The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 317 The Most Difficult Trial Ever (7)

<When Ji Yuan has left the alchemist hall, he had not only bedded the head attendant Bai Qianfeng but he had also concocted several profound pills and he had given one to Bai Qianfeng.>

<When Bai Qianfeng had received the profound pill, she was shocked. “This is a sixth rank miracle pill?!”>

<Ji Yuan nodded, “That’s right. And with this, you can be a silver realm cultivator now.”>

<Bai Qianfeng was clearly shocked and words alone could not describe her happiness. If Ji Yuan was not in such a hurry, she would have stripped herself again and surrendered her body to him once again.>

<Ji Yuan smiled, “We will see each other very soon. In another week, I will look for you and help you to become a gold realm cultivator.”>

<Bai Qianfeng was stunned; a gold realm cultivator is already like an elite cultivator already!>

<Ji Yuan coolly said, “Although a gold realm cultivator is considered a high level cultivator but there are many hidden realms above it such as the gold core realm, nascent soul and the divine core realm. And further up is the emperor realm level.”>

<Bai Qianfeng had gasped, “I’ve never heard of these realms before. How did you know so much?”

<Ji Yuan coolly says, “That is because these are immortal realms and I aspire to be a True God in the future. You are really lucky, very lucky to have encountered me. Since we are fated, I will allow you to stay by my side to become my immortal consort in the future then.”>

<Once again, Bai Qianfeng sunk her beautiful head on his bared chest as she gasped, “My lord, I wish to follow you forever!”>

<Ji Yuan patted her bare back as he said solemnly, “If you are ever unfaithful to me then I shall take back the cultivation realms that I’ve bestowed to you. Remember you have my mark in your soul sea now. Unfaithful to me and the wrath of my beastly mark will destroy your cultivation. The name of my beastly mark is 666.”>

Xiang Li said weakly, “Big Brother, in real life, Sister Qianfeng’s cultivation realm is higher than you and she is a real immortal god. Have you forgotten how she has helped you to form your soul core? Your cultivation is shit in her eyes. I am very sure that you’re taking your vengeance on her because this is all the opposite in real life.”

“Come on Xiang Li!” Ji Yuan laughed, “As long as you don’t tell any of them, we are completely safe! Haha.”

He added with a wry grin, “In my story, I am the Alpha of the Alphas! Muhahaha!”

Xiang Li sighed softly; she had wanted to tell him that such a beastly mark to destroy and to track unfaithfulness did not exist but she decided not to argue anymore.

Fairy Anyang was laughing nonstop, “This…is…so…funny…I feel that…I never know that there is a such a funny cultivator in…the…entire…three known realms…”

<After Ji Yuan had left the Alchemist Hall, the Alchemist Grandmaster is staring at the answers that are written in his papers. “WHO IS HE?! Who is the man that says that I should be a farmer instead of an alchemist?!”>

<Bai Qianfeng and many of the attendants are all thinking, “This Ji Yuan is going to be a dead man soon…”>𝓝𝑂𝓥𝗲𝐿𝓝𝚎xt.𝕔𝑶𝑚

<The Alchemist Grandmaster howled loudly, “He is right, he is right! I should be a farmer instead of an alchemist! Why didn’t I think of such a simple solution myself! He must be a high ranking alchemist and a bona fide genius! Quick! Find him for me! I want to be his disciple!”

<Everyone is shocked!>

<Their alchemist grandmaster who is the top alchemist in Glory City will actually want to be a disciple of a kid?!>

<The Alchemist Grandmaster grabs hold of Bai Qianfeng, “Quick! Tell me who is he and where is he?”

<Bai Qianfeng stammers, “His name is Ji Yuan but I have no idea where he is…”>

<The Alchemist Grandmaster looks extremely disappointed but he is soon shouting, “Next time when he has come, quickly let me know at once. AT ONCE! No matter how buzy I am, I want to meet him AT ONCE!”>

<“Wait a minute. This golden pass. Isn’t this golden pass issue by my grand-daughter Jiajia?” The Alchemist Grandmaster holds the gold pass with trembling fingers. “Find me Jiajia quickly! I want to find this man at all costs!”>

<Then he was laughing madly, “I can even marry Jiajia to him…”

<He soon walked to the alchemist room where Ji Yuan was in earlier and he is suddenly sniffing with shock, “This is…”>

<On the table are a few bottles of residue liquid and that is where the aromatic fragrance has come from. “This is an instant level up concoctions! This man must be a genius! Genius, genius! Even if my Jiajia doesn’t want to marry him, I will tie her naked and sends her to this man to be his bride!”

