintess Fang Zhenfei as she was a highly regarded saintess.

And her prestige had increased further after she had killed the Desolate Dragon God, one of the True Gods of the Desolate Immortal Realm.

Also, her prestige and the esteem that the cultivators in her holy land and elsewhere had for her, did not decrease with her death.

There were dozens of fighting all over the Pentecost Mountains on a daily basis as the cultivators in hiding fought against the Evil Cultivation Palace from their hideouts in the mountains. Also, they were further aided by the cultivators from the other regions.

However, the fighting was quite small scale as none of them dare to openly challenge the might of the Evil Cultivation Palace directly.

The Evil Cultivation God was in his throne room with the Goddess Alyssa when he had just received word that a scout ship that was sent to the Five Heavens Peaks had completely disappeared.

He frowned at this report, “It is too weird that an entire profound ship just disappeared like this…”

Even though this profound ship was not from the Evil Cultivation Palace, but it was also impossible for it to disappear just like this. (See Chapter 1026 when Great Divine Consort Xu Yifei brought down an entire profound ship).

It was because the Evil Cultivator God had put at least 10 cultivators from the Evil Cultivation Palace in all the profound ships and there were also several incognito cultivators that were mixed among the lowly cultivators too.

Also, he had made sure that there were at least 5 different cultivation sects in every profound ship to prevent a mutiny.

Therefore, something mysteriously at happened to that profound ship.

The Goddess Alyssa said thoughtfully, “It is too sudden. That profound ship under Saint Cao Anhuan may have met with an ambush by the rebels. We should send more profound ships to that region to investigate it more.”

The Evil Cultivation God shook his head, “No. With just half a day more before the end of the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth, we can’t spare any more cultivators. Rather, I want our cultivators to ambush the golden celestials that will be returning.”

He said coldly, “Convey my decree. We shall depart in 2 hours’ time for the mountains where the Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth is. If these golden celestials do not submit to us, then they shall all die.”

The Goddess Alyssa nodded, “Alright then.”

The Evil Cultivation God said gloomily, “Also have Number 2 Murong Yue to be ready to confront the Death God Mingwang and Number 1. If they do not join us, then don’t blame us for allowing Number 2 to kill them.”

But he soon lit a cold smile, “I will soon see my son Yin Wei and Little Princess again. Muhahaha…”

In the dark chamber of the Evil Cultivation Palace.

Number 2 Murong Yue was happily toying with Wang Bashan as she copulated with him and to suck his yang vitality.

Wang Bashan was horrified as he got abused violently by this monster Number 1 that was more monster than the beautiful celestial goddess that he had imagined.

All his initial happiness for the Celestial Realm had vanished, only to be replaced by sheer horror as he was turned into a depraved male harlot of his ‘cultivation mistress’.

His expectations to climb the peak of cultivation had all disappeared as he got ravaged endlessly by Number 2.

Number 2 was delighted as she hissed, “This… Ascended… Celestial is… good… very tough… better than my old toys…”

Her sharp talons broke the face of Wang Bashan as she hissed further, “If you… serve me well… I won’t mistreat you… if you serve me well, I may even give you… one of the beautiful Numbers… to play with… even Number 1…”


Author Note:

1. 3 extra lines of text have been added to the last chapter, as well as some additonal lines in the middle.


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