The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 326 The Trial Of The Transmigration (3)

Xiang Li was saying to Ji Yuan, “Big Brother, do you think it is really alright for you to hands off from them?”

Ji Yuan laughed, “Why not? They’re all cultivators with pride. We shouldn’t tamper too much with them lest it may affect their future cultivation growth.”

“But do you remember that the slimy trial spirit says that they are all failures in the mortal realm?” Xiang Li pointed out.

Ji Yuan chuckled, “Of course they are failures. They can’t ascend to the Celestial Realm. If they can ascend to the Celestial Realm like my Sect Elder Li Ye then they would all be a fifth realm celestial and not some lowly first and second realm cultivators.”

Fairy Anyang suddenly said with a bitter look at both Ji Yuan and Xiang Li, “They look like epic failures in life. I’ve overheard some of them mentioning that they had died in the most unusual way or was a total failure in life. In short, they are losers in the Mortal Realm.”

Ji Yuan: …

“May I remind you that this is a fifth level difficulty trial and not a first level difficulty trial.” Fairy Anyang pointed out further.

“I didn’t think of this.” Ji Yuan was suddenly putting his palm on his face. “Darn, this may not be an ‘Easy Trial’ now.”

But he brightened immediately, “But hey, maybe they are a failure in the Mortal Realm but it doesn’t mean that they are a failure now.”

Fairy Anyang smiled, “Master, you’re a little too optimistic. These mortal cultivators will find it difficult to overcome their heart demons in order to become a true cultivator. The Trial Spirit is merely using these failures to test you. You’re the test subject and not them.”

Ji Yuan was smiling bitterly now, “Why didn’t you say so earlier.”

Fairy Anyang giggled, “That is because I’m not as smart as you.”

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He muttered weakly, “Well, thank you for your high praises. I really appreciate it…”

But he was soon laughing out loud, “Fairy Anyang, I was almost fooled by you. What is so difficult about some second and third rank desolate monsters? I can fight these monsters with my eyes closed and moreover there are five thousands of them. I highly doubt that they are foolish enough to challenge a rare fourth rank desolate monster. Worse come to worse, they can overcome the fourth rank desolate monster with their sheer numbers alone. Haha.”

There were many chattering among the five thousand cultivators as they walked into the forest ahead of them; many of them were busy trying to get to know one another and to form possible alliances.

However there were also many lone figures as well for many of them were actually Otakus.

All these mortal cultivators all had a different background and had come from many different mortal realms.

After walking for a while, a small group consisting of a few dozen began to form from the five thousand mortal cultivators.

A beefy mortal cultivator was the group leader of this small group and he suddenly turned to shout at everyone, “Listen up. We are the alphas here while the rest of you are the betas and the omegas. If you want to live, you’ve better listen to my orders. Your leader name is Gao Kao.”

A nearby mortal cultivator immediately protested, “What are you trying to do…”


Immediately the mortal cultivator that had protested was headshot by a pistol that was in the hands of the beefy mortal cultivator who had called himself Gao Kao.

Many of the mortal cultivators were terrified by the sudden loud bang and many were wondering what sort of weapon it really was!

One of Gao Kao’s subordinate immediately fired his machine gun on a tree; the rapid strafing were so loud but swift that everyone could see that the tree’s bark was being torn apart rapidly!

Many of the cultivators were stunned by what they were seeing…

It was only then that they noticed that Gao Kao’s group consists entirely of a group that was all carrying some weird black weapons that could fire projectiles.

“Defy us and your fate will be the same as him.” Gao Kao smirked coldly.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Another mortal cultivator wielding the same type of weapon as them asked with shock as he raised his firearm in alarm in their direction.

Not all the mortal cultivators wielding firearms had joined Gao Kao though and this mortal cultivator was one of them.

Gao Kao stared coldly at him, “You’re from my era too. Surely you don’t want to join these peasants. Since you’ve a firearm, join us then and we can become the immortal gods of this new world. We can conquer the new world together.”

​ “This is a Hungry Game where only the fittest of the fit can survive. Didn’t you hear what that Trial Spirit had said earlier? We can become real cultivators if we can reach the top of the mountain.”

“In this type of trial, naturally the first one to reach the very top will have the greatest power and we aim to obtain this godly power for ourselves so that we can conquer this new world.”

“You’re all reincarnated here. Therefore you’re fit to carry our shoes for us.”

“As you can all see, our group has the strongest fire power here. Submit to us and we can ensure that we can carry everyone to the summit with little causalities.”

“Firstly of all, we want all the pretty women here to submit to us.”