Ji Yuan laughed jovially, “Even if Jiajia is too busy for me, she will be forced to be my future consort now!”

Xiang Li rolled her eyes as she muttered weakly, “Big Brother, you are mixing reality and fiction now. Please wake up to your senses. The real Jiajia is still very busy to have much time with you.”

“Nonsense! Jiajia is only too shy to date me openly. She is actually dying to be with me all the time.” Ji Yuan declared proudly.

Xiang Li: …

“You know. Since you’re so eager to bang Jiajia, why don’t you make her into an older maiden so you can actually bang her?”

Ji Yuan frowned. “Jiajia has to be my classmate then the story will be perfected. Because if we are in the same class then we can meet every day…”

p “Xiang Li, what if I am drunken one day and Jiajia decides to take advantage of me? That’s it! Then I won’t be in the FBI blacklist because she is the one that is taking the initiative!”

Xiang Li: …

“But that has to be waited for a little while. I have not written the Auction House arc yet where I will meet Sisi and the Trading House arc where I will meet Maiden Feng…”

Xiang Li was suddenly startled when she noticed that Fairy Anyang was smiling all of a sudden, “You’re right. This master of ours is really interesting. His story is really interesting.”

Xiang Li frowned, “He is only writing soft porn. What is so interesting about it?”

Fairy Anyang chuckled, “He is really very faithful to his beloveds.”

Xiang Li began to flush and giggle at the same time, “Indeed!”

Ji Yuan was now asking Xiang Li, “I have three interesting arc to write. Which one do you want me to write first?”

“One; I’m going to the Trading House where I will be showing off my 100% chance to make profound pills of any ranks. There, I will meet Maiden Feng and of course, there will be some troublesome suitors for me to settle because they are my rivals in love. But afterward, Maiden Feng will be so impressed by me that she will give her heart to me. At the same time, I will be super rich and from here, I will build a huge trading empire that rule the entire Divine Continent!”

Xiang Li smiled weakly; Yea and you forget that except for Glory City, all the other parts of the Divine Continent are enveloped in the Age of Darkness now. So good luck with your get rich dream!

But she pretended to giggle, “Big Brother, this is such an interesting story arc. I want to hear it!”

“Wait Xiang Li! I’m not done yet!” Ji Yuan laughed jovially. “Or shall I write the Auction House first where I will meet Sisi next? Well, Sisi will be disguising herself as an old woman and I will disguise myself as an old man…”

Xiang Li interrupted curiously, “You know how to disguise?”

Ji Yuan laughed, “My Demonic Book of Darkness allows me to change to any look, alter even my profound animus to anything else and I can even become a woman or a demon. My disguise will be super perfect that no one will be able to see through my disguise!”

Xiang Li smiled weakly, “That is really impressive…”

“I will see through Sisi’s disguise instantly of course. Because in my presence, no one, not even the Evil Emperor can see through my disguise but I can see through all their disguises!”

Xiang Li rolled her eyes; Yea, how did you die in the first place. Why don’t you disguise yourself then…

“The third one is even more interesting I think.” Ji Yuan chuckled. “I will have all my beloved maidens taking the cultivation tests and they will awe everyone with their impressive perfect 10! And they will pass with passing colors and be allowed to go to a better cultivation school. As for me, I will be super humble and I will only have a just pass so that no one can know my true god-like ability!”

Xiang Li rolled her eyes; if they all go to a better cultivation school while you stay in a lousy one, how do you stay as classmates in the first place…

“So Xiang Li, which one should I write next?” Ji Yuan grinned.

Xiang Li giggled, “Which one do you want to bang next?”

Ji Yuan laughed jovially, “Xiang Li, you really know me best. Very well, I shall write about Feng Minyue next. Haha.”


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