“Secondly, we will be dividing everyone into small teams of 100. Every one of you will take turn to walk in front of us…”

All of a sudden a loud roar had burst out of nowhere as a terrifying winged lizard had suddenly leapt into view and snapping off the head of Gao Kao in an instant.

This terrifying winged lizard towered three times the height of the tallest man in the group and was only a second rank desolate monster.

Many of the mortal cultivators who had firearms reacted immediately by shooting at the terrifying winged lizard.

Multiple strafing of glowing fire began to rain upon the terrifying winged lizard as the guns wielding cultivators screamed for blood to avenge their dead leader.

The entire body of the terrifying winged lizard began to explode with multiple bursts impact that would surely tear any of the cultivators that were presented apart.

But not this second rank desolate beast; it was because it was protected by an invisible profound animus that rendered most physical attacks futile.

Another mortal cultivator yelled aloud as he fired a RPG, “Everyone, get out of my way!”

The rocket struck the head of the terrifying winged lizard and exploded mightily.

Everyone was heaving relief as they were all sure that this terrifying winged lizard would not survive such a terrible implosion on its head.

But to the astonishment of the cultivators, this terrifying winged lizard only had an injured eye but the injured eye was quickly covered by slime and in the next instant, the eye had fully regenerated!

Everyone was rendered speechless by what they were seeing.

“Attack it together! Don’t hesitate!” A mortal cultivator furthest away shouted but he was already moving away.

“I’ve seen Jurassic Park. You can easily dodged it…”

All of a sudden that talking cultivator and several cultivators were snapped into two by its tail. Several more were also sent flying away with severe injuries.

Before the cultivators could react further, the terrifying winged lizard had flagged its wings; in a blink of an eye, it had flagged its wings more than 10 times and its razor sharp feathers were killing dozens and sending dozens more flying all around with the windforce that it was stirring!

Many of the mortal cultivators were staring with great horror, staring with disbelief at what they were actually seeing.

Many were so paralyzed with fright that they were unable to even move.

A mortal cultivator shouted at the top of his voice, “I’m a cultivator from the mortal realm and we have these kinds of monsters from where I am from. You need to exert your strength through your inner cultivation core and only your profound strength can hurt these monsters! Throw away your useless missile weapons and slash it with your melee weapons! If you don’t have a melee weapon, pick up a rock and channel your profound energies into the rock before hurling it at the monster!”

This mortal cultivator was actually right; only profound strength can penetrate the profound defenses of the desolate beasts and halted its rapid regeneration.

Otherwise, all the non-profound attacks were largely futile against the desolate beasts. The higher rank desolate beasts from the fourth rank onward were completely immune to most firearms, even a cruise missile.

As for the sixth rank and above desolate monsters, they could survive even a nuclear bombardment and can be called the ‘Godzilla’ by the modern mortal cultivators.

In the Celestial Realm, profound strength is the ultimate key to survival.

Just as dozens of mortal cultivators were brandishing their weapons panicky, a dozen more of these terrifying winged lizards had suddenly emerged from the tall overgrowth and were slaughtering everyone in their line of sight.


These terrifying wing lizards had been attracted by the loud sounds of the firearms.

Sensing no profound energies in the direction of the loud commotions which indicated there was actually little or no threat and possibly a good meal, these desolate monsters quickly arrived at the scene.

The sudden bloodbath had also attracted a few third rank desolate beasts as well; several muscular lion-like desolate monsters had also appeared out of the blue.

Many of the mortal cultivators were training their firearms against these muscular lion-like desolate monsters and were horrified that their bullets were falling off like sands against the fur of these monsters.

“What the heck?!”

“What is going on?”

“How come our weapons are not working against these monsters?!”

“Everyone, run!”

These desolate monsters were actually quite startled to see so many cultivators in the vicinity but when they saw that these cultivators were moving like in a slow motion manner, the slaughter feist against the cultivators were quickly started.

All the mortal cultivators were stunned to see that these desolate monsters were everywhere and were so agile that they could not even land a hit against them. Instead, these desolate monsters were moving so fast that they were like a blur flash.

A mortal cultivator had raised his shotgun against one of the terrifying flying lizards and he was quickly stunned; this terrifying flying lizard had simply raised its talon to parry all the shotgun pellets.

He was shocked, “This monster can see my bullets?!”

But before he could react further, his head was beheaded by one of the terrifying flying lizard’s wing feather in a casual manner and at the same time, more than a dozen nearby mortal cultivators had also died in a blink of an eye, killed by the same monster.


